• 这座城市其名

    The city has changed its name three times.


  • 我们希望工具厂商RUP其他开发框架供应商开始访问性集成方法嵌入他们的产品中。

    We also hope that tool vendors and third-party suppliers for RUP and other development frameworks will begin embedding an integrated approach for accessibility into their products.


  • 作家艺术家可以他们技能以物得到每周大约工作换来免费房间(夏季除外)。

    Writers and artists can barter their skills, receiving a free room in exchange for approximately three days' work a week (outside the summer season).


  • 养殖场寄生虫侵害,代虫病是其中之一,挪威河流大约10%其感染,灭绝野生鲑鱼

    Farmed fish are also prone to parasites, one of which, Gyrodactylus salaris, has infected about 10% of Norway’s rivers, wiping out the wild salmon.


  • 约翰获得确诊个月之后终于这件事的真相告诉了斯潘塞

    Three months after John's diagnosis, Louise finally told Spencer the truth about the boy.


  • 信达虽然中规模最小的,但是潜力确实是不可小觑的

    Egencia is the poor stepchild among the three, but indeed there is a huge potential up-side.


  • 一个可能原因有些由于清除能力受损而形成感体质。

    A plausible possibility is the existence of a predisposed subset of individuals with impaired ability to clear aluminium from the deltoid muscle.


  • 我们公司私有化后,改善经营年后把它给了“石油公司”特购,使我们的股东获得了四倍的回报

    We took the company private, improved the business, and three years later sold it to Tosco, an oil company, earning our investors a more than quadrupled return on their money.


  • 基本要素我们论述庞大社会组织时,也许会纯粹理解的方式自行体现出来。

    The third basic element probably presents itself most purely and most accessibly when we are dealing with large social organizations.


  • 在缅甸洛瓦底江角洲饥饿无家可归传染病居民一定觉得情况几乎不可能变得更糟了。

    STARVING, homeless and vulnerable to infectious disease, the inhabitants of Myanmar's Irrawaddy delta must feel that things could hardly get worse.


  • 北京国际调查公司发布数据称,谷歌搜索部分股票收益从今年头个月31%,第二季度下降到24%。

    Google's share of search revenues fell from 31 percent in the first three months of the year to 24 percent in the second quarter, according to Analysys International, a research firm in Beijing.


  • 全能设计结合不寻常空气动力学造型,具有适应的传统自行车操控能让你的自行车变成科幻电影里交通工具尖端混合动力技术

    Unusual combination of aerodynamic shapes of triathlon designs flexible handling of traditional bikes and advanced hybrid power technology turns ordinary bike into vehicle from fantastic movies.


  • 全能设计结合不寻常空气动力学造型,具有适应的传统自行车操控能让你的自行车变成科幻电影里交通工具尖端混合动力技术

    Unusual combination of aerodynamic shapes of triathlon designs, flexible handling of traditional bikes and advanced hybrid power technology turns ordinary bike into vehicle from fantastic movies.


  • 的总营业额排名紧随家乐福之后(沃尔玛排在首位),盈利能力强。

    Tesco still ranks third behind Carrefour in global turnover (Wal-Mart is number one). But it is more profitable.


  • 支持RUP主要补充企业扩增加一些现有过程要素反映访问设计原则

    To support these three major additions to RUP, organizations would also augment some existing process elements to reflect accessible design principles. For example.


  • RationalPublishingEngine使用起来应该更加设计目标通过简单交流的概念现代用户界面UI)相结合,来得到满足。

    Third, Rational Publishing Engine should be easy to use, which design goal is reached through a combination of simple, clearly communicated concepts, and a modern user interface (UI).


  • 台PC接入互联网时候使用者教会了如何使用诸如GOOGLE等搜索工具或是私人拍,或许选择网上下载数据

    But every time a PC is connected to the Internet and its owner is taught to use search tools like Google (or The Pirate Bay), a third option appears:you can just download a copy from the Internet.


  • 信达季度收入大概只Expedia休闲旅游收入的3.5%。

    Egencia's revenue in the third quarter was about 3.5% of Expedia's leisure revenue.


  • 创建加入辅助技术(assistive technologies,ATs)——引入应用程序访问性api软件硬件

    Creation and incorporation of assistive technologies (ATs) — third-party software and hardware that hooks into an application's accessibility APIs.


  • 航空的客座率过去月均在85%以上连续7达到80%以上。

    EasyJet's load factors have been above 85% for the past three months, and above 80% for seven consecutive months.


  • 李亚红身高175厘米年前建联关系曾被媒体曝光,那时矢口否认

    Li, 175cm, was exposed as Yi's girlfriend 3 years ago but she denied the relationship then.


  • 麦金·詹姆斯(Alasdair James)英国消费者环保购买的要素,仅次于商品价格便利性

    Tesco's Alasdair James says British consumers rank the environment as their third priority after price and convenience.


  • 观国际同时还说谷歌季度的市场占有率季度下滑了两个百分点,至8.9%,二季度谷歌的市场占有率还处于第二位。

    Meanwhile, Analysys says, Google's share fell 2 percentage points from the second quarter, when it held the number-two spot, to 8.9% in the third quarter.


  • 随着葡萄酒作为一种可供选择酒精饮料我们看到许多超市纷纷低价促销葡萄酒。特购更专门提供一些3英镑一瓶的葡萄酒,有些就10英镑瓶。

    With wine being the alcoholic drink of choice for most women who do drink, we are seeing many supermarkets responding to this and selling.


  • 终于到家了,人迫不及待地车上下来更是连来得及

    Finally came home, three ran down from the car, the easy way even had no cars more in time lock.


  • 部分告知义务履行问题研究主要实务者角度选取告知义务履行中产生争议部分进行探讨

    The third part is the study of the fulfillment of duty to disclosure. The author mainly selects some disputable questions to discuss from experience.


  • 北京所处地理位置颇为不利。北京环山远离大海如同一个大碗污染物质聚不散。(实习编辑:顾萍)。

    Beijing also has geography to battle. It is ringed by mountains on three sides and far from the ocean, trapping pollution as if in a bowl.


  • 北京所处地理位置颇为不利。北京环山远离大海如同一个大碗污染物质聚不散。(实习编辑:顾萍)。

    Beijing also has geography to battle. It is ringed by mountains on three sides and far from the ocean, trapping pollution as if in a bowl.


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