• 1972年以来,我们家庭已经成功地拥有经营干洗设施整个三州地区

    Since 1972, our family has successfully owned and operated dry cleaning facilities throughout the tri-state area.


  • 又宣布佐治亚北部分之一地区进入紧急状态

    A day later, he declared a state of emergency across the northern third of Georgia.


  • 上周缅因新罕布什尔都通过了允许同性结婚的法律。在英格兰地区行为正被越来越多的人所支持。

    New England states signaled an increasing willingness to sanction gay marriage on Wednesday as Maine legalized the practice and the New Hampshire Legislature do the same.


  • 富油角洲地区五六个问题更加尖锐

    The problem is most acute in the five or six oil-rich Delta states.


  • 时有六个都承受暴雪,自十严重的风暴席卷德克·缅因全国范围地区后,多个都被冰雪覆盖。

    Blizzard conditions existed in six states Wednesday and ice coated many other states after a gigantic storm billed as the worst in decades hit a large area of the country from Texas to Maine.


  • 纽约地区人口增长率达拉斯休斯顿五分之一,洛杉矶甚至还不及德克萨斯平均增长率的分之一

    The New York City region's rate of growth was just one-fifth that of Dallas or Houston, while Los Angeles barely reached one-third the level of the Texas cities.


  • 澳洲昆士兰以及新南威尔士交叉地区显示绿色很深,这表明地区植物生长量激增

    The intersecting corners of South Australia, Queensland, and New South Wales are intensely green, indicating explosive plant growth during March.


  • 上周,市场预期Enbridge石油管道关闭缩减作为美国基准wti主要交付地的俄克拉荷马地区原油库存

    The Enbridge pipeline shutting last Thursday was expected to help reduce stocks at the Cushing, Oklahoma, hub, delivery point for U.S. benchmark crude West Texas Intermediate.


  • 阿肯色选区21组成,这些县占据阿肯色西北部1/4面积,美国国会所有选区乡村最多地区之一

    Arkansas Third District comprised twenty-one counties in the northwest quadrant of the state and was one of Americas most rural congressional districts.


  • 之间车辆往来的次级公路,自然大都市地区除外那里条。

    The interstates have two lanes of traffic in each direction except in the metropolitan areas where they have three.


  • 美国南部地区持续暴风龙卷风使至少45死亡救援人员目前正在北卡罗来纳搜寻生还者

    Rescuers are searching for survivors in North Carolina after three days of storms and tornadoes in the American South killed at least 45 people.


  • 美国东南部地区,至少有十余死亡据信与冬季风暴有关其中人因辆救护车德克萨斯一段结冰的路上出路面而丧生

    At least a dozens deaths in the southeastern U. s. have been blamed on the storm, including three people killed when an ambulance skidded off an icy road in Texas.


  • 地级办事处取代区级办事处意味着必须协调好联邦立法机构执法机构以及地区消费者者之间的关系。

    The regional designation for the district offices is meant to facilitate their cooperation with state and federal regulators, law enforcement agencies and consumer groups at the local level.


  • 北达科他研究人员利用探测测距设备(激光雷达),建立一个地形图死亡地区

    In North Dakota, the researchers used Light Detection and Ranging equipment (LiDAR) to develop a three-dimensional topographical map of the area where Dakota died.


  • 库区灾害极其发育,地区具有代表性。

    Dangerous rock is a main geological hazard in the reservoir area of the Three Gorges Project, especially in Wanzhou area.


  • 路易斯安纳拥有大批优秀海岸科学家他们已经角洲地区进行了数十年的研究。

    The state of Louisiana has a wealth of fine coastal scientists who have been working on the coastal restoration of the Louisiana delta region for decades.


  • 阿拉巴马东中部地区同时遭到龙卷风的袭击,教堂完全摧毁一所部分受损

    Meanwhile, three tornadoes barreled through east central Alabama, destroying one church and damaging another.


  • 应急管理部门周一克拉何马至少发生龙卷风受灾地区包括俄克拉何马穆尔邓肯(Duncan),但是穆尔市受灾最为严重。

    The Department of Emergency Management said at least three tornadoes touched down Monday in Oklahoma, including in Oklahoma City, Moore and Duncan, but Moore took the hardest hit.


  • 回鹘文摩尼教寺院文书作为西地区的官方文件,颁发于唐贞元七年(791年)二月之前,亦即颉迦斯·骨咄禄改尊佛教之前。

    The Manicheism temple documents in Uighur scripts was issued before 3 Feb 791 of lunar calendar, that is, before JijiasiGuchulu changed his belief into Buddhism.


  • 加勒比海地区印度缅甸泰国持续居住超过个月正拟上述国家

    Have you resided in the following countries for more than 3 months or planned to go to there: Africa, region of Caribbean Sea, India, Myanmar or Thailand?


  • 加勒比海地区印度缅甸泰国持续居住超过个月正拟上述国家

    Have you resided in the following countries for more than 3 months or planned to go to there: Africa, region of Caribbean Sea, India, Myanmar or Thailand?


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