• 不管喜欢喜欢,你上学

    You've got to go to school, whether you like it or not.


  • 学习不怎么样,而且讨厌上学

    She wasn't very academic and hated school.


  • 这里孩子上学要步行好几英里

    Children here walk several miles to school.


  • 过去上学时常空闲时间写作

    I used to write during my free periods at school.


  • 有些孩子上学看书写字了。

    Some children can read and write before they go to school.


  • 很快使孩子们做好了上学的准备。

    She soon got the children ready for school.


  • 正在孩子们准备好去上学

    I'm just getting the kids ready for school.


  • 上学警方发生过纠葛

    He got into trouble with the police while he was still at school.


  • 孩子穿什么上学觉得无所谓

    I take a fairly relaxed attitude towards what the kids wear to school.


  • 明天上学不想让你熬夜

    You've got school tomorrow. I don't want you staying up late.


  • 上学一个善于模仿的人。

    At school I was a good mimic.


  • 一旦适应了,非常喜欢上学了。

    I enjoyed school enormously once I'd settled in.


  • 上学孩子们表现会得到彩星。

    Children at school receive coloured stars for work well done.


  • 已经忘了第一上学的情景。

    I don't remember my first day at school.


  • 516孩子必须上学

    Children must attend school between the ages of 5 and 16.


  • 敢说上学擅长比赛

    I bet you were good at games when you were at school.


  • 罗斯一月份就要开始上学了。

    Rose is due to start school in January.


  • 位于我们那条街尽头学校上学

    I went to the school at the bottom of our street.


  • 他们的孩子一所犹太教学校上学

    Their children attend a Jewish parochial school.


  • 每天乘公共汽车上学

    She rode the bus to school every day.


  • 十岁的孩子上学

    I have a ten-year-old in school.


  • 这个歌唱家上学的时候就受到赏识了。

    The singer was discovered while still at school.


  • 上学日子十分难熬

    She had a wretched time of it at school.


  • 早上打发孩子上学可要忙乱一阵子呢

    It's such a performance getting the children off to school in the morning.


  • 自从上学以来一直梦想着成为演员

    Since she was a schoolgirl she had dreamed of going on the stage.


  • 天早上上学决定装病

    One morning, I didn't want to go to school, and decided to feign illness.


  • 妻子留在家里同别人拼车孩子上学

    His wife stays home to drive the children to school in the carpool.


  • 他们上学时期以来就是最要好的朋友

    They've been best mates since school.


  • 孩子上学放学需要摆渡

    The children need to be ferried to and from school.


  • 打发孩子们上学去了

    He got the children off to school.


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