• 必须设法消除造成两个团体不和恐惧敌意

    Attempts must be made to break down the barriers of fear and hostility which divide the two communities.


  • 发言人的话打消了人们关于董事会不和所有推测。

    A spokesman dismissed any suggestion of a boardroom rift.


  • 很多人受到家庭不和困扰,这一问题可以归结为家庭责任感缺失

    Many are being plagued by family discord, a problem that boils down to the lack of a sense of family responsibility.


  • 可能会有人舞台上:“美丽维罗纳我们的故事在这里发生!”,然后讲述关于罗密欧朱丽叶不和的所有故事。

    Someone might walk out on a stage and say, "In fair Verona where we lay our scene!" and then tell all about the feuding families of Romeo and Juliet.


  • 当然孩子可能不和主要原因。

    Children, of course, can be a big source of contention.


  • 一个将军政客们不和糟糕时刻

    This is a terrible moment for the generals to fall out with the politicians.


  • 现在我们彻底消除引起我们之间不和原因的时候

    It's time we ironed out the causes of the disagreement once and for all.


  • 油气资源探测这类潜在性容易引起不和问题没有很快提及

    There was no immediate mention of oil and gas exploration, potentially the most divisive issue.


  • 家庭关系不和案子里挣脱出来,一个耗时的无足轻重法律纠纷

    The protracted and petty legal combat I had just suffered through was a case that should have been settled but for bad blood in a family relationship.


  • 我们走进一个房间时,看到人们十分的愤怒沮丧尽管当时没有人出声,我们仍可以感受到那种不和气氛。

    If we enter a room where several people are angry and upset, we can feel that dissension even if nobody is saying anything right then.


  • 同时作为辩护一个认为曼城队员彼此不和观点,孔帕尼热切揭示现代球员作为一点类似雇佣兵的神秘真相。

    As well as defending the view of City as a squad beset by disaffected players, Kompany is also keen to debunk the myth of the modern-day player being little more than a mercenary.


  • 阿富汗袭击都是盘踞巴基斯坦领土的激进组织所为,这一点成为阿富汗和巴基斯坦长期不和原因。

    Attacks in Afghanistan that are believed to originate from groups based in Pakistani territory have long been a source of contention between the two countries.


  • 来了只要答应不和你说的那样。”男孩坚持说

    "I shall only come if you promise not to do what you said," insisted the boy.


  • 即使不和宗教搅在一起,这个问题已够了。

    It's difficult enough without muddying the issue with religion.


  • 这次会见反映总统国会日益加深的不和

    The interview reflected a growing rift between the president and Congress.


  • 最好的意,不和争吵

    She thought it best to humour him rather than get into an argument.


  • 我们之间虽然不和仍旧妹妹

    We have our differences , but she's still my sister.


  • 怀孕引起了家庭不和

    Her pregnancy was tearing the family apart.


  • 充分的理由不和一起是个无聊的家伙,傻瓜

    There is every reason why I shouldn't enjoy his companyhe's a bore and a fool.


  • 这个问题可能会进一步造成红色选区蓝色选区之间不和

    This issue could drive an even bigger wedge between the red and blue states.


  • 不和孩子在一起父亲强制支付子女抚养费

    Absentee fathers will be forced to pay child support.


  • 相反她们关注沟通问题:“的”,“他不和我说话”。

    Instead, they focused on communication: "He doesn't listen to me""He doesn't talk to me".


  • 相反她们关注沟通问题:“的”,“他不和我说话”。

    Instead, they focused on communication: "He doesn't listen to me""He doesn't talk to me".


  • 芭尔一直渴望了解这位大叔事情以及为什么不和大家住在一起

    Barbara had long been anxious to know something about the old uncle and why he lived apart from everybody.


  • 可以听到很多关于家庭不和酗酒痛苦以及完全明智的自杀的故事。

    You can hear plenty about bitter family feuds and the sorrows of alcoholism and about perfectly sensible people who went off one day and killed themselves.


  • 成立研究协会补充说,虽然一些冲突提供了更多多元文化接纳融合”,但不和文化对抗”。

    The RA of two years added that while some conflicts "provided more multicultural acceptance and melding", there were also "jarring cultural confrontations".


  • 这场轻微不和过去后他们成了朋友并且他们学生老师工作忙得不可开交

    When this slight disagreement was over, they were friends again and as busy as possible in their several occupations of pupil and teacher.


  • 如果决定成为永远不和客户交流的“隐士”,并且只采取同一处理办法来解决不同问题,你应该不到太多东西

    If you decide to be a "hermit" that never talks to clients and solve different problems with the same solution, you probably will not learn a lot.


  • 如果决定成为永远不和客户交流的“隐士”,并且只采取同一处理办法来解决不同问题,你应该不到太多东西

    If you decide to be a "hermit" that never talks to clients and solve different problems with the same solution, you probably will not learn a lot.


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