• 中国喜剧典型相声,两个滑稽演员通过玩弄词藻来逗乐观众

    Typical for China is the crosstalk show, where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play.


  • 同时探讨大众审美对于二人电影影响以及未来中国喜剧电影前景

    And probe the influence to their movies from the public esthetic and the prospect of the Chinese comedy movies' future.


  • 异军突起中国传统喜剧格局及其类型次现代性的突破丰富,在中国喜剧史上产生了重要而深远影响。

    The sudden rise of such type of comedy, a breakthrough and enrichment to traditional Chinese comedy as far as the structure and type are concerned, has exerted...


  • 只消周末中国各大公园转转,你就会发现不同类型相亲喜剧正在上演。

    On weekends in parks around the China, dating dramas of a different type unfold.


  • 好莱坞浪漫喜剧早已进入波澜不惊的中年时期。但是中国类影片仍旧处于蜜月

    In Hollywood, the romantic comedy is well into humdrum middle age. But in China, the genre is still in its honeymoon phase.


  • 一下,在与好莱坞闪电战中最好防御战略不是一部中国制作的高质量影片而是一部触发低俗喜剧

    Come to think of it, the best defense against a Hollywood blitz is not a quality film made in China, but a low-brow comedy that appeals to the basest of your laugh instincts.


  • 一部基于中国功夫主题美国电脑动画动作喜剧电影。

    It is an American computer-animated action comedy film, based on the theme of Chinese Kung Fu.


  • 表演,“唱出我们这一代人讲出自己的笑话,”这中国第一站起来喜剧演员,参加世界著名舞台

    The show, "Sing our generation's songs, tell my own jokes," will be the first time a Chinese stand-up comedian to take the stage of the world renowned venue.


  • 另外,《西游记》语言幽默诙谐,人物生动有趣,充满了喜剧色彩,这一点中国古代小说中也是不可多得的。

    In addition, the humorous language of the Journey to the West, its lively and interesting characters and its comic atmosphere, all contribute to the rarities of ancient Chinese novels.


  • 今年60岁的动作喜剧巨星成龙曾2009年担任中国国家禁毒委员会亲善大使,宣传禁毒教育

    Action nand comedy star Jackie Chan, 60, served as a goodwill spokesman for the China National anti-drug Committee in 2009, promoting anti-drug education.


  • 源于原始文化主义精神中国传统喜剧深层底蕴。

    The spirit of life worship from the primitive magic culture is deeply implied in traditional Chinese comedy.


  • 内蒙古草原青翠草地,中国剧院里对口相声喜剧搭档演员语言技艺表演,大有可看之处。

    From the verdant grasslands of the steppes of Inner Mongolia to the verbal acrobatics of Xiangsheng comedy duo performers in Chinese theaters, there is a lot to take in.


  • 相声中国典型喜剧,两个演员通过玩弄词藻来逗乐观众

    Typical for China is the crosstalk show, where a pair of comedians entertains the audience with word play.


  • 喜剧十分发达中国古代戏剧喜剧精神有着深厚的联系。

    The ancient Chinese dramas, in which comedies are very flourishing, have a close relationship with comic spirit.


  • 中国电影公司都纷纷将电影档期排开,避免好莱坞超级大片产生正面碰撞光线影业却决定一部神经喜剧正面迎击。

    While Chinese film companies moved the schedules of their new releases to avoid a head-on collision with the Hollywood juggernaut, Enlight Pictures decided to tackle the beast with a screwball comedy.


  • 没有过多地推广宣传,但《舌尖上的中国这个系列拥有大批粉丝大型的戏剧喜剧演出还受欢迎。

    Without anything like a promotional fanfare, the series has attracted a following larger than the biggest drama or comedy shows.


  • 郭德纲中国杰出相声喜剧演员因为推测的粗鲁行为官方媒体痛斥

    One of best known stand-up comedians in China, Guo Degang, has been lambasted in the official press for his supposedly vulgar behaviour.


  • 本文思想启蒙喜剧精神两个思维视角,透视20世纪中国小说思想内容和美学风貌

    The thesis deals with ideological enlightenment and comedy spirit which should be one of the aesthetic ideas of Chinese novels in the 20th century.


  • 这些小猪是从中国的,娃娃威尔士的,爱瑞上面很有童话喜剧效果。

    The pigs brought from China, the dolls was bought in Welsh, Ariel made comedy fairy tale on the top.


  • 这位49岁的喜剧演员曾经担任过国内两档节目中国达人秀”和“出彩中国”的评委

    The 49-year-old comedian also served as a judge on China's Got Talent as well as a similarly formatted show, Amazing Chinese.


  • 中国讽刺喜剧由此现代戏剧创作逐渐占据了重要的地位,发挥了不可替代的社会功能艺术功能。

    Henceforth, Modern Chinese Satirical Comedy became important in all dramatic creation and came to have elementary function both in society and in art.


  • 表演,“唱出我们这一代人讲出自己的笑话,”这中国第一站起来喜剧演员,参加世界著名舞台

    The show, "Sing our generations songs, tell my own jokes," will be the first time a Chinese stand-up comedian to take the stage of the world renowned venue.


  • 作为中国现代喜剧开拓者之一,丁西林文学史上的地位逐步得到了确认

    Being a pioneer of modern Chinese comedy, Ding Xilin had his position in the literary history acknowledged.


  • 最后得出结论:作为中国伟大古典小说,《红楼梦》不但取得了伟大的悲剧艺术成就而且取得了伟大的喜剧艺术成就。

    The conclusion is that, as the greatest classic in the Chinese Literature, a Dream in Red Mansions has made considerable achievement of tragedy art, as well as of comedy art.


  • 直到1993年,《我家出现这种被称为情景喜剧”的新型电视剧类型正式引入中国

    Until 1993, after the emerge of I Love My Family, this new type of teleplay called "situation comedy" was formally introduced into China.


  • 直到1993年,《我家出现这种被称为情景喜剧”的新型电视剧类型正式引入中国

    Until 1993, after the emerge of I Love My Family, this new type of teleplay called "situation comedy" was formally introduced into China.


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