• 论述中国保险业管理方面应研究主要问题

    This paper studies the main problems in the insurance management in China.


  • 本文致力于中国保险业市场结构及其优化的研究

    This paper is devoted to study China insurance market structure.


  • 接着分析外资保险公司进入中国保险业市场产品差异化程度影响;

    Then take AIA's entrance as the example to analyze the behavior change of China insurance business market.


  • 可通过降低保险市场进入壁垒引进民营资本途径降低中国保险业集中度

    Reducing the entry barriers of the securities market and absorbing private capital among others will help decrease the concentration degree of the Chinese securities.


  • 首先借此机会感谢各位来自新闻媒体朋友们一直以来中国保险业关注支持

    First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued interest in and support to the insurance industry of China.


  • 这些问题当然政策使然重要人才匮乏,这些问题正是中国保险业问题。

    Of course these problems are partly results of government policy, but more importantly, lack of talents is the main cause. These problems are the problems facing by China's insurance industry.


  • 结果表明中国保险业存在明显有效供给不足,整体效率较低,偿付能力潜藏着一定风险

    The findings show an obvious inadequacy of effective supply and a decreasing tendency in efficiency and a certain potential risk in solvency in the Chinese insurance industry.


  • 中国加入WTO中国保险业面临更加激烈的国际竞争环境,培养保险人才成为竞争关键

    After access to the WTO, China's insurance industry is facing more intense competition internationally and cultivating insurance talents has become the vital task.


  • 中国保险业监管系统结合欧盟美国监管方法制定了我国保险公司偿付能力监管措施。

    China's insurance regulatory system is a combination of EU and U. s. regulatory approaches, and has developed a number of measures to ensure the solvency of insurance companies.


  • 中国保险企业DEA分析结果表明规模不经济情况中国保险业中更具有一般性程度上会受到其他因素的影响。

    The DEA analysis of the insurance firms in China shows that diseconomies of scale is the general case in Chinese insurance industry, but in the extent is affected by other factor


  • 中国保险业自身国内市场尚未一体化经营同时必须面对跨国竞争对手的短兵相接,并且国际同仁一并角逐全球化的市场;

    China's insurance is not yet in the domestic market integration business, while it must encounter multinational competitors, and compete for the global market with international insurance partners;


  • 入世后中国保险业市场主体迅速增加竞争更加激烈,最后形成较为完善保险市场,使中国保险业国际接轨,走向国际。

    After the entry into the WTO, the trade bodies in the Chinese insurance market will increase rapidly and the competition among them will become keener.


  • 投资者可能看好印尼印度中国等新兴市场保险业前景但是那些成熟亚洲市场似乎还有一点生命力. .。

    INVESTORS may salivate over insurance prospects in the emerging markets of Indonesia, India and China, but the more mature Asian markets seem to have life in them yet.


  • 保险业成为中国的一产业

    I think insurance will be a big business in China.


  • 随着中国加入WTO国外保险企业相继进入我国我国民族保险业面临强有力挑战

    With China entering the WTO, foreign insurance companies will come into China and the national insurance business will face a great challenge.


  • 面对中国加入WTO保险业机遇挑战并存

    There are both opportunities and challenges in new situation that China joined in the WTO.


  • 目前中国保险市场典型寡头垄断市场,保险业监管也一直实行与之相匹配的严格监管模式

    By now China's insurance market has become typically oligarchy monopolized, to which insurance supervision model is a strict one to suits.


  • 中国保监会成立,取代中央银行成为保险业监督机关。

    China insurance Supervisory Committee replacing the central bank has become the supervising unit of the insurance sector.


  • 根据NSBO收集中国保监会数据来自此类产品保费收入占110月保险业保费收入的80%以上。

    Premiums from these products made up over 80 per cent of the insurance industry's total premium revenue in January through October, according to CIRC data collected by NSBO.


  • 结果表明保险业FDI中国保险市场效率提升产生了积极影响

    The estimate results show that the impact of insurance sector FDI on China's insurance market efficiency is positive.


  • 然而今年早些时候保险业会上,与会者无意中透露,保险业中国基础设施建设的最大资金来源

    However, at the insurance industry's annual meeting earlier this year, participants let slip that insurance is the biggest source of capital for China's infrastructure construction.


  • 19世纪上期,外商保险业垄断中国保险市场由于产品同质化原因导致激烈价格竞争

    In the first half and the middle of the 19th century, foreign insurers monopolized the insurance market in China. Due product homogeneity and other reasons, there was fierce price competition.


  • 19世纪上期,外商保险业垄断中国保险市场由于产品同质化原因导致激烈价格竞争

    In the first half and the middle of the 19th century, foreign insurers monopolized the insurance market in China. Due product homogeneity and other reasons, there was fierce price competition.


- 来自原声例句

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