• 1892年圣诞节那天三一教堂首次作曲家身份演出弦乐三重奏管风琴行板

    At the church of the Trinity in Cherbourg on Christmas Day, 1892, he had his debut as a composer with the performance of his andante for string trio and organ.


  • 访问该镇期间,查尔斯王子参观了三一教堂莎士比亚坟墓前献了花圈

    During this visit to the town, Prince Charles visited Holy Trinity Church, and laid a wreath on Shakespeare's grave.


  • 变成绿色公园广场以及三一教堂回来丁香对冲推出开花一个渴望折磨逃跑

    When the grass turned green in Park Place, and the lilac hedge at the back of Trinity churchyard put out its blossoms, he was tormented by a longing to run away.


  • 2009年11月5日,苏格兰考登·比斯·凯莉·莫法特()注视丈夫托马斯·梅森下士的棺木三一教堂出。

    Kylie Moffat (right) watches the coffin of her husband Corporal Thomas Mason, carried from Trinity Parish Church on November 5, 2009 in Cowdenbeath, Scotland.


  • 在下曼哈顿,20层摩天大楼正在破坏着天际线,优雅三一教堂塔尖遮挡视觉上将布鲁克林拦腰斩断。

    In Lower Manhattan, new 20-story skyscrapers were ruining the view, blocking the elegant spires of Trinity Church and the swoops of the Brooklyn Bridge.


  • 帝国大厦204英尺(62米)飞艇碇塔桅杆虽然从未载客飞船停靠,在商业界却与三一教堂尖塔在宗教界的地位相当。

    The Empire State's 204-foot mooring mast for passenger dirigibles, which never actually docked there, represented the mercantile equivalent of Trinity's steeple.


  • 三一教堂文艺复兴后期天主教堂位于罗马西班牙阶梯顶点,有一种居高临下的气势顺着台阶下,便是迷人西班牙广场

    The Trinita dei Monti is a Roman Catholic late Renaissance church which sits in a commanding position in Rome, at the summit of the Spanish steps which lead down to the attractive Piazza di Spagna.


  • 三一教堂文艺再起后期天主教堂位于罗马西班牙阶梯的极点,有一种居高临下的气势顺着台阶是迷人西班牙广场

    Thee Trinita dei Monti is a Roman Catholic late Renaissance church which sits in a commanding position in Rome, at the summit of the Spanish steps which lead down to the attractive Piazza di Spagna.


  • 毫无疑问,设置纽约三一教堂塔顶的巨大光源照亮A应该没有问题的,也就是说,我们假定这个离光源隔着一个广场距离的地方,那里的光照程度是可以不费劲读书看报

    We will take it for granted that the great light on Trinity steeple shines so bright, that one is just able to read these pages at a square's distance, viz. , on " A " street.


  • 17世纪下半叶,在三一连接大门教堂建筑之间空地一个围墙花园

    In the second half of the seventeenth century there was a walled garden in the free space between Trinity Street and the building which joins the Great Gate to the chapel.


  • 奥巴马芝加哥三一联合教会教堂牧师耶利米.赖特施以洗礼 赖特牧师也是主婚人

    The children were baptized by Obama's pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Rev. Wright also officiated at Obama's marriage.


  • 为了山上三一天主教堂(thechurchoftrinitadei Monti)争抢注意力一些聪明的广告商挂出了巨大黄色霓虹灯手套广告牌。

    Competing for attention with the church of trinita dei Monti some clever advertisers have hung a gigantic advertisement for yellow neon gloves.


  • 三一基督教堂

    I'd like to see Trinity Church.


  • 当天有500名婴儿格鲁吉亚东正教教堂受洗该国三一教堂举行第15次集体受洗仪式

    More than 500 children were baptized by the Georgian Orthodox church during the 15th mass baptism ceremony at the country's main Holy Trinity cathedral.


  • 当天有500名婴儿格鲁吉亚东正教教堂受洗该国三一教堂举行第15次集体受洗仪式

    More than 500 children were baptized by the Georgian Orthodox church during the 15th mass baptism ceremony at the country's main Holy Trinity cathedral.


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