• 分析了U形钢作用锚固应力大小及分布情况。

    The stress distribution of cable-pylon anchorage zones under U-prestressing tendon is analyzed.


  • 目的探讨运动状态下索他洛尔心室作用性别差异。

    Objective To investigate effect of sotalol on ventricular repolarization between male and female during movement.


  • 科尔曼先生介绍一先生好吗?英语老师

    Mr. Coleman, may I introduce Mr. Thorn? He 's my English teacher.


  • 结果表明在本实验条件提取提取原煤中多环芳烃能力上优于超声提取法。

    The study results indicated that the ability of Soxhlet extraction method to extract PAHs from raw coal is be...


  • 准确评价工作状态健康状况分析受扰动后的响应,提出了行波损伤识别

    A damage detection method was developed to accurately evaluate cable status for working conditions based on the analysis of the traveling wave respond in a cable.


  • 本文采用离散理论求得桁架振动方程,进一步可求得在随机荷载作用桁架结构振动频率及其位移响应

    This paper has worked out the vibration equation of cable truss by treating it as a discrete system and solved the vibration frequency and the displacement responses under stochastic wind loading.


  • 结合微分几何曲线分布荷载作用受力模型,研究了膜结构中和谷的受力分析形状分析。

    Combined the curve theory of differential geometry and the cable model applied distributed load, form analysis and tension analysis of boundary cable, ridge cable and valley cable were performed.


  • 最重要是,今年夏天,马萨伊特酋长的领导他们印第安邻居建立友好条约

    Best of all, they had established a treaty of friendship with their Indian neighbors under Chief Massasoit in the summer.


  • 重要是,今年夏天,马萨伊特酋长的领导他们印第安邻居建立了友好条约

    Best of all, they had establi shed a treaty of friendship with their Indian neighbors under Chief Massasoit in the summer.


  • 如今总决赛已结束小牛队带上了桂冠重访先生,赞扬小牛对热火提出前瞻性教训应该是再合适不过

    Now that the Finals are over and the Mavericks have been crowned champions, it only seems appropriate to revisit Thorpe to praise the Mavericks and extract forward-looking lessons for the Heat.


  • 贬值之后德克·萨斯的业务支持墨西哥在吸引外资殖产兴业方面变得相对容易一些。

    After the peso devalued it became easier to woo companies to put their plants in Mexico with support operations in Texas.


  • ,在父亲旁边,高用手拢了一脸上头发

    Downstairs, near her father, lanky Sophie wiped a long lock of hair from her face.


  • 经历了2008年半年惨淡日子,几近崩溃的艺术品市场斯比克里斯蒂拍卖行收入锐减,而现在它们又逐渐回到正轨。

    THE two leading auction houses, Sotheby's and Christie's, have come a long way since the dark days of late 2008, when the sudden collapse of the art market caused their revenues to plummet.


  • ,纳布科计划是大部分来自土库曼斯坦天然气穿越土耳其抵达巴尔干地区,这一规划只有欧盟美国大力支持才能付诸实施

    Socor said Nabucco, intended to carry mostly Turkmenistan gas across Turkey to the Balkans, will happen only if the European Union and the United States give the project high level support.


  • 研究工程公司已经开发了个郊区道路清理系统报道人行道蒸汽电力更为便宜

    Esso Research and Engineering Company has already devised a system for clearing urban roadways that is reported to be cheaper than under-pavement steam or electric coils.


  • 本周早些时候撒尔海上水上摩托艇来后突然觉得胳膊“像被蜜蜂了一”。

    Earlier this week, Southall was getting off a Jet Ski in the ocean when he felt "a small bee-like sting" on his arm.


  • 女儿17岁那年作为一个惊喜告诉弗洛伊德她要订婚弗洛伊德只是中产阶级谨慎询问了一对方的财产状况

    At 17, Daughter Sophie sprang her surprise engagement on him, and Freud only inquired with middle-class prudence about the young man's financial condition.


  • 益普公司总经理约翰怀特说:“有些人有双重人格,某些情况能接受这种行为。”

    "There is a Jekyll and Hyde issue here, and in some places the behavior is just more acceptable," said John Wright, managing director at Ipsos.


  • 3月23日霍尔布鲁克离开贝尔格莱德之后,全力支持北约秘书长哈维尔·拉纳韦斯·克拉克将军达了空袭命令。

    On March 23, after Holbrooke left Belgrade, NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana, with my full support, directed General Wes Clark to begin air strikes.


  • 犯罪集团成员父亲格利球场附近闲荡,他们在那抢劫一个毫无戒心的球迷呢,还是为了目睹一正在离场的塞米棒球队风采呢?”

    A gang member and his father are hanging out near Wrigley Field. Are they there "to rob an unsuspecting fan or just to get a glimpse of Sammy Sosa leaving the ball park?"


  • 没有这些定义术语情况任何对立法专营权的申操作游戏谴责道德威胁应该拒绝。

    In the absence of these defining terms, any claim to a legislative franchise to operate a game played for bets and denounced as a menace to morality ought to be rejected.


  • 不同损伤程度斜拉张力指标作为神经网络训练测试输入神经网络的输出指示损伤位置

    Taking cable tension indices as inputs of neural network for both training and testing, damage locations are indicated by the outputs of the network.


  • 帐目早已准备好放在一张可以折起桌子上,米斯头就看帐。

    The accounts were already prepared on a folding table, and with a nod Soames sat down to study them.


  • 有个表兄很气愤,一就把·威勒打倒在地,又扔到帐篷外

    One of her indignant Cousins knocked Summerville down and threw him out of camp.


  • 有个表兄很气愤,一就把·威勒打倒在地,又扔到帐篷外

    One of her indignant Cousins knocked Summerville down and threw him out of camp.


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