• 本文一部分着重研究了利用互联网环境中超文本链接结构信息改善提高主题萃取主题发现技术。

    The first part of this dissertation focuses on the improvement of topic distillation and exploration with the aid of the linkage analysis.


  • 介绍了主题发现技术思路,同时分析了主题发现的相关核心技术典型应用系统最后提出主题发现解决的一些问题

    The technical thinking of topic discovery is introduced. Its core technologies and typical applications are analyzed. Finally, the paper points out the problems to be solved in topic discovery.


  • 可能会发现更多其他主题证据

    You might find more evidence for other themes.


  • 为她的新书做研究时,她发现了一份十六世纪的法语手稿,其中包括近一千套说明,其主题涵盖了从工具制作到寻找最好的沙子等内容。

    While doing research for her new book, she came across a 16th century French manuscript (手稿) consisting of nearly 1,000 sets of instructions, covering subjects from tool making to finding the best sand.


  • 随着对这一主题深入讨论我们发现上述理论都出现了明显漏洞矛盾

    In the further discussion of the subject we find in both these groups of authors remarkable evasions and inconsequences.


  • 采访科学家时,她发现跌宕起伏能手,在他们科学主题限定的不可预期

    She interviews scientists, and she is a pro at finding the quirky, unexpected moment within the topic of their science.


  • 尽管已经偏离记忆主题科学家们研究发现人们相信不管发生什么意料之外或是重要事情他们都能注意到

    While it veers off the topic of memory, in the study researchers also found that people tend to believe they will notice whenever something unexpected or important happens.


  • 说到《灭绝边缘大象》一书所有缺点,虽说涉及到的主题鲜为人知、引人入胜,但是发现书中缺少事实依据充斥着主观意见,这令人失望至极。

    For all its faults, Elephants on the Edge deals with a fascinating and little-understood subject, which makes it doubly disappointing to find it so devoid of facts and overstuffed with opinion.


  • 肯尼迪博士发现在整个过程一些关键短语主题词语定期出现恰好匹配12音符音阶间距

    Dr Kennedy discovered that some key phrases, themes and words occurred during regular intervals throughout, which matched the spacing in the 12 note scale.


  • 非常喜欢这个主题写作过程然而几天发现自己简单点卡住了。

    I greatly enjoy the topic and the writing process, however there are days that I find myself, simply put, feeling stuck.


  • 广泛的元数据使得主题容易发现

    Extensive metadata to make topics easier to find.


  • 寻找生命意义我们生活一个永恒主题我们各种不同的方法尝试发现

    The search for meaning is a constant theme in our lives and we try to find it in many different ways.


  • 这些一个共同主题找到真正的自己发现你自己能够成功的事情成长过程热爱大自然

    These books all have a common theme to them: finding yourself, figuring out you have control over what you can do, and loving nature in the process.


  • 考察设计模式集合发现除了主题之外,设计模式可以更小的集合组成。

    As you explore design patterns and collections, you'll find that, in addition to topics, a design pattern can aggregate smaller collections.


  • 拍摄主要景点然后致力于发现不太为人所值得一拍的主题

    I photograph the main attraction and then discover the lesser known yet still photo-worthy subjects.


  • 有时候就是改变看待考虑这个行业方式,这样你发现很多全新博客主题等着你

    Sometimes all you have to do is change the way you look and think about your industry and you'll discover a whole new bevy of blog topics just waiting to be written about!


  • 此类搜索不是为了得到一个心里特定结果更多希望发现关于主题的最新新闻

    These type of searches aren’t performed with a particular result in mindmore in the hope of finding out the latest news about a topic.


  • 模式发现特定业务领域重复出现主题

    Patterns are themes that have been found to occur repeatedly in particular business areas.


  • 篇文章大家介绍如何更改主题背景发现隐藏背景,以及桌面上建立背景幻灯

    In thisarticle we will show you how to change themes and backgrounds, findhidden themes, and create a background slideshow on your desktop.


  • 然后检查欧盟委员会对于同一主题声明如果发现两者之间有任何重大区别那么你就配得起所能给予更高奖赏

    Then check the European commission's statements on the same subjects; if you can spot any substantial difference, you deserve a higher reward than I can afford to give you.


  • 如果想举行一个主题婚礼,你发现确定蒙彼利埃黑色伴娘礼服更难

    In case you are planning for a theme wedding then you will find it even more difficult to finalize your Montpelier Black Bridesmaid Dresses.


  • 如果维基上查阅自己熟知的主题发现信息大致都是正确的。

    If you look up a subject you know about on Wikipedia, you will find that it mostly gets things right.


  • 如果再三考虑,你会发现具体的论文主题往往给你足够视角写出一份篇幅的论文。

    The most specific subject will always have enough aspects to furnish a long paper, if you think about it for a while.


  • 今天发文原本应该短小精悍发现关于今天的特殊主题太多的话要说

    Today's post was originally going to also be short and sweet, but I found I had a lot more to say about today's particular topic.


  • 仔细观察看板图,发现上面表达了三项主题——时间任务团队

    Looking closely at Kanban Boards, you can find three things expressed on them - time, task, and team.


  • 学习努力观察主题成为一部分发现特别之处。

    Learn to look very hard at your subject, become absorbed in it and try and discover something extraordinary for yourself.


  • 如果发现概念主题支持任务主题,就可能表明需要继续编写

    Finding task topics that are not supported by concept topics may indicate that additional writing is required.


  • 本月演讲主题快乐”找寻资料时,我发现戴尔·卡内基的《如何停止忧虑开始新生活一书

    When I was looking for a book related to our monthly theme of Happiness, I found a book by Dale Carnegie entitled How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.


  • 处理上述两种写作题目时写作者可能发现,对主题进行再分是多么必要

    In treating either of these last two subjects, the writer would probably find it necessary to subdivide one or more of the topics here given.


  • 发现为了集合表示高层关系可以集合创建主题的关系。

    You'll also find that, to represent a high-level relationship with a collection, you can create a relationship to the root topic for the collection.


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