• 甲虫幼虫含有独特的化学成分从猎食它们鸟类羽毛血液可以找到这种成分的痕迹。

    The beetle larvae have a distinct chemical make-up, which can be traced through the feathers and blood of birds that eat them.


  • 雄性天堂鸟可能会最佳场合展示华美羽毛使自己成为关注的焦点,从而吸引雌性

    A male bird of paradise may put himself in the limelight by displaying his spectacular plumage in the best stage setting to attract a female.


  • 《致小鸟》,所有情节都被重新组织羽毛比赛,球落地象征陶器破碎声音

    In "To You, the Birdie!", the action was reconstructed around a badminton game, shuttlecocks landing on the ground like the sound of shattered crockery.


  • 这样的端坐身上肯定长能为兽保温的羽毛只有这样说得通,”苏伊士

    "Sitting on a nest like that only made sense if it had feathers" to gently insulate its young, says Sues.


  • 一项最近研究乳胶涤纶羽毛枕要舒服得多,睡眠质量也更高,测试者颈部疼痛抱怨更少

    In a recent study, latex pillows were better than polyester and feather for comfort and sleep quality, and testers had fewer complaints of neck pain.


  • 鸟类有同样肌肉冬天它使得鸟羽毛膨胀,以达到御寒的目的。哺乳动物通过毛发御寒

    The same muscles puff up the feathers of birds and the fur of mammals on cold days to help keep them warm.


  • 撕开信封最初还以为里面空无一物,随后发现有一信封飘落的洁白羽毛

    He tore open the envelope and at first thought it was empty. Then he noticed a single white feather had fallen from it.


  • 注意到比起亚克语叶子羽毛我们这个多么无趣

    Notice how much less interesting that is to us than the bit about the Eyak and leaves and feathers.


  • 他们使用同步加速器作为X射线可以发现化石羽毛金属成分。

    They used a powerful X-ray source called a synchrotron, which uncovered metals within the ancient fossilised feathers.


  • 解释了为何城市深色羽毛鸟类较多,因为这些地区寄生虫患病率较高

    This could also explain why there are higher populations of dark feathered birds in urban areas, where parasite prevalence is higher.


  • 体验晨曦的梦境正在消散,那是透过别人的眼睛看到——古巴货车深色羽毛装饰物隐没地平线下,然而一切却引出你灰色回忆。

    Morning's recorded dream, fading: through other eyes, dark plume of a Cuban freighter - fading with the horizon it navigates across the mind's gray screen.


  • 一项有关眼斑研究毁掉雄性孔雀的20羽毛也就毁掉了求偶成功的可能性。

    Among her other eyespot studies, snipping 20 feather tips out of males' trains ruined courtship success.


  • 信号动物世界同样流行比如说孔雀羽毛麋鹿的打斗等等。

    Signaling is also rampant in the animal world, from peacock feathers to elk battles and the subject of a vibrant and related research program.


  • 这项最新的发表在PNAS上的研究科学家仔细考察了奇特的化石标本“小盗龙”(mircoraptor),这块化石四肢全部都羽毛有点类似两栖飞机(bi-plane)。

    In the newest PNAS study, scientists examined a remarkable fossil specimen that had feathers on all four limbs, somewhat resembling a bi-plane.


  • 所以此时此刻生活如同——将巢羽毛弄掉,然后他们就可以件事了。

    So at this point in my life I am as the eagle - removing the feathers from the nest so that they can do one thing.


  • 如果新娘装上有珠饰、颜色印记、蝴蝶结、花纹、羽毛丝带其它独特的质地我会努力设计融入一些相似式样感觉

    If a bride's dress has some intricate beading, hints of color, bows, flowers, feathers, ribbons or unique textures, I try to incorporate a similar look and feel into my designs.


  • 加拿大研究人员琥珀发现保存完好的恐龙羽毛,这表明恐龙许多品种可能全身覆盖着大量羽毛

    Researchers in Canada have discovered dinosaur feathers perfectly preserved in amber, suggesting that many species of dinosaur may have been covered in rich plumage.


  • 他们发表科学杂志上的研究成果,建立了曾经存在古代鸟类羽毛色素化学指纹图谱

    Their study, published in the journal Science, revealed the chemical fingerprint of pigments that once tinted the ancient bird's feathers.


  • 比如恋爱莎士比亚这样电影里人们就拿一支羽毛写字,并不时放到桌上的墨水池蘸。

    In movies like Shakespeare in Love people are scribbling away using a feather, stopping every so often to dip it into an inkwell.


  • 欧盟资助一项研究意大利热那亚大学亚历山德罗•波塔罗设计出一种微小型角质蛋白刷毛,他仿照了身上叫做覆羽那种最小羽毛

    In research funded by the European Union, Alessandro Bottaro of the University of Genoa in Italy has devised small keratin bristles that mimic the smallest type of bird feathers, known as coverts.


  • 科学家猜测羽毛恐龙虱子,还认定呵欠黑猩猩也是会传染的。

    Scientists also hypothesized that feathered dinosaurs had lice and determined that yawns are contagious among chimpanzees.


  • 林丹同时谢杏芳关系而被大家所关注此次的羽毛女单比赛获得银牌

    Lin also attracts attention because of his relationship with Xie Xingfang, who won the silver medal in women's singles for badminton.


  • 林丹同时谢杏芳关系而被大家所关注此次羽毛女单比赛获得银牌

    Lin also attracts attention because of his relationship with Xie Xingfang, who won the silver medal in the women's singles for badminton.


  • 这种堂兄弟不一样,它们不是游动着在珊瑚觅食,而是留在原地不动,羽毛似的触须搜寻浮游生物。

    Unlike its mobile Cousins that forage the reef for food, this crab stays put and fishes for floating plankton with its feathery antennae.


  • 到了年底,各类投资人迷失羽毛比赛小鸟晕头转向且伤痕累累,”

    "By year-end, investors of all stripes were bloodied and confused, much as if they were small birds that had strayed into a badminton game, " he said.


  • 于是学者提出了这样一种令人惊讶可能性,是不是所有恐龙祖先拥有细长的羽毛,只是某些物种进化过程渐渐失去了这些羽毛

    This raised the astonishing possibility that the ancestor of all dinosaurs had hairlike feathers and that some species lost them later in evolution.


  • 于是学者提出了这样一种令人惊讶可能性,是不是所有恐龙祖先拥有细长的羽毛,只是某些物种进化过程渐渐失去了这些羽毛

    This raised the astonishing possibility that the ancestor of all dinosaurs had hairlike feathers and that some species lost them later in evolution.


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