• 指着那些明亮星星,讲述怎么利用它们找到位于沙漠东部的比尔马绿洲

    He points to the brightest stars and describes how to use them to navigate to the Bilma oasis in the eastern desert.


  • 指着那些明亮星星,讲述怎么利用它们找到位于沙漠东部的比尔马绿洲在那儿他们洋葱大蒜

    He points to the brightest stars and describes how to use them to navigate to the Bilma oasis in the eastern desert, where they would trade Onions and garlic for salt.


  • 沙漠东部以外土地仅仅只覆盖了薄薄的,这也就表明这些尘埃或许倾向于落在地势干燥地方,而不是高高的大气中

    Only a thin layer of dust travels over land outside of the eastern edge of the desert, indicating that the dust may be lying low over the arid land, rather than rising high in the atmosphere.


  • 竞争工作加州美国海军陆战队地面战斗中心进行,该中心洛山东部莫哈韦沙漠地区拥有数量众多的设备

    The competition will be at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, Calif. — a vast installation in the Mojave Desert region east of Los Angeles.


  • 随着一个典型沙丘上升500高度沙漠东部很多的潜在游客

    The desert's east has great visitor potential, with a classic wind-sculpted dunes rising to heights of 500m.


  • 卡扎菲来自沙漠地区的部落草木丛生的东部则厌恶统治

    Qaddafi's tribe is a desert one, and the verdant east resents his authority.


  • 世界最大努比亚砂岩蓄水系统位于撒哈拉沙漠东部地区下面跨越利比亚乍得苏丹埃及

    The Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System, the world's largest, is located under the eastern part of the Sahara desert and spans the political boundaries of Libya, Chad, Sudan and Egypt.


  • Mighty这个矿藏占地50英亩,位于加利福尼亚州哈维沙漠东部边缘地带,它曾经世界稀土金属重要供应商

    Mighty mine: This 50-acre mine on the eastern edge of California's Mojave Desert was once the world's leading supplier of rare-earth metals.


  • 支持图尔卡纳湖风力发电LTWP)项目荷兰财团世界最大固定沙漠东部边缘租用了6.6万公顷土地

    The Dutch consortium behind the Lake Turkana Wind Power (LTWP) project has leased 66, 000 hectares of land on the eastern edge of the world's largest permanent desert lake.


  • 一些人已经逃亡沙漠途中用完了汽油连接ajdabiyah东部城市Tobruk400公里长的沙地高速公路没有一个营业的加油站

    Some had run out of gasoline en route as they fled across the flat, 400-kilometer long sandy highway with no working gas station that connects Ajdabiyah to the eastern city of Tobruk.


  • 最近东部加利福尼亚沙漠发现微生物尽管在科学角度充满了争议,但是大大增加了人们其他星球发现生命希望

    The recent and scientifically controversial announcement of arsenic-eating microbes in the eastern California desert has ratcheted up the expectation of finding life among the stars.


  • 柴达木盆地位于创省西北部大部分为戈壁、沙漠东部多沼泽盐湖我国地势最高典型内陆高原

    Qaidam basin, located in the provincial Northwest, most of the Gobi Desert and over the eastern marshes, Salt Lake, the terrain is typical of the highest plateau inland basins.


  • 输油管把石油经过沙漠运送东部

    Pipes carry oil across the desert to the east.


  • 北部热带雨林草原,东南部雪地,中部是沙漠东部南部西南部肥沃耕地。

    There are rain forests and vast plains in the north, snow field in the south-east, desert in the center and fertile croplands in the east, south and south-west.


  • 埃及东部沙漠,位于尼罗河流域红海之间。自古以来就在此发现斑岩花岗岩砂岩用作建筑材料

    A desert of eastern Egypt between the Nile Valley and the Red Sea. Porphyry, granite, and sandstone found here have been used as building materials since ancient times.


  • 南部东部就是撒哈拉沙漠

    To the south and east lies the Sahara Desert.


  • 乘车东部开进,挺进沙漠开始,住宿当地老乡

    Drive to east way to the Taklamkan Desert, we will have a home stay at the local family.


  • 条发源于埃塞俄比亚东部河流流程805公里(500英里),向东北注入达纳·基勒沙漠

    A river of eastern Ethiopia flowing about 805 km (500 mi) northeast to the Danakil Desert.


  • 阿瓦什河:条发源于埃塞俄比亚东部河流流程805公里(500英里),向东北注入达纳·基勒沙漠

    A river of eastern Ethiopia flowing about 805 km (500 mi) northeast to the Danakil Desert.


  • 中国地理状况呈现高度的多样化东部山区平原河流三角洲,在西部沙漠高原和山地。

    S.. China's geography is highly diverse, with hills, plains, and river deltas in the east and deserts, high plateaus, and mountains in the west.


  • 南部祁连山东部黄河所束缚,腾格里沙漠形成内蒙古南部边界

    Hemmed by the Qilian mountains in the south and the Yellow river in the east, the desert forms the southern border of Inner Mongolia.


  • 再造草原持续的计划,一个关于倒退的计划,一部分07年内蒙古东部草原沙漠拍摄。

    "Reconstructing the prairie" is an ongoing program and also about going backwards, the first part was filmed at the prairie and desert from east Inner Mongolia in 2007.


  • 澳大利亚北部热带气候南部东部有许多茂密雨林地带,广阔内陆沙漠覆盖了大部分内地。

    The northern part of Australia is tropical and many pockets of dense rain forest are dotted throughout the south and east of the country and vast deserts cover most of the Outback.


  • 研究结果表明:(1)库布齐沙漠东部地区土地沙漠形成机制自然人为因素共同作用形成

    The results indicated: (1) the driving mechanism of the formation of land desertification in the east part of Kubuqi desert was resulted by the conjunct effects of natural and human factors.


  • 研究结果表明:(1)库布齐沙漠东部地区土地沙漠形成机制自然人为因素共同作用形成

    The results indicated: (1) the driving mechanism of the formation of land desertification in the east part of Kubuqi desert was resulted by the conjunct effects of natural and human factors.


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