• 明显,主审法官熟记历史

    It is clear that the judge has the history books in mind.


  • 主审法官努力试图让司法混乱恢复秩序这个征兆并不

    Once again, the omens weren't good with the trial judge struggling to bring order to what had become judicial chaos.


  • 宣布刑期时要宣读受害人陈述主审法官那时许可进一步声明

    Victims' statements are heard at the time of sentencing and the judge has said that he will allow further representations to be made at that time.


  • 这个案子主审法官星期二在关于判决听证会宣布推迟宣判

    The judge presiding over the case delayed announcing a decision during Tuesday's sentencing hearing.


  • 罗特主审法官埃利斯三世陪审团公务行为定义过于宽泛

    Trout said the trial judge, T. S. Ellis III, gave the jury a definition of official acts that was too broad.


  • 媒体的焦光灯如此穷追不舍,以致于那种马戏团般的氛围甚至波及到主审法官

    The spotlight was so unrelenting that the circus atmosphere affected even the judge.


  • 主审法官开庭后宣布退出审判,但没有说明原因案件交由上诉法院受理

    The presiding judge recused himselves he didn't say why, and referred the case to an appeal court to select a replacement.


  • 九城曾邀请对方辩护律师主审法官前往公司实地查看辩护律师最终放弃权利。

    Cities ever also invited counsel for the defence of the other side to reach advocate examine on the spot toward the company before careful judge, but counsel for the defence is final nonuser .


  • 双方同意如就上述文件是否涉及法律专业特权问题有任何争议,则主审法官作出裁定

    The parties agreed that any dispute as to the question of privilege attaching to the documents sought to be produced would be left to the trial judge to decide.


  • 首先现实生活中的一个真实案例切入点通过分析主审法官遇到困境提出问题

    First of all, taking a real case as point of cut-in and raising the question through analyzing the dilemma that the judge encountered;


  • 主审法官Ulrich Wiechers沉思着说能够阅读诗歌,没必要非得同时懂得诗意思。”

    “If you are able to read the words of a poem, you haven’t necessarily also understood its meaning,” mused Ulrich Wiechers, the presiding judge.


  • 周一拘留听证会结束后,他被拘留在离公共拘留所很近的地方,主审法官德雷克声称还有名合伙人。

    After the custody hearing on Monday, which was closed to the public, the presiding judge said Mr Breivik claimed there were two other cells working with him.


  • 十七年前已经开始她的联邦法官工作。如果得到证实,她成为最高法院唯一一位主审法官

    She has began a federal judge for seventeen years. If confirmed, she will be the only one on the court who was a trial judge.


  • 考虑名货车司机违反《废物处置条例》再次定罪,主审法官认为判处监禁作警惕。

    Having considered that the truck driver was convicted for repeated violations of the WDO, the Magistrate decided that a prison sentence was required to deter future contraventions.


  • 德国主审法官可以随时根据案件情况提起调解德国民事诉讼法中明确规定法官调解义务

    Germany, the trial judge may initiate mediation at any time under circumstances of the case, the German Code of Civil Procedure also specifies the obligations of the judge's conditions.


  • 作为卡尔扎伊反对者领导国会发言人高等法院主审法官呼吁(民众)冷静要求今天发生的一切作出调查

    The speaker of parliament, who is a leading rival of Karzai, and the chief justice of the Supreme Court also called for calm and for an investigation into the day's events.


  • 周一开庭主要是程序性的,之后主审法官AhmedRifaat宣布,“为了公众利益”,之后的审判过程不再允许电视直播。

    After a mostly procedural session on Monday, presiding judge Ahmed Rifaat declared that "in the public interest", television cameras will be barred from future sittings of the court.


  • 于是Love Kourlis女士建议推行一些新的规则民事案件主审法官应该得到更多权力审核规定每一个案件可以搜索信息数量

    So Ms Love Kourlis suggests some new rules. Judges in civil cases, she says, need more power to assess and define the appropriate amount of information that can be sought in each case.


  • 此前,ITC调查小组主审行政法官认定苹果公司和ResearchinMotion公司并未侵犯柯达公司相关专利

    The ITC staff had concluded and a chief administrative law judge had determined that Apple and Research in Motion (RIMM) were not in violation of Kodak's disputed patents.


  • 此前,ITC调查小组主审行政法官认定苹果公司和ResearchinMotion公司并未侵犯柯达公司相关专利

    The ITC staff had concluded and a chief administrative law judge had determined that Apple and Research in Motion (RIMM) were not in violation of Kodak's disputed patents.


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