• 患者一旦染上一种称之为年龄相关性黄斑变性(湿型amd)疾病血管就会出现异常会扩散视网膜中心损害患者的中心视觉

    The disease is wet age-related macular degeneration (wet AMD), in which blood vessels grow abnormally and leak into the centre of the retina, damaging sufferers' central vision.


  • 年龄相关黄斑退行性改变可能存在体征包括:中心视觉丧失视野中央看到一个黑斑)、视物变形视力模糊以及看到波浪状的垂直线

    Possible signs of AMD include a loss of central vision, seeing a dark spot in the center of the field of vision, distorted or blurred vision, and wavy vertical lines.


  • 这些物种都有独特的视觉中心眼睛很大

    These species have distinctive visual centers and big eyes.


  • 它们眼睛很大有独特的视觉中心

    They have big eyes and distinctive visual centers.


  • 半个世纪麻省理工学院(MIT开设了高级视觉研究中心CAVS),探索科技文化中扮演角色

    More than half a century ago, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) opened its Center for Advanced Visual Studies (CAVS) to explore the role of technology in culture.


  • 这座路易斯维尔购物中心建成时候,视觉效果具有很大吸引力

    Now when the Louisville mall was built, it had lots of visual appeals.


  • 人类大脑视觉中心无法准确判断物体距离尤其是对于诸如月球之类较为遥远距离。

    Our brain's visual centers aren't equipped to accurately judge the distance of objects, especially those as distant as the moon.


  • 大脑视觉记忆中心虽然存储着我们过去一切影像比如儿时卧室的模样,但它却处于超负荷工作状态。

    The visual memory center, though — the part of the brain that stores images from the past, like what your childhood bedroom looked like — is in overdrive.


  • 大楼毗邻合唱艺术中心斯坦福视觉艺术博物馆,该大楼包括多个工作室放映室美术馆教室艺术建筑图书馆

    Located adjacent to the Cantor arts Center, Stanford's visual arts museum, the new building will contain studios, screening rooms, gallery Spaces, classrooms and the art and architecture library.


  • 昵称为“深圳体育中心上演了这场以大量高科技元素壮观视觉效果为特色开幕式

    The Shenzhen Bay Sports Center Stadium, nick-named "Spring Cocoon" played host to the ceremony that featured a wealth of high-tech elements and spectacular visual effects.


  • 幻灯片图表展示视觉辅助方面十分好用,可以对重点起到补充作用。很多使幻灯片成了演讲中心而非演讲者本人传递的信息

    It can be a useful tool for showing graphs or visual AIDS to complement important points, but too many people make it the focus of their presentations, in place of themselves and their actual message.


  • 所以既然我们大脑对于处理视觉的能力已经协调到了这样的高度,难道我们的语言中心不该同样完美无缺吗?

    So if our brain's handling of vision is so well tuned, shouldn't our language centers be as well?


  • 目的使主要内容浮出成为聚焦点视觉角度出发极简设计意味着沉静并将基本元素作为中心思想

    Its purpose is to make the content stand out and be the focal point. From a visual standpoint, minimalist design is meant to be calming and to bring the mind down to the basics.


  • 欧洲视觉”(Europan10获奖作品展近期奥斯陆挪威建筑艺术中心开幕

    The exhibitionEurovisions” (featuring the winners of Europan 10) recently opened at the Norwegian Centre for Design and Architecture in Oslo.


  • 加拿大多伦多康复中心计算机专家已经着手测试个计算机视觉系统,这一系统能够用来监控生活疗养院或是独居的老人们

    Computer scientists at the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute in Canada have been testing a computer-vision system for monitoring people living in nursing homes or alone.


  • 我们核心透光竹板包裹成一个箱”,从而使原来凝重的混凝土体块变成轻快、生动的视觉中心

    We also wrapped the core column with light-transmitting bamboo boards to form a light-box, which transforms the previously heavy concrete block into a light and lively focus object.


  • 中心理学平均年薪32 358美元,社会科学平均年薪为35 175美元, 最低年薪专业视觉表演艺术专业29 759美元。

    Psychology majors start out at an average of $32, 358; sociology ones, $35, 175. The lowest-earning major of all is visual and performing arts, which has an average starting salary of $29, 759.


  • 图形设计作品敏感倍受关注视觉中心创意是图形设计中的创造性思维

    Graphic design is the most sensitive and concerned visual center in work, creativity in graphic design is the creative thinking.


  • 文化广告涉及广泛研究课题,本文从中选取流行文化一角度广告视觉中心进行深入研究

    Culture and advertisement is an involves extensive research lesson, I study the advertising visual focus from the viewpoint of popular culture in this article.


  • 文化语言中心视觉中心转变标志着视觉文化时代到来

    The transition of culture from linguistic center to visual center symbolizes the coming of visual culture time.


  • 所以因为隐形眼镜贴着眼球它一起移动,所以就没有视觉中心

    So because contacts are right on the eye and move with the eye, there's no optical center.


  • 视觉上,盒子都脱离外墙这样中心起居空间视觉上就变大了,而且室内的通行路线空间的组织更加自由

    They are visually detached from the external walls, so that the central living space is optically larger, and allows more freedom for internal routes and organisation.


  • 句话说,整个镜头就是视觉中心所以不管眼睛怎么焦点就会完全对准物体

    Right. Put another way, the entire contact lens is the optical center. So no matter which way you move your eyes, objects appear in perfect focus.


  • 跳跃黄色宁静蓝色使电视背景成为房间视觉中心

    Bouncing yellow and halcyon blue, make TV setting wall becomes the visual center of the room.


  • 必须要做就是视觉自己成为宇宙中心而神光芒贯穿你的全身。

    What you have done is to visualize yourself as the center of the universe with only the divine light coming through you.


  • 基于线结构光视觉测量系统中,激光中心的提取精度影响系统最后精度关键因素。

    In structured_light vision system, the accuracy of laser stripe center position is the main factor that determines the final system accuracy.


  • 为了视觉降低商铺规模展示水上运动设备,商品中心被设计成全玻璃的。

    To visually reduce the size of the extensive store building and to display the water equipment stationed on the lake, the store is fully glazed.


  • 利用空间直线中心折反射投影特性视觉系统标定方法进行研究

    This paper introduces the study on omni - directional vision system calibration method using central catadioptric projection property of space line.


  • 利用空间直线中心折反射投影特性视觉系统标定方法进行研究

    This paper introduces the study on omni - directional vision system calibration method using central catadioptric projection property of space line.


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