• 主题教学信息技术支持下的外语教学方法

    Topic-based teaching mode is a kind of foreign language teaching method aided by information technology.


  • 大多数已知例子装饰着主题用铅笔画的风格

    Most of the known examples of the copper red were decorated with motif executed in pencilled style.


  • 利用信息用户查询日志中提取短语通用词典结合构建主题词典。

    According to their mutual information, phrases are extracted from the log and they are combined with a general dictionary to construct a topic-specific dictionary.


  • 会员接受俱乐部邀请参加俱乐部组织各类主题活动休闲旅游聚餐

    Members can accept club invitation to attend all kinds of theme club activity: E. g. leisure travel, dinner, etc.


  • 会员接受俱乐部邀请参加俱乐部组织各类主题活动休闲旅游聚餐

    Memberss can accept club invitation to attend all kinds of theme club activity: E. g. leisure travel, dinner, etc.


  • 评论家认为这部剧“大家熟悉米勒主题的拙劣翻版”。

    The critic found the play "a feeble rehash of familiar Miller themes."


  • 正如作者欣然宣布再次写出主题男人检视自己(的男子汉气概)。

    As the author readily admitted, he was again dealing with the Mailer theme of man testing himself.


  • 对于请求当前用户授权这一典型情况使用主题技术

    You would use the implicit subject technique for the typical case of requesting authorization for the current user.


  • 再比如,准备一次大会议程,你也是先抓住那些首先入脑海的相关主题

    You need to create an agenda for the staff meeting, so you start picking off topics that start rolling through your mind that might be relevant.


  • 系列文章将介绍函数编程相关主题内容不仅限于函数编程语言。

    This series explores the subject of functional programming but isn't solely about functional programming languages.


  • 主题设定始于创造充满欢声笑语的氛围船型花园,再以内省月球观察点遗产花园中的深奥结束

    Themes begin with laughter and kinder-ship gardens and end with introspective moon watching and the profundity of legacy gardens.


  • 不知所云聆听确信正在谈论主题超过了你的理解范围,于是起身离开至少也是心猿意马

    Over-My-Head2 Listening: You are convinced that the subject is beyond you, so you depart, at least in spirit.


  • 如果当打开一种关系已经更改那么您需要弹出菜单中选择Refresh或者关闭再打开这个主题图来使其更新

    If a relationship has been changed after the diagram is open, you need to select Refresh from the diagram pop-up menu or close and open the topic diagram to get it updated.


  • 内心排斥聆听:对于某些主题自己观点愿意听到之相左的见解。

    That's-What-You-Think" Listening: You have your own pet ideas on certain subjects. You don't like to hear anything which might make you question them.


  • 人们可以什么写什么——换话说,就是乌托邦理想“无论,我能用自己能胜任的,任何写作任何主题

    One can write just anything one wants to--in other words, the utopian vision of "no matter who I am, I have access to absolutely any forms and themes I care to work with."


  • 这种分布情况下代理互相通信从而共同管理主题有关消息的发布和订阅

    In such a distributed case, physical brokers communicate with each other to jointly manage topics and the publication and subscription of messages.


  • 使用主题方法可以传入任何用户主题确定他们是否具有执行某项操作的权限。

    The explicit subject method enables you to pass in the subject of any user and determine if they are authorized to perform an action.


  • 添加使得可以允许关键字主题结构不仅仅允许API名称主题结构内可以用短语

    This addition makes the class library phrases available within topic structures that allow keywords and not just in topic structures that explicitly allow API names.


  • 信息管理一个庞大主题涉及到有关内容管理策略分布访问联合安全性讨论

    Information management is a huge topic that can involve discussions of content-management strategies, distributed access, federated security, and much more.


  • 为了给顾客进入银行的时候提供一种可触碰自然清爽气氛艾曼纽建筑设计公司采用的开放天空设计主题

    Upon entering the bank premises Emmanuelle Moureaux architecture + design sought to generate an invigorating atmosphere with a palpable sense of nature based on an open sky motif.


  • 世博开幕选择音乐人们更加深切地感受到了上海世博的主题,音乐是似乎是全世界最流畅沟通工具

    "The opening ceremony chooses music people felt the Shanghai world abundant this subject, music are sincerely as if are the world smoothest communication tools."


  • 嵌入硬件中的电源管理一个高级主题而且容易出错所以这项工作交给专门代码处理

    Power management on embedded hardware is an advanced topic, and it is easy to get it wrong; instead, just hand the job off to the specialized code provided.


  • 为了今年主题维多利亚蒸汽庞克”相符合,展览会上模特们都穿上,带上了假发,手拿雨伞,营造过去影像

    In keeping with this year's theme, "Victorian Steam Punk," models were costumed in hoop skirts, wigs and umbrellas conjuring up images of the past.


  • 不是一开始就要介绍函数编程所有相关主题,而是关注几个关键概念以及这些概念所产生的有趣影响

    Rather than try to tackle the entire subject of functional programming out of the gate, I'll focus on several key concepts and follow some interesting implications derived from those concepts.


  • 还记得吗一个TOPIC对象访问授予主题TOPIC所在位置以及位置以下所有主题字符串的访问权。

    Remember that access to a topic object implicitly grants access to any topic strings at or below that topic in the topic tree.


  • 数据存储能力爆炸增长快速网络通信协议使得组织能够收集存储有关特定主题的超大信息量。

    The explosive growth in data-storage capabilities and rapid network communication protocols has allowed organizations to collect and store a staggering amount of information on specific topics.


  • 近几年来,编程语言一个重要主题已经转向函数编程的观念

    One of the important themes in programming languages over recent years has been a move to embrace ideas from functional programming.


  • 哈利波特魔法世界主题公园开幕上,烟火霍格沃兹城堡上空绽放。

    Fireworks explode over the Hogwarts Castle as part of the grand opening celebration at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando Resort theme park.


  • 哈利波特魔法世界主题公园开幕上,烟火霍格沃兹城堡上空绽放。

    Fireworks explode over the Hogwarts Castle as part of the grand opening celebration at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando Resort theme park.


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