• 利兹大学中世纪研究教学研究质量广泛性独特的文献资源联合而闻名全世界

    Welcome to the Institute for Medieval Studies at Leeds - renowned worldwide for the quality and range of its teaching and research, and for a unique combination of resources.


  • 为了真正研究中世纪社会历史必须了解香料作用

    In order to really study the social history of the Middle Ages, you have to understand the role of spices.


  • 作者引起中世纪瘟疫品种可能已经灭绝了,但是他们认为进一步研究可以揭示如何进化一种没那么致命的类型。

    The authors argue the version of the disease that caused the medieval plague is likely extinct, but suggest that further study could reveal how it may have evolved into a less virulent strain.


  • 一项来自中世纪疑法,自下而上的研究方案指出,道德推理核心那些详尽描述范例而非原则

    On a "bottom up" alternative drawn from Medieval casuistry, it is richly described paradigm cases, not principles, that have the central role in moral reasoning.


  • 尽管如此小组已经完成该管道网络佩鲁贾可行性研究,佩鲁贾是一个仅有狭窄,陡峭街道,致使现有货物交付方式十分低效中世纪城市

    The team has, however, completed a feasibility study for a pipeline network in Perugia, a medieval city whose narrow, steep streets make existing means of goods delivery particularly inefficient.


  • 研究中世纪历史的那段日子里,多数时间都沉浸在解密笔迹上

    In my days as a medieval historian, I spent much of my time deciphering handwriting.


  • 研究流行服饰的历史学家指出中世纪亚麻盔甲制造商一直都在制作填充衬衣,这些衬衣很适合放在盔甲下面,这样就可以减少穿戴钢铁铠甲的不舒服感。

    As fashion historians point out, medieval linen-armourers had long made padded undergarments that fitted beneath suits of armour, reducing a little the discomfort of wearing plates of steel.


  • 本可以安然处身于浓烈的学习氛围中,兴趣盎然不停地吸着自己可爱烟斗,终日深奥书本为伴,而他也因专注于对中世纪欧洲游民研究而享誉美名。

    Safe in his enclosing study, with the lovingly filled and refilled pipe and the esoteric books, his fame would have centred round investigations of vagabonds in medieval Europe.


  • 26岁那年,关于芝加哥冰冻草原中世纪历史研究课题上被不幸刺伤回到纽约

    At the age of 26, when I returned to New York after an inglorious stab at graduate work in medieval history on the frozen steppes of Chicago, I had a horrifying realization: I was illiterate.


  • 这些混合奇特的研究——中世纪,一只脚现代科学条路——牛顿度过人生第一阶段,在三一学院的生活时期,这时的做了所有真正有价值的工作。

    foot in the Middle Ages and one foot treading a path for modern science, Newton spent the first phase of his life, the period of life in Trinity when he did all his real work.


  • 研究人员使用骨骼测量方法研究Hambleden婴儿遗骸将此另外遗址-以色列Ashkelon英格兰WharramPercy中世纪遗址发现的婴儿遗骸进行了比较。

    The researchers took bone measurements of the Hambleden infant remains and compared them to those taken at two other sites: Ashkelon, Israel and the medieval Wharram Percy, England.


  • 通过讲述四个晚期中世纪人物为主角独角戏,小说孤独进行了细致的研究

    This is a finely observed study of solitude told through a series of monologues by four characters in late middle age.


  • 来自瑞士联邦学院UlfBuentgen教授研究队伍中世纪古堡罗马城废墟中搜寻古代木头,企图收集关于树木年轮信息

    Ulf Buentgen and his team of researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research collected tree-ring data from ancient wood found in medieval castles and Roman ruins.


  • 一般,通过学习类课程学生能够更好地了解中世纪文艺复兴时期文化从而进行进一步研究写作学科教学

    Typically, a student USES this program to gain a better understanding of medieval and Renaissance culture to undertake further research, writing, or teaching of the subject.


  • 他们正在研究中世纪历史

    They're researching on medieval history.


  • 无论沿着怎样途径研究欧洲中世纪诗歌音乐总会最终达到巴赫

    Whatever path we traverse through the poetry and the music of the Middle Ages, we are always led to him.


  • 如果我们研究尼泊尔历史不难认识加德满都村落中世纪时期就是佛法研究中心

    If we study Nepalese historical records, we can see that the Kathmandu valley was the center of Buddhist learning in the medieval period.


  • 服装设计师约翰·莫洛取材麦夸里的概念画,然后按照自己中世纪盔甲研究,像做拼图一样各个部件拼起来

    Costume designer John Mollo took McQuarrie's concepts and puzzled together how the pieces would fit based on his knowledge of medieval armor.


  • 中世纪绘画属于研究范围

    Medieval painting is not his province.


  • 课程将从上古时代追溯到中世纪文艺复兴,探究人们自然概念演进以及自然现象研究解释方式的转变。

    This subject traces the evolution of ideas about nature, and how best to study and explain natural phenomena, beginning in ancient times and continuing through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.


  • 对于现代专搞学术历史学家来说作品未免太冒险了一些研究威尔士农村中世纪铆钉价格倒是要远远安全的多。

    For modern academic historians, his work is a bit adventurous: far safer to narrow down research to, say, the study of medieval nail prices in rural Wales.


  • 比起同时代的中世纪有些研究

    He knew more about the Middle Ages than any man alive.


  • 中世纪绘画属于研究范围

    Medieval painting is outside his province.


  • 中世纪法国文化提供了一个系统地个案研究说明求新的愿望新的粗暴批评显示赞成拒绝

    Medieval French culture offers a case study of "systematic fashion", demonstrating desire for novelty, rejection of the old in favor of the new, and criticism of outrageous display.


  • 本文研究中世纪末期英格兰治安制度

    This thesis studies the constabulary system of England in the late middle ages.


  • 父亲研究中世纪历史教授母亲是忠实的加尔文主义者。

    His father was a professor of medieval studies and his mother a strict Calvinist.


  • 梦幻欧洲中世纪梦幻文学传统研究是乔叟研究不可忽视的一个重要方面。

    The present paper studies the medieval tradition of dream vision, discusses the development of Chaucer as a writer within and against such a tradition.


  • 梦幻欧洲中世纪梦幻文学传统研究是乔叟研究不可忽视的一个重要方面。

    The present paper studies the medieval tradition of dream vision, discusses the development of Chaucer as a writer within and against such a tradition.


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