• 说到,就好像其他压力譬如杀虫剂以及营养匮乏,也是蜜蜂不能抵抗潜在因素。

    For instance, other stressors, such as pesticides and a lack of good nutrition, may be behind the bees' lack of resistance, she said.


  • 这点不能作为抵抗透明性提议的托辞但是的确解释他们很有帮助

    This does not excuse attempts to resist transparency, but does help explain them.


  • 然而一切都不能减少流感为什么开始会爆发开来因素。因素之一是,许多免疫系统不足以抵抗新型病毒

    All this, however, cannot eliminate the reason why a pandemic happens in the first place-that most people's immune systems are not armed against the new viruses that can cause one.


  • 也许我们求助时,我们不能抵抗因为一种确认我们技术告知“我们方式

    Perhaps we can't resist when we're asked to help out because it's a validation of our skill and another way of being told, "we love you."


  • 任何一个单独行动国家不能抵抗偷袭方法侵入的微生物,这种微生物很难发现造成平民死亡破坏经济

    No country acting alone can defend itself against a microscopic agent that invades by stealth, evades detection, kills civilians, and disrupts the economy.


  • 华盛顿似乎得出结论他们不能军事打败阿富汗的的抵抗力量。

    Washington seems to be concluding it cannot defeat the national resistance militarily.


  • 伊拉克国民军警察的力量变强对于那些抵抗力量如果不能打败就收买

    The Iraqi national army and police will get stronger, holding off the insurgents if not actually defeating them.


  • 看起来确实有人认为自然选择一种无所不能酸液而且没有任何东西抵抗侵蚀威力

    Some people really do seem to think that natural selection is a universal acid, and that nothing can resist its powers of dissolution.


  • 新的季节性h1n 1人们感染之后产生抗体不能保护抵抗2009H1N1

    The antibodies people produce after being infected by this new seasonal H1N1 do not protect against 2009 H1N1.


  • 身体胰岛素产生抵抗时,细胞便不能得到所需能量

    When your body is resistant to insulin, your cells can't get the energy they need.


  • 因为一个失望人,不能抵抗仇敌攻击,又不能为人发出有效的代祷

    He can neither resist the wiles of the enemy himself, while in this state, nor can he prevail in prayer for others.


  • 即使呆得不耐烦史蒂夫不能经常外出因为必须服用免疫抑制药物防止肝脏出现排斥反应使抵抗变得脆弱。

    Even if he felt up for it, Steve couldn't go out much because he had to take immunosuppressive medications to prevent rejection of the new liver, and this made him more susceptible to disease.


  • 传统饮食包括动物无毒方式种植的植物,富含抵抗癌症因素,且其中很多抗癌因子存在于动物的脂肪中,因此素食主义不能抵抗癌症。

    Traditional diets, containing animal and plant foods farmed by nontoxic methods, are rich in factors that protect against cancer. Many of these protective factors are in the animal fats.


  • 注入银杏软饮料杂货店过道因为建议用根茎抵抗痴呆(其实它不能)。

    Ginkgo infused soft drinks line the grocery aisle, ever since the root was suggested to combat dementia (it doesn't).


  • 技术产业尽管不能抵抗衰退这次上次

    It cannot defy gravity, but the technology industry is faring better than it did in the previous downturn.


  • 如果不是有某种他既不能抵抗不能理解魔鬼迫使着他,他永远不会做起这样件事的。

    One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand.


  • 基因修改过不能合成神经酰胺的动物吃药的情况下也正常动物一样,不会产生胰岛素抵抗

    Animals genetically altered in a way that limited their synthesis of ceramide didn't become insulin resistant when taking the drug as normal animals did.


  • 那么受害者那些动物怎么样呢?那些没有抵抗能力,不能反击的都谁?用于自我满足获利残忍机械化系统折磨的都是谁?

    What about the victims, the animals? Who are these beings, so defenseless and unable to retaliate, so punished by a heartless, mechanized system developed for self-gratification and profit?


  • 阿耳慕一犹大的同伴力量强大,自知不能抵抗回到前,控告他们许多罪行

    And Alcimus saw that Judas, and they that were with him prevailed: and he knew that he could not stand against them, and he went back to the king, and accused them of many crimes.


  • 不能指望猎人6奥射,得考虑到驱散抵抗的问题。

    With a dispel on a 6 second cooldown it isn't reliable vs the chance for the dispel to be resisted.


  • 贝帝不能抵抗魅力

    Betty can't resist my charm.


  • 抵抗我们不能控制东西会让我们脱离现实,无法接触到自己感情环境所爱的人。

    Resisting what we can't control removes us from reality, rendering our emotions, circumstances and loved ones inaccessible.


  • 世界上最远距离不是相爱不能在一起而是明明无法抵抗这般思念故意装作丝毫放在心里

    Furthest distance the world is not with you and I can not love, but obviously can not resist so they had to intentionally miss the slightest do not pretend to you on the heart.


  • 这项改动会使那些不能通过天赋专注光环效果获得100%打断施法抵抗职业可以从容的面对这场战斗。

    This should ease the frustration of the encounter for those casting classes who can not obtain 100% resistance to spell interruption through talents and effects such as Concentration Aura.


  • 这里指出s - L - H方案不能抵抗公钥替换攻击给出一个改进门限代理签名方案。

    It is shown here that S-L-H scheme is insecure against the public key substitution attack and an improved threshold proxy signature scheme is proposed.


  • 如果胰岛素抵抗不能获得胰岛素这样生物学作用脂肪不能正常代谢分布

    If you have insulin resistance you do not get the same biologic effects of insulin and that fat is not processed and distributed as it should be.


  • 常用加密签名技术可以保障通信内容本身的秘密性,不能抵抗流量分析攻击

    Commonly used encryption and signature technology can only protect their communications secrets, but can not resist flow attacks.


  • 美国科学家研制出一种携带基因蚊子,能够抵抗疟疾这意味着这种蚊子不能这种疾病传播给人类

    Scientists in the US have created a new strain of mosquito that's resistant to malaria, meaning it can't then pass the disease onto humans.


  • 韦伯姚明位置根本没有任何抵抗能力不能防守姚明的投篮

    Webber offers no resistance to Yao getting position and he also doesn't contest his shot.


  • 韦伯姚明位置根本没有任何抵抗能力不能防守姚明的投篮

    Webber offers no resistance to Yao getting position and he also doesn't contest his shot.


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