• 紫外线打出皆大欢喜”,在它的照射下光顾一连杜邦咖啡店顾客显得生了坏疽的尸首

    Tout Va Bien in ultraviolet rays that make the clients of the Dupont chain cafés look like gangrened cadavers.


  • 其它参数设置的 attributename需要任何Perl 转化可以处理C字符一样处理其它字符)。

    Other arguments (the attribute and name arguments to set needn't do any kind of Perl gyrations and can treat strings as normal C strings).


  • 如果数据可以容易地表示简单对象不是字符数字这种分离时,它会有用。

    This is useful if your data is easily expressed as simple objects, rather than as separate values like strings and Numbers.


  • 在它旁边另一个浮标看上去中间着绳子块越野滑雪板

    Beside it another buoy looks like two cross-country skis with wire strung between them.


  • 但是幽默演讲并不仅仅戏剧演出那样,是固定好的一连笑话

    But a humorous speech isn't a series of jokes like a stand-up comedy routine.


  • 变量可以一个整数字符那样简单可以多维数组或对象那样复杂。

    The variable could be as simple as an integer or a string or as complex as a multidimensional array or an object.


  • 并且台usb设备可能还有字符描述符提供厂商、设备名或者序列号这样附加信息

    Furthermore, a USB device might also have string descriptors to provide additional information such as vendor name, device name, or serial Numbers.


  • 站中那个86探测器组成神经系统巨大珍珠项链深入冰层

    The instrument's nervous system comprises 86 strands of light detectors, stretching down into the ice sheet like oversize strings of pearls.


  • 因此这样使用字符处理最好办法不过也是维护起来困难开发人员最难理解的方法。

    So working with strings like this is really the best optionbut it's also the option that's hardest to maintain, and hardest to understand for new developers.


  • 使用文本索引使文档搜索的效率大大提高因为需要进行字符匹配那样查询检查文本数据。

    Using a text index makes document search much more efficient, as the text data does not need to be examined at query time like it is done with sub-string matching.


  • 相似的,ISBNOCLC控制LCCN以及图书馆条码号这些识别符重要字符,它们都是识别指示符,但是作用的大小各不同

    Similarly, "identifiers" such as ISBN, OCLC number, LCCN, and library barcode number are used as key strings but are only identity indicators with varying strengths.


  • 从前那个一格一格变高电量指示一样的竖长条不见了,取而代之的是苹果风格的一向上的的弧形组成的扇形,并不是惟一区别

    Instead of the usual ascending bars-of-power, you now have the Apple style upside down arcs, but that’s not the only difference.


  • 任何数量可以装卸部分眼睛或者其它的珠可能使小狗窒息

    Any small, removable parts, such as eyes, or strings, can be a choking a hazard to a puppy.


  • 然后这个前缀对象那样用来调用 throwException()方法,调用时以一个错误字符作为参数

    The prefix is then used much like an object name to call the throwException() method with an error string as the argument.


  • opensecrets.org这种网站公布了一连数据表明美国公司工业利益集团游说和从事选举活动的费用。

    Websites such as opensecrets.org publish a torrent of data showing how much American companies, industries and interest groups spend on lobbying and electioneering.


  • 例如一个字节数组作为字符检索时,它看起来有些 [B@4f25045a。

    For example, when retrieved as a string, a byte array will look something like [B@4f25045a.


  • 最后函数使用file_get _ contents调用url如果提供字符是以一个受支持协议(比如HTTP)开头的话,读取文件一样读取url。

    Finally, the function calls the URL using file_get_contents , which will read a URL like a file if the string provided begins with a supported protocol such as HTTP.


  • 代码往常一样键入字符

    Type your string as you would normally within your code.


  • 还有,BK作为快餐业代表,他们生产很简单产品,鸡肉却添加了一连成分

    Once again, as is typical with the fast food industry, they took a simple thing like chicken, and added a long list of ingredients.


  • 字符只是字符列表语法代称而已,[1,2,3]这样列表1:2:3:的语法代称。

    Strings are simply syntactic sugar for a list of characters, and lists such as [1, 2, 3] are syntactic sugar for 1:2:3: .


  • 如果1.0那样作为字符匹配使用xsstring类型转换函数

    To have them matched as strings, as was the case in 1.0, use the xs: string casting function.


  • 随着电影“阿达“热映,一连的3D电影也好莱坞获得不错的成绩爱丽丝梦游仙境”,“驯龙高手创造了不凡的票房纪录。

    With the success of "Avatar," a cluster of 3-D movies, including "Alice in Wonderland" and "How to Train Your Dragon", are making their mark in Hollywood.


  • 随便瞟一眼哪个父母Facebook页面认为为人父母一连风景绝佳的享乐快照:充满阳光有吃不完冰激凌圣代还有美得令人窒息的道彩虹

    Glance at any parent's Facebook page, and you'd think that parenthood is a picture-perfect joyride, filled with constant sunshine, never-ending ice cream sundaes and breathtaking double rainbows.


  • 标签必须设置一个字符资源参照值这样能够其他字符一样用户界面上显示。

    The label should be set as a reference to a string resource, so that it can be localized like other strings in the user interface.


  • 马路上了厚厚的地毯上去发出咯吱咯吱的声音留下深深的脚印

    Like on the road covered with a thick layer of carpet, walk to squelching sound, leaving a string of deep footprints.


  • 倒着一个喇叭,又美丽项链

    Backwards look like a small horn, like a string of beautiful necklace.


  • 雨点线珠子一滴地掉雨水汇成的水洼上面

    The rain off the line like a string of beads, drop out into the sink in the rain puddles above.


  • 蜜蜂其它的小蜜蜂相同每天拎著花篮采蜜,每天漂亮花儿去,勤劳地工作著。

    There was a small bee bee the same as any other day carrying a small basket of flowers honey, every day in the beautiful flowers in the string to string, industrious work with.


  • 蜜蜂其它的小蜜蜂相同每天拎著花篮采蜜,每天漂亮花儿去,勤劳地工作著。

    There was a small bee bee the same as any other day carrying a small basket of flowers honey, every day in the beautiful flowers in the string to string, industrious work with.


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