• 苏尼尔·库马尔,32岁货仓人孟买附近一家纺织中心万迪工作,正在休假在那里操纵一台电动织机

    Sunil Kumar, a 32-year-old in Godown, was on leave from a textiles hub near Mumbai, Bhiwandi, where he operates a power-loom.


  • 棕榈岛集团各个个人承包商供应商此次危机中虽未受到外界关注,也遭受了巨大损失。 他们很快得到最高50万迪拉姆(136000美元)的现金支付款

    The company’s individual contractors and suppliers, who have suffered silently but deeply in this crisis, will soon get a cash payment of up to 500,000 dirham ($136,000).


  • 语义维网多年来人们一直研究的项目工作-的确,姆阁下自从维网上工作以来一直在忙于此项目。

    The semantic web has been a work in progress for over a decade-indeed, Sir Tim has said that he has been working on it since he started work on the web.


  • 分真诚保证不管是马克还是卢安瓜自然生态保护项目其它任何一名员工他们都没出现枪杀现场

    I can assure you in the strongest way possible that neither Mark nor Delia Owens nor any other North Luangwa Conservation Project staff were even in the area at the time of this shooting.


  • 来自加州大学圣迭戈分校的卡克•穆拉里达兰世界银行可太实•桑德拉拉曼,印度安德拉邦的300所国立学校试验了这个想法

    Two researchers, Karthik Muralidharan of the University of California at San Diego and Venkatesh Sundararaman of the World Bank, tested that idea in 300 state-run schools in Andhra Pradesh in India.


  • 题目学者们推论情节可能提斯的《唐吉》有关,因为后者有一角色名字就是卡·尼奥

    From the title, scholars infer that the plot had something to do with a scene in Miguel DE Cervantes' Don Quixote involving a character named Cardenio.


  • 10年了妻子一直圣节前夕举办了神会,但是从未出现过。

    For 10 years his wife held a seance on Halloween; Houdini never turned up.


  • 活动人士夏洛保护西尔领土委员会成员他认为以色列真实动机阿拉伯人撵走,改为犹太人的家园。

    Activist Abdel Halim Shaloudi, a member of the Committee for the Defense of the Territory of Silwan, believes the Israelis' real motive is to drive out the Arabs and make this a Jewish area.


  • 哈姆雷特一听到这个秘密,显得激动克劳母亲更加愤恨不已

    Upon hearing this, Hamlet became excited and was even more furious with Claudius and his mother.


  • 纽约厄普顿布鲁克林国家实验室物理学家米林德‧说,DUSEL终止或者说严重拖延掀起科研圈的涟漪

    The death of DUSEL, or a serious delay, would haveeffects that would ripple across the scientific community, saysMilind Diwan, a physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory inUpton, New York.


  • 2008年,因其采矿业千丝关系,以及乡村林迦派教徒的支持,耶尤·拉帕先生第一人民党赢得这一地区。

    In 2008 Mr Yeddyurappa's mining ties, and backing from rural Lingayat voters, won the state for the BJP, for the first time.


  • 美国制药巨头默克公司2004年因安全丑闻将其恶名昭著的止痛药召回,随后,克·克拉克出任公司董事长

    The chairman of Merck, a giant American drugs firm, got the top job after a safety scandal caused Vioxx, the firm's blockbuster painkiller, to be pulled from the market in 2004.


  • 朱尔强烈支持北约波斯尼亚问题上采取积极进取姿态克拉克克·霍尔布鲁克谈判小组不可缺少的组成部分

    Joulwan had vigorously supported an aggressive NATO stance in Bosnia, and Clark had been an integral part of Dick Holbrooke's negotiating team.


  • 比克女士2007加入历史频道。2006年,该频道黄金时段的平均观众数量是110

    In 2006, the year before Ms. Dubuc joined the channel, it drew an average 1.1 million viewers in prime time.


  • 来自AskJeeves凯莉:“Jeeves一直每月能够为用户解答1600问题而骄傲,并且坚守本职工作如一日。

    Nadia Kelly, of Ask Jeeves, said: "Jeeves prides himself on being able to answer 16 million questions a month and has been doing so for ten years now.


  • 我们面临着一个不稳定的局面,”环保主义者·辛格说道,“很快,不用三十,仅年之后,人们缺水出走。”

    "We are facing an unsustainable situation, " says Diwan Singh, a Delhi environmental activist. "Soon—not in thirty years but in five to tenthere will be an exodus because of the lack of water."


  • 扎伊派占也门3000人民三分之一几个世纪以来,山区的核心地带组成统治阶层。

    Zaydis make up a third of Yemen's 30m people, and for centuries formed the ruling elite in its mountain heartlands.


  • 他们中的许多人怀着分惊恐的心情走进”伊拉克监狱一位亚拉工作美军羁押者专家,一等中士宾尼·巴尔博表示

    "A lot of them are scared to go" to Iraqi prisons, says Sgt 1st Class Penny Barber, a US military detainee specialist working in Diyala.


  • 过去周内,大约有40科特逃离家园其中四分之三来自曾经商业非常繁荣首都港口城市阿比让

    More than 400, 000 Ivorians have fled their homes, three-quarters of them from Abidjan, the country’s once shinily prosperous commercial capital, most of them in the past few weeks.


  • 就职于伦敦Keltie律师事务所专利律师南德·克里斯(Devanand Crease)大多数欧洲法院那样狭义地理解这个措词

    Patent lawyer Devanand Crease, who works at the London-based law partnership Keltie, says that most people would have interpreted this wording as narrowly as the European court has done.


  • 汤姆(Tom Hardy)粗线条的魅力杰琳•莉莉(Evangeline Lilly)乡土味的坚韧提供需要的劲爆复活《邦克莱德》。

    Tom Hardy’s rugged charm and Evangeline Lilly’s down-home toughness would provide the bang needed to bring Bonnie and Clyde to life.


  • 花旗集团首席执行官,维克拉姆•特(Vikram S. Pandit)最近获得了175美元的薪酬过去的近两年试图银行拉上正轨,薪酬只有区区1美元。

    Citigroup’s chief executive, Vikram S. Pandit, after nearly two years of earning a mere $1 in salary while he tried put the bank back on track, was recently awarded a $1.75 million salary.


  • 阿尔发现(上图),让距今320年的露西化石不再已知最早人类遗骨。

    With the discovery of Ardi (above), 3.2-million-year-old fossil Lucy is no longer the oldest hominid skeleton known.


  • 盖恩斯发出指示,搞定布瑞吉特,后者要求添加100美元作为送来马丁·贝尔金身份证的酬劳。

    Gaines orders Mandy to handle Bridgit's request for an additional million dollars as payment for the delivery of Martin Belkin's I.D. card.


  • 电影故事涵盖了2008年9月主要事件:JamesWoods扮演民敬仰到遭受各种咒骂的克.富尔德;

    The story covers all the main moments of September 2008: the expletive-laced fall from grace of Dick Fuld, played by James Woods;


  • 麦当劳3月份推出游戏,据龙介绍,目前游戏参与者已经达到了180

    McDonald's started the game in March, and Ms. Dillon said 1.8 million people are playing it.


  • 麦当劳3月份推出游戏,据龙介绍,目前游戏参与者已经达到了180

    McDonald's started the game in March, and Ms. Dillon said 1.8 million people are playing it.


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