• 一般贸易铁路物资总公司电子商务系统重要项目之一。

    The MarketPlace network is one of the most important e-business project of China Railway Materials and SuppliesCorporation.


  • 中国货物贸易一般贸易顺差半数以上外资企业来实现的。

    Of the trading goods to the USA more than half is contributed by the foreign invested companies in China.


  • 经过我们不断努力、打拼,电子行业界建立起大批稳定客户一般贸易客户

    We have, through continuous effort and struggle, won a great number of stable customer sources and general trading customers in electronic industry.


  • 金城集团国际事业如何一般贸易跨国经营型快速转变当前面临重大管理变革

    How to change the international business from trade to multinational management, which is the important management change that faces at present.


  • 贸易一般春天回升

    Trade usually picks up in the spring.


  • 加纳一般情况相比父权制以及从夫居等强大的因素,以及妇女劣等土地权较少贸易参与等因素,使得妇女更加依赖男子

    Factors like strong patrilineality and patrilocality, as well as women's inferior land rights and lesser involvement in trade, made women more dependent on men than was generally the case in Ghana.


  • 一般规定——本法颁布之日后18个月内,联邦贸易委员会应当根据美利坚合众国法典第5编第553规定颁布规定下列内容的规则。

    IN GENERAL - Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this act, the Commission shall promulgate under section 553 of title 5, United States Code, rules that.


  • 尽管有贸易我们的航行缓慢一般说来我们每天前进40英里

    Travel is on the slow side, despite the trade wind, but we are generally making some 40 miles a day.


  • 国内贸易一般不会涉及到语言障碍关税限制商业法律制约,但是国际贸易这些障碍就普遍存在了。

    Trade within a country is ordinarily free of the obstructions of strange language, customs, and commercial laws, but these obstructions may be greatly involved in international trade.


  • 好吧我们协定一个易货贸易协定规定一些一般条款。渊。

    Well, let's first negotiate a barter trade agreement, stipulating some general terms and conditions.


  • 一般地说几个差异要求我们必须国内贸易和国际贸易分别对待

    Generally, there are certain differences which justify the separate treatment of international trade and domestic trade.


  • 国际贸易一般不同国家当事人进行的交易涉及到许多因素因而此国内贸易要复杂得多

    International business refers to transaction between parties from different countries. It involves more factors and thus is more complicated than, domestic business.


  • 本文一般均衡框架分析货币贬值国际贸易影响

    This paper analyzes the effects of currency devaluations on international trade under the framework of general equilibrium.


  • 代表处可以直接从事国际贸易的,因为不可以申请进出口一般纳税人资格

    A representative office can't deal with international trade directly, because it can't apply for import-export license and VAT general taxpayer qualification.


  • 所以一般保障措施WTO自由贸易原则例外特别保障措施则是一般保障措施的例外。

    So the general safeguard is the exemption to the free trade principle of WTO, but the specific safeguard is the exemption to the general safeguard.


  • 由于补偿贸易持续时间较长一般10 ~20更长多数情况金融机构直接或间接予。

    Because the duration of compensation trade longer, generally 10 to 20 years or more in most cases, financial institutions should participate in, directly or indirectly.


  • 根据考察近年国际贸易保护趋势此基础上从一般特殊两个角度成因进行了理论综述。

    By reviewing the new trend of trade protection in recent years, the paper discusses its causes in both general and special aspects.


  • 一般民事争议国际贸易争议大相径庭而又有其自身的特点。

    It is largely different from the common civil disputes and international trade disputes.


  • 我们专业硬件工具(一般商品)日用品制造出口贸易

    Our specialty is the manufacture and export trade of hardware, tools, and daily necessities (general merchandise).


  • 自考专业一般大专本科院校所专业差不多国际贸易工商管理等等很多。

    Zikao the professions and the general college, undergraduate institutions have set up a specialized similar, such as: international trade, business administration, and so many.


  • 本文一般经验分析实证研究角度,广东1990 - 2007年间出口贸易环境污染影响环境规制对出口贸易的影响进行分析。

    Through the general experience analysis and empirical research, this paper discusses the effect of Guangdong's exporting trade to pollution and the environmental regulations during 1990 to 2007.


  • 到了20世纪,得到了普及性适用一般国内贸易个别领域扩展国际贸易和金融领域并且专门法律

    By the 20th century, popularizing nature, it is suitable for the general home trade and specific field to expand to the fields, such as international trade and finance. etc, and have special laws.


  • 本文国际贸易结算一般运作入手,探讨信用管理关系

    The paper starts with the common operation in international trade settlement, from which I discuss the relationship between the international trade settlement and credit management .


  • 国际贸易一般不同国家的当事人进行的交易涉及到许多因素因而国内贸易要复杂得

    International business refers to transaction between parties from different countries. it involves more factors and thus is more complicated than domestic business.


  • 从事国际贸易及需要国际通讯公司一般使用电脑据说电脑处理文档数据方面效率很高的。

    Computers are commonpplace for companies involving in international trade and communication, and it is said that computer is very efficient in handling files and data.


  • 国际贸易颇具争议问题一般认为一种不公平行为

    It is a controversial issue in trade policy and is widely regarded as an unfair practice in international trade.


  • 国际贸易颇具争议问题一般认为一种不公平行为

    It is a controversial issue in trade policy and is widely regarded as an unfair practice in international trade.


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