• 本文主要讨论付担保不动产不良债权证券化问题

    This paper mainly probes into issues of securitisation of debt claim of warranted property.


  • 研究结果为辽宁省金融不良债权处置有指导意义

    The results offer guidance in disposing financial non-performing loans of Liaoning province.


  • 第四章介绍日本银行业不良债权处理历程五个阶段

    Chapter four introduced the treatment course of the bad creditor's rights of Japanese banking, and is divided into five stages altogether.


  • 一些团队有所专营比如不良债权市场有效性充分时,超额回报可以实现

    Some groups operate in fields like distressed debt, where markets may not be fully efficient and outsize returns could be achievable.


  • 经济长期低迷不良债权问题困扰使日本银行业陷入困境

    The long time economic depression and harassment from the problem of unhealthy creditor's rights result Japan's banking business into the plight.


  • “债转作为化解银行不良债权一种措施风险较小,实施难度较大

    As a measure to solve the problem of great amount of bad claims, the policy transforming claims into shares, has little risk but big difficulty in carrying out.


  • 日本银行业不良债权现实情况而言,可以存量流量结构等不同角度加以分析

    We can analyse it from aspects of stock, flow and structure as regarding reality of the bad creditor's rights of Japanese banking.


  • 国有银行不良债权形成清理有关利益围绕金融资源支配权展开的利益冲突过程。

    The formation of bad loans and their repayments are a confrontation course of the related interest sides around the right of using financial resources.


  • 不良债权价值分析评估不良债权定价基础,也是不良债权处置主要难点风险点。

    The analysis and evaluation of non - performing loans ( NPLs) are the premise of the pricing of NPLs as well as the main difficulty and risk source of NPL disposition.


  • 不良债权影响日本经济复苏重要原因,对不良债权的处理一般有放弃部分债权和追贷两种方法。

    The bad debts are one of the most important reasons that influence the resuscitation in Japan economy.


  • 法院受理金融机构不良债权债务人破产声请公司重整声请征询资产管理公司之意见。

    The court shall consult with the asset management company when considering the petition for bankruptcy or reorganization against the borrower of the non-performing loans of a Financial Institution.


  • 知情人透露,过去年里公司更多关注的是信贷不良债权收购业务,并没有在公司收购上多下功夫。

    Insiders say that over the past two years the firm has paid more attention to its credit and distressed-debt businesses than buy-outs.


  • 我国银行业不佳经营现状及其严重不良债权问题潜伏着极大的金融风险成为我国金融安全的极大隐患。

    Potential financial risks exist in our banking mismanagement and the problem of its creditor's rights, which has become a serious hidden danger to the country's financial security.


  • [color=#0000ff]尽管价格大折扣不良债权基金愿意下,许多银行更高价持有并且情愿以巨大损失抛售

    Distressed funds are willing to buy, albeit at steep discounts. But many banks are carrying the land on their books at higher prices and are reluctant to sell at a big loss.


  • SteveFeinberg幕后老板这个臭名昭著的人1992年他人共同出资创建了这家对冲基金公司,开展对不良债权的收购。

    Steve Feinberg, its notoriously reclusive boss, co-founded the firm in 1992 as a hedge fund that traded distressed debt.


  • 1997年东南亚金融危机再次我们敲响警钟,因此化解国有大中型企业国有独资商业银行不良债权债务问题已经到了迫在眉睫的地步。

    The Southeast Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 is an alarm bell to us. It is the most urgent situation for us to handle the bad debts between the state-owned enterprises and commercial Banks.


  • 本文认为资产管理公司可以通过实施企业内部企业之间重组并购激活不良债权股权价值驱动因素,进而实现提升不良资产价值目的;

    The author thinks AMC can promote NPA's value through enterprise's internal or enterprises'M&A to activate the value-drive factors of non-performing loans and equities.


  • 假设清算法以成本法为基础,通过对债务人清算状况不良资产进行评估,确定债权最低变现价值金融不良债权评估中一种经常使用方法

    Based on the cost-methods, given liquidation is one of the most important methods used to decide the lowest realization of non-performing loans, supposing liquidation of debtor.


  • 就是为什么不良银行解决方案如此重要的原因,损失应该由债权承担,而非纳税人

    This is whyresolution schemes” for bad banks, that put losses onto creditors not taxpayers, are so important.


  • 那些大量持有欧元区不良公债债权银行股票上涨超过5%,涨幅最大巴克莱银行股票全日涨幅达7.8%。

    The share prices of Banks seen as most exposed to distressed eurozone government debts rose by more than 5%, led by Barclays, which ended the day 7.8% higher.


  • 可是我们这次危机认识到,即使低的债权比(杠杆率)也不能有效地避免银行不良贷款

    But as we've just learned in this crisis, a low debt-to-equity ratio doesn't offer any protection against a bank making a bad loan.


  • 就是为什么不良银行解决方案如此重要的原因,损失应该由债权承担,而非纳税人

    This is why "resolution schemes" for bad Banks, that put losses onto creditors not taxpayers, are so important.


  • 经济衰退期债权国家资本天堂,只是总带着一些事与愿违不良后果

    Creditor nations are havens for capital in a downturn, with some perverse consequences.


  • 作为负债高风险行业商业银行不良金融债权问题一直伴随着银行业

    As a high-liability and high-risk industry, the problem of bad financial creditor's right in commercial banks revolves around the banking all the time.


  • 债权资产:资产公司收购不良贷款相应利息

    The asset of credit right: the non-performing loans as purchased by an asset company as well as the relevant interests;


  • 债权资产:资产公司收购不良贷款相应利息

    The asset of credit right: the non-performing loans as purchased by an asset company as well as the relevant interests;


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