• 世界,我很高傲

    I am the light of the world, I feel grand.


  • 世界跟随不会黑暗拥有生命之光

    I am the light of the world. He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.


  • 译〕思想伟大敏捷自由,它是世界,是人类最高荣耀

    Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of man.


  • 墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉世界教会成员有310,000多人参加晚宴典礼上。

    Guadalajara, Mexico: Members of the congregation of the Light of the World church during the ceremony of the Holy Supper attended by more than 310,000 people.


  • 墨西哥瓜达拉哈拉世界教会成员有310,000多人参加晚宴典礼上。

    Guadalajara, Mexico: Members of the congregation of the Light of the World church during the ceremony of the Holy Supper attended by more than 310, 000 people.


  • 思想妙不可言烁飞逝无拘无束的,它是世界,是人类引以自豪荣耀。

    Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, the chief glory of man.


  • 亲爱的帮助我们定睛在祢身上,祢名字就是世界保守我们不为世俗分心。

    Dear Lord, help us to keep a steady focus on you, in the name of him who is the light of the world. Keep us from being distracted by the bright lights of this world.


  • 所以今天我们你们不醒伙计们准备了一个床头故事希望你们醒来感觉到即将照耀你们的世界新鲜

    So we have come up with a sort of bedtime story for you sleepy ones to dream about in hopes that you will wake up feeling new and refreshed in the light of the new day that comes to shine upon you.


  • 神威·太湖之光世界超级计算机500排行榜上登顶。

    Sunway TaihuLight, took the top spot of the new list of the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world.


  • 1937年,P&G公司广播赞助的“向导之光”则成为世界上最长的肥皂剧。 原改译:美国香皂生产商用独出心裁的方式推销他们的产品,先是赞助广播戏曲的播出,然后进军郊区家庭主妇制作的电视节目,也就是肥皂剧。

    They sponsored drama series on radio, and later television, designed for the suburban housewife, known as soap operas.


  • 尽管经济指标一些经济体带来了希望但它们也显示世界经济体中的美国、日本德国经济距离恢复增长还有时日

    While the indicators offered a glimmer of hope for some economies, they signal that a return to growth is some way off for three of the world's four largest economies, the U.S., Japan and Germany.


  • 揭开面纱,扔掉面具,内心之光照亮整个世界

    Pull away the veils, and let your whole self light up the world.


  • 我们一代人都有义务确保盏灯——这座灯塔——继续闪亮,把希望之光传送至世界各地,让我们国家永远昌盛

    For it falls on each generation to ensure that that lamp -– that beacon -– continues to shine as a source of hope around the world, and a source of our prosperity here at home.


  • (又门徒):“精神世界不能沿着他人明灯走。(现在)你想的明灯(我是不会借给你的)而我会教你怎么点燃自己的明灯。”

    And another day he said, "in the Land of the spirit, you cannot walk by the light of someone else's lamp." You want to borrow mine.


  • 现在只有一个比特人的信仰之光拯救世界了。

    Now, only the light of one small hobbit's faith can save the world.


  • 认为最后瞬间,瞬间栅栏折断,我通过死亡看见世界带着疏漏财宝

    When I think of this end of my moments, the barrier of the moments breaks and I see by the light of death thy world with its careless treasures.


  • 想到时间终结,时间屏障便破裂了,在死亡,我看见你的世界充斥着弃置的珍宝

    When I think of this end of my moments, the barrier of the moments breaks and I see by the light of death thy world with its careless treasures.


  • 今天通过支持享受关心陪伴会获得进入这个世界需要的能量并将你的鼓舞之光散发出来

    By supporting and enjoying the company of your loved ones today, you gain the necessary energy to go out into the world and spread your encouraging light.


  • 美国所以成为攻击的目标,是因为我们自由机遇灯塔世界最明亮最耀眼的。没有阻止自由

    America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining.


  • 美国所以成为攻击的目标,是因为我们自由机遇灯塔世界最明亮最耀眼的。没有阻止自由

    America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining.


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