• 提交第一份订单时我们您发送一个个人账号

    We'll send you a personal account number after you have placed your first order.


  • 通常求职者需要创建一个个人账号不仅要上传简历还要每日更新

    Usually, job seekers need to create a personal account, which includes not only uploading a resume, but also Posting daily updates.


  • 由于讲座包含使用电脑进行实践需要名古屋大学个人账号密码

    This course contains practice with PC. To use PCs in the library, NAGOYA UNIVERSITY ID and PASSWORD is required.


  • 去年八月联邦法官裁定他们起诉国民银行的案子可以再审,因为其中涉及个人账号

    A federal judge ruled this August that their lawsuit against Citizens can go forward because it involves a personal account.


  • 如果没有记录自己个人账号尽管联系我们我们账号发送您。

    If you don't have a note of your account number, just contact us so that we can supply it to you.


  • 创建微个人账号请花时间认真考虑后再决定用户头像个人简介

    While setting up your microblog account, spend some time on deciding a strategic name, picture and biography.


  • 旅游公司应该社交网站上建立自己的个人账号档案特别是Facebook

    Travel companies must create profiles on social networking sites, especially Facebook.


  • 如果之前我们这里通过网上电子邮件电话订购图书,就说明已经拥有个人账号了。

    If you have ordered from us bye, online, by E-mail or telephone, you will have already owned a personal account number.


  • 员工账号相当于员工个人账号用于项目协同工作账号授权进行图纸上传下载等操作。

    Employee account is the personal account of the employee for coordination of projects and can upload and download plans subject to authorization of the main account.


  • 如果先前通过网络邮件或者电话的方式已在我们这里订购商品,您已经拥有了您自己的个人账号

    If you have ordered from us before, online, by mail or telephone, you will have already owned a personal account number.


  • 确定新的请假申请其他等待确认的请假申请存入个人账号以便显示剩余休假数帮助员工避免犯错误

    When confirming new leave requests, other leave requests waiting for validation are now taken into account in order to display the remaining leaves, helping employees avoid mistakes.


  • 知道是否别人闲置的个人账号,所以他们不会阅读上面的文件,或者对方正在同时考验其他也许会将选定未来一起同行的那位。

    You wonder if they had an inactive profile where they couldn't read your email, or were testing the waters with a few others and would consider you for the future.


  • 但是预先警告:有些网络服务条款也许会阻止转移账号个人手上。

    But be forewarned: Some online terms of service may prevent you from transferring accounts to other people.


  • 而当他们无法支付损失时国民银行向征信所举报他们个人银行账号欠债不还,失窃威胁要将他们的房子赎回。

    When they failed to repay the losses, Citizens reported their personal account as delinquent to credit bureaus, and six months after the theft threatened to foreclose on their home.


  • 至于博客如果希望社交网站用于更为私人化目的,可以设立两个账号个是提供生意上的朋友的,另一个则是留给个人朋友的。

    As with blogging, if you want to use social networking sites for more personal purposes, set up two separate accounts - one for business friends and one for personal friends.


  • 根据联邦法律个人银行账号损失由银行承担,商业客户的损失则不在此列

    Under federal law, losses in individuals' accounts are the Banks' problem; commercial customers receive no such concessions.


  • 比如说往一个银行账号存入笔钱他们通常告知这些交易会两个工作日内在系统显示

    As an example, when a person deposits money into a bank account, they are often told that these transactions will be shown in the system within two business days.


  • 但是安全专家警告攻击者可以利用他们系统中的立足点偷窃用户客户信用卡账号个人信息

    But security experts warn that attackers could use their foothold on the system to start stealing users' and customers' credit card Numbers and personal information.


  • 尽管如此还是有很多方法在知道密码的情况下也可以访问个人Facebook账号

    Nonetheless, there are ways to gain access to a person's Facebook account even without knowing the password.


  • 而这样的举措是否到位、是否及时,恐怕目前仍不明朗。 科技小工具网站Gdgt.com创始人之一,彼得·贾斯(音译)本周宣布关闭个人的Facebook账号

    Peter Rojas, the co-founder of respected gadget site Gdgt.com, announced this week that he had shut his Facebook account down.


  • 有一件事需要注意,删除账号没有删除你的视频频道,以及你的个人信息

    One thing to note is that deleting your account does not delete your videos or channel, just your profile information.


  • 不管怎样清楚受雇过程,在你不能真正了解你打交道的那之前,一定不要账号社保号码告诉对方。

    And no matter what, don't send anyone money, account Numbers, or your Social Security number until you're well along in the hiring process and know exactly whom you are dealing with.


  • 选择需要用户提供个人档案用户生成内容网站人气旺的,全部自己真名注册账号

    Register your name as a username on all of the most popular sites that allow profiles or user-generated content.


  • 通常LinkedIn账号他们私人或者工作邮箱绑定的,可以通过的关系人介绍一下

    Usually someone's LinkedIn account is tied to their personal or work email address, and you can ask for an introduction through your network.


  • 接下来周里违反了谷歌实名政策用户首先收到一份警告获得修改个人档案名称机会,如果届时仍然不修正,谷歌就会做出停用账号的处理。

    Over the next few weeks, users who are found to somehow violate this policy will instead receive a warning and a chance to fix their profile names before their accounts are actually suspended. (ZDNet)


  • 提供去世用户Twitter账号或者提供一个该用户的Twitter账号个人简介链接

    The username of the Twitter account, or a link to the profile page of the Twitter account.


  • 这家网站运作机制是这样的:用户Facebook账号进行登录,然后根据自己饮食口味建立一个个人档案

    It works like this: users sign in using their Facebook account and sketch a profile of themselves based on culinary preferences.


  • 需要个人往来账号一个存款账号

    I think I need both a personal current account and a savings account.


  • 无论是否拥有我们账号DHI可能会个人资料附加此类信息使用内容创建个人档案

    DHI may append this information to your profile or use this content to create a profile, whether or not an individual has an account with us.


  • 现在几乎个人银行账号信用卡以及保险,所以增加有效率,产品的个性化非常重要,同时还要找到正确受众

    While it is true that nearly everyone has a bank account, credit card and insurance, to increase effectiveness, offers need to be tailored and relevant to the right audience.


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