• 父亲是个严厉专制主义者

    Father was a strict authoritarian.


  • 自我表达个性对抗专制暴政的最强武器

    Self-expression and individuality are the greatest weapons against tyranny.


  • 任何允许不同政见政治体制都会变成专制

    Any political system refusing to allow dissent becomes a tyranny.


  • 最近几周民众越来越难以忍受国王专制行径。

    The people have grown intolerant in recent weeks of the king's autocratic ways.


  • 对于尝试理解法国大革命重要,“LaRevolutionFrancaise”,绝对主义专制主义是区别的。

    This will be important to try and understand the French revolution, "La Revolution Francaise", that there's a difference between absolutism and despotism.


  • 人民受到专制政权的压迫。

    The people are held down by a repressive regime.


  • 警察专制手段使那个印象化为乌有。

    A heavy-handed approach from the police could undo that good impression.


  • 指责作风专制

    He was accused of acting undemocratically.


  • 专制管理不同,一些文化,特别是在亚洲,以决策的协商性质而闻名——部门或工作组的所有成员都被要求参与这一过程。

    Unlike authoritarian management, some cultures, particularly in Asia, are well known for the consultative nature of decision-making—all members of the department or work group are asked to contribute to this process.


  • 真正权力保留中央专制地使用。

    The real power is retained at the centre and used repressively.


  • 实行君主专制我国封建社会一个重要特征,这一制度文艺产生了决定性的影响。

    Unfortunately, Zhouyang could understand neither the ancient times nor foreign countries correctly because to him, literature and arts were subjected to politics.


  • 未来几年里认为我们看到一幕重演而且正如古希腊知识分子们会渐渐拥护专制主义。

    In years to come I believe we will see this re-emerge, and, just as in Ancient Greece, the intellectuals will generally be on the side of authoritarianism.


  • 尽管同时期诸家君主具有理性色彩理论,最终依旧滑入绝对专制主义的泥潭

    In spite it was a very rational theory among the monarch theories of various schools then, yet in the long run it still lapsed into the mire of the absolute autocracy.


  • 奴主义者反对针对美国黑人专制主义传统妇女运动是为反对(针对妇女的)防范传统而战。

    While the abolitionist movement was fighting a tradition of tyranny against the African-American, the women's movement was fighting a tradition of protection.


  • 专制主义者利于人民愚昧我们则利于人民聪明我们使一切人民都能逐渐地离开愚昧状态与不卫生的状态。

    It is to the advantage of despots to keep people ignorant; it is to our advantage to make them intelligent. We must lead all of them gradually from ignorance.


  • 我们要不遗余力,凭籍上帝赐予我们全部力量人类历史上空前黑暗、空前暴虐专制制度作殊死搏斗

    War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the the dark and lamentable-catalogue of human crime.


  • 我们要不遗余力,凭籍上帝赐予我们全部力量人类历史上空前黑暗、空前暴虐专制制度作殊死搏斗

    War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable-catalogue of human crime.


  • 明末清初史学思想史学观念上自主意识增强,产生了针对君主专制的历史批判思潮,理学化史学中的正统论思想遭到动摇;

    In the 17th century, historians had their self-consciousness. They critiqued the feudal autocracy and the orthodox thoughts. Orthodoxy had been shaken.


  • 国际交流合作处按照市外专局学校相关要求,对外专制定专门奖励惩罚考核制度必须认真学习遵守制度。

    According to the rules of foreign expert affairs and our school, the international college formulated the reward, punishment and appraisal system. The foreign expert must study and obey this system.


  • 一个君主专制体制工作从中获利,因为后者可以颁布法令规定赋税应当银行Banque Générale记名股票形式交付。

    Law had the benefit of working for an absolute monarchy which could decree that taxes should be paid in the form of notes issued by his new bank, Banque Générale.


  • 此外,专制管理者们相信对于一个老板”而言,如果他们采取相对温和的方式雇员会“不再服从管理”,因为温和管理风格将看作软弱的象征。

    They think in terms of being a "boss." Autocrats also believe that if they take the softer approach, employees will take advantage.


  • 此外,专制管理者们相信对于一个老板”而言,如果他们采取相对温和的方式雇员会“不再服从管理”,因为温和管理风格将看作软弱的象征。

    They think in terms of being a "boss." Autocrats also believe that if they take the softer approach, employees will take advantage.


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