• 史蒂夫凯尔。齐尔斯一家人哈奇门廊上。

    Steve, Joan and Kyle Vander Ziels on the back porch of the Hatches'.


  • 凯尔。齐尔斯只鸡哈奇夫妇院里。

    Kyle Vander Ziel with one of their chickens in the back yard of the Hatches.


  • 巴尔·德尔做了一个关于“死亡”的这个梦让弗丽嘉惊恐分,因为如果这个变成现实的话地球一切生命将会停止

    Balder had a dream that he died, which disturbed Frigga since all life on Earth would cease if this dream were to come true.


  • 一个有趣的结果凯尔博士德国斯坦大学一些同事进一步第二实验

    That is an interesting result, but some of Dr DE Quervain's colleagues at the University of Konstanz, in Germany, were able to take it further in a second experiment.


  • 德尔用户以后可以匿名提交故事,那么我们看到Digg网上每天发布故事数量2左右激增数百

    Users will also be able to submit stories anonymously, which Adelson says will see the number of stories posted to Digg increase from around 20,000 per day to "millions".


  • 法律文件来看,原告克雷格斯默尔伍德声称2004年2009年天堂ii的时间已经超过小时

    In court documents, plaintiff Craig Smallwood claims he played the game Lineage II for over 20,000 hours during a six-year period from 2004 to 2009.


  • 了一生产设备清洁工作不到位,麦克尼尔公司又批发商召回4700药品包括达菲、派德、苯那

    Only a day later, McNeil recalled 47 million units of Sudafed, Sinutab, Benadryl and other drugs from wholesalers because of issues like inadequate equipment cleaning practices.


  • 格林加德用所得40美元,成立一个新的奖项尔·美斯特·格林加德

    Greengard invested the entire sum of his winnings, about $400, 000, to establish a new award: the Pearl Meister Greengard Prize.


  • 电影故事涵盖了2008年9月主要事件:JamesWoods扮演民敬仰到遭受各种咒骂的克.富尔德;

    The story covers all the main moments of September 2008: the expletive-laced fall from grace of Dick Fuld, played by James Woods;


  • 瑞士人获得了这项赛事2003- 04,2006 - 07以及2010年冠军,与皮特·桑普拉斯·伦德尔齐名,是历史上获得5次冠军的仅有3个人。

    The Swiss won the title in 2003-04, 2006-07 and in 2010, when he joined Pete Sampras and Ivan Lendl as the only five-time winners of the event.


  • 洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室地质学者沃德·盖布·瑞尔采集化石挖掘地点上层下层火山土壤层分析测定其年代440年前

    Geologist Giday WoldeGabriel of Los Alamos National Laboratory was able to use volcanic layers above and below the fossil to date it to 4.4 million years ago.


  • 7月21日石化巨头莱昂德尔巴塞尔工业公司(LyondellBasell)的破产听证会上,法官给予其继任老板詹姆斯·盖洛格里3200美元报酬的申请作出判决。

    At a bankruptcy hearing on July 21st for LyondellBasell, a petrochemicals giant, a judge will rule on a proposed $32m remuneration package for its putative new boss, James Gallogly.


  • 每天成千把时间花愤怒小鸟上难道这个恶魔似地愚蠢游戏真能变得米老鼠更有影响力吗?保罗·德尔发现了其中的秘密。

    Every day, millions of man hours are spent playing Angry Birds. Could this fiendishly silly game really become bigger than Mickey Mouse? Paul Kendall finds out.


  • 随后泰勒费舍尔离婚1964年嫁给理查德•伯顿。 伯顿送给泰勒很多皮草钻石其中包括一颗价值100美元的梨形钻石媒体还是赞扬泰勒“胸怀宽广”。

    They wed in 1964 after she divorced Fisher, and Burton bestowed furs and diamonds, including a $1 million pear-shaped diamond, on Taylor while publicly praising her “wonderful bosom".


  • 1998年起,阿尔瓦利德先后面积10英亩(约40,470公顷图什卡农业项目上投入1.27亿美元。

    Since 1998 Alwaleed has invested $127 million in 100, 00 acres (40, 470 hectares) of land in the Nile River delta Tushka agricultural project (also known as Toshka).


  • 密尔沃基哨兵报的约翰.施密德,分析了美国专利和商标局的数据后发现,截至2009年,120项专利在排队等待批准,相比10年前是接近数量

    that as of 2009, there were more than 1.2 million patents awaiting approvalnearly triple the number a decade earlier.


  • 掠船船员阿斯塔·尔塔帮助下,伊索尔追踪到了杀人凶手——海盗哈拉船长

    With the help of the privateer Astarta, Isolder was able to track down the murderer, the Pirate King Captain Harravan.


  • 虽然德韦尔德试着找到那个德国人卡尔·耶,但始终没有找到

    Although the Van der Veldes tried to locate Carl Meier, he was never found.


  • 作为一个人,魏尔德身材皮肤银色眼歪斜。瑞高的徒弟。

    As a teevan veld was tall and lanky with a silvery complexion and slanted silver eyes. he was apprenticed to the jedi ry-gaul.


  • 密尔德第一非洲被捕,后在意大利拘押涉嫌蛇头。希腊一样,意大利2008年以来一直成千上移民困扰。

    He is the first suspected top smuggler to be arrested in Africa and detained in Italy which, like Greece, has been overwhelmed by an influx of hundreds of thousands of migrants since 2008.


  • 唐纳德·劳伦斯风格,埃德罗·索尔达蒂加入演员莱斯利·比布潮湿洛杉矶惊悚片

    Styled by Donald Lawrence, Evandro Soldati joins actress Leslie Bibb for a steamy Los Angeles thriller.


  • 很快,亚解放,露西亚人开始围攻·格罗德和纳尔瓦

    Soon Yam was liberated and Russians were besieging Ivangorod and Narva.


  • 那么,携带其中变体是否携带一种变体的人对引起情绪反应的事情记忆更深刻呢?苏黎世大学多米尼克•德凯尔教授对此提出质疑。

    That led Dominique de Quervain, of the University of Zurich, to wonder if people with one variant would have better emotional memories than those with the other.


  • 心理学家弗洛伊德尼采奥尼尔思想上的影响巨大的,同时,奥尼尔的戏剧表现主义戏剧千丝缕的联系

    Psychologist Floyd, Nietzsche enormously influenced o Neal's thought, meanwhile, o 'neal's drama has countless contacts with expressionism drama.


  • 但是喊叫声分散对手注意力了吗?·伦德尔抱怨说,1988年美国网球公开赛中安德烈·阿加西吼叫声瓦解注意力比赛节奏

    But does grunting distract an opponent? Ivan Lendl complained that Andre Agassi's howls in the 1988 US Open threw off his concentration and timing.


  • 虽然许多枪手希望一个足球专业人士填补离开留下空缺看来正是多诺迷身份他们感到满足。

    Whilst many Gunners were hoping for a football man to fill the void left by Edelman, it appears they will have to make do with just a fan.


  • 德龙、杜尼亚莎、保姆米哈伊尔·伊内奇跟在后面。

    Dronushka, Dunyasha, the old nurse, and Mihail Ivanitch followed her.


  • 德斯:成千人们前来观看这座雕像菲利克斯去韦尔登的。

    FAITH LAPIDUS: Millions of people have come to see the statue that Felix DE Weldon made.


  • 德斯:成千人们前来观看这座雕像菲利克斯去韦尔登的。

    FAITH LAPIDUS: Millions of people have come to see the statue that Felix DE Weldon made.


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