• 固定实验配备视听设备

    A fixed laboratory having two or three connected rooms outfitted with audio-visual equipment.


  • 希望选择远离马路别墅。希望楼主采纳。

    I'd like to choose a flat with three bedrooms far from the busy road.


  • 俺们自己盖了房子,房子的后院里养鸡啊狗啊猪啊

    We have a self constructed three room house. We also have a backyard, with chickens, dogs and pigs.


  • 座建筑共包含公寓和两套公寓占据了两个楼层一个小型公寓楼。

    Together they house three two-bedroom flats, two three-bedroom flats set over two floors and a studio apartment.


  • 想起玛格丽特女皇评价理查德,“恶牙齿长眼睛之前的动物,表面上可怜羊羔的鲜血”。

    Hearing that reminded me of Queen Margaret's words in “Richard III”: “That dog, that had his teeth before his eyes, / To worry lambs and lap their gentle blood…” But he won't succeed.


  • 他们办公切斯特大厦

    Their offices are on the second floor of Chester House.


  • 分之一以上员工他们按规定休假期间被召回办公

    More than a third of workers said they called into the office while technically on holiday.


  • 其他几位正在休息的办公人员旁边自己明治

    She ate her sandwich alongside several other office workers taking their break.


  • 办公

    Her office is on the second floor.


  • 月的会员费是150美元可以使用候车桑拿游泳池

    A three-month membership costs 150 dollars, and that includes use of the wait-room, sauna and pool.


  • 不过确实累,意味着春天秋天大多数时间都不在办公工作。因此我们尽量一起分担工作

    It can be pretty tiring though, and it means you're out of the office a lot in the autumn and the spring, so we try to share the work between the three of us.


  • 个幸运的孩子一直拥有他们需要的一切:漂亮的衣服,温暖的炉火,一间很好的游戏和一只叫詹姆斯的狗。

    These three lucky children always had everything they needed: pretty clothes, good fires, a lovely playroom and a dog called James.


  • 实验确认病例报告来自戈亚斯州联邦区马托格罗索州。

    The laboratory confirmed cases were reported from the three states of Goias, Distrito Federal and Mato Grosso do Sol.


  • 幸亏来到哈福德,班纳特太太便化妆窗口看见骑着马走进围场家里走来。

    But on the third morning after his arrival in Hertfordshire, she saw him, from her dressing-room window, enter the paddock and ride towards the house.


  • 最大问题是,雇佣更多的人会让工作效率降低:以前只要把头伸进某个办公言两语解决的问题,现在找齐八个人一起大会

    But worst of all, they slow you down: instead of sticking your head in someone's office and checking out an idea with them, eight people have to have a meeting about it.


  • 他们一些雕塑包括MOMA系列作品,都是从实验研究开始的。

    Several of their paper sculptures, including the series of three at MOMA, started as studies in the lab.


  • 选择小时打开家庭办公窗户——有太多发生意外机会了。

    She chooses not to shift the window on the home office back three hourstoo much chance of being caught by surprise.


  • 不管多么有趣的事情办公道四一定会使工作尽头

    No matter what funny things you are talking about, gossiping in the office is a surefire way to end your work life.


  • 一年MEWE设计联盟倒了,治治又开了自己的工作但是他们还是朋友

    MEWE folded this year, and Mr. Liu set up on his own, but the three have remained friends.


  • 使用设在埃及开罗美国海军医学研究处(NAMRU -3)提供便携式PCR现场实验进行检测

    Testing was conducted using a portable PCR field laboratory provided by the us Naval Medical Research Unit 3 (NAMRU-3) based in Cairo, Egypt.


  • 对于天空实验小组来说,运转正常立足之处容许他们桌旁”下来吃。

    Eating for Skylab's three-member teams was a fairly normal operation: footholds allowed them to situate themselves around the table and "sit" to eat.


  • (他们步入客厅)。这套房子基本设计个客厅,一个饭厅,一间间客房。

    (They walk to the living room) the layout of the flat consists of one dining room, one living room, one master bedroom and two bedrooms.


  • 月份布朗化妆倒闭了。《早安美国》的专访谈到有关蕾哈娜的事情,布朗再次发怒。

    In March, Brown smashed up his dressing room, "going ballistic" after he was asked about Rihanna in an interview with Good Morning America.


  • 这话根据就在于国会预算办公估计计划受众分之一可能拥有商业保险

    The Congressional Budget Office(CBO) estimates that a third of families that wouldenroll would have access to private coverage.


  • 资料还称找了布鲁克林区的朋友埋伏录音楼下大厅中。

    He had enlisted a trio of his friends from Brooklyn to ambush Shakur in the lobby of the Quad, the sources said.


  • 资料还称找了布鲁克林区的朋友埋伏录音楼下大厅中。

    He had enlisted a trio of his friends from Brooklyn to ambush Shakur in the lobby of the Quad, the sources said.


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