• 导线经由二极管优选地是齐纳二极管,导向基于IGBT开关输出端。

    Another line is directed via a diode, preferably a zener diode to the output of the IGBT-based switch.


  • 今年初Kish合作者公布了惊人看法:噪音信号可以在不丧失身份的前提下被重叠然后通过导线传递

    Earlier this year Kish and his collaborators published a claim more significant still: that noise signals can be superimposed and sent through a single wire without losing their identity.


  • 这些通常金属线起来印花金属组成,然后固定较粗基础导线上。

    Often these consisted of small pieces of brightly printed metal strung by wire to a thicker base wire.


  • 我们主人所房子里牵长的延长导线安置块屏幕个投影仪。

    Our host ran a long extension cord out from the house and set up a screen and a projector.


  • 使导线接触台机器就会立刻开始运转。

    When you contact these two wires, the machine will start at once.


  • 这些临床实验欧洲若干家医院进行,有100名患者参与其中部分患者过去遭受着起搏器导线的折磨。

    These trials, which involved 100 patients, some of whom were suffering problems with pacing leads, were carried out at a number of hospitals across Europe.


  • 话说,配合传统起搏器工作,而后者根接入右侧导线

    It works, in other words, in conjunction with a conventional pacemaker that has a lead into the right hand Chambers.


  • MRAM数据写入方式主要导线中通电使周围产生磁场,从而改变邻近的存储单元磁化程度

    Most MRAMs that are now being developed write data by applying the magnetic field generated by a current running through a wire near a tunneling magnetoresistive element to change the magnetization.


  • 然而如果程序从未使用过“导线”(wire)模块进行通讯的话也许需要快速浏览下第 2

    You may want to scan Chapter 2, however, if you've never used "wires" in your programs to communicate between blocks.


  • 导线现代世界丑陋必需品

    Wires are an ugly necessity of the modern world.


  • 卟啉能吸收光能然后病毒当作导线沿着将光能传输激活催化剂

    The porphyrins capture light energy, and transmit it along the virus, acting as a wire, to the other end, activating the catalyst.


  • 卟啉能吸收光能然后病毒当作导线沿着将光能传输激活催化剂

    The porphyrinscapture light energy, and transmit it along the virus, acting as awire, to the other end, activating the catalyst.


  • 以往的起搏器通常只有导线接入心脏四个中的个。

    Pacemakers used to have but a single lead, going to one of the heart’s four chambers.


  • 焊接之前可能需要些小胶圈机械方式导线固定。

    You may have to mechanically attach your new wires with tiny loops before soldering.


  • 然而电网中用超导体完全取代导线,目前仍然技术障碍关键的问题费用

    However, there are still some technological hurdles to overcome before superconductors replace the copper wires in our power grids. The main issue is cost.


  • 最近网线使用聪明革新那就是可伸缩导线

    One clever innovation that I recently got with my Ethernet cable was a retractable spindle.


  • 它有发送器通过导线外接于电表信息传输无线数字显示器这个显示器可以放在厨房起居室或者其他任何地方。

    A small transmitter attaches to the cables coming out of the electricity meter and relays information to a wireless digital display that can be placed in the kitchen, living room or anywhere else.


  • 你可以把这种电动机当作旋转变压器主要线圈固定套管(定子)二级导线附在个内(转子)上。

    Think of it as a rotating transformer, with the primary windings residing in a stationary casing (stator) and the secondary conductors attached to an inner shaft (rotor).


  • 硅片引出导线电极他头顶数据接口相连,接口上的条数据线再把导线中的信息传送计算机进行分析

    Wires from the silicon chip connected each electrode to a plug sitting on top of his head, and a cable attached to this plug transferred data from the wires to a computer for analysis.


  • 电离层地面想象成电池两极导线连接这两极的话,电流流动然后就会产生火花。

    Think of the ionosphere and the ground as the terminals on the battery and you put a wire between those two terminals and current flows, and literally you get a spark.


  • 卷筒印出来,就切割单个电池组再用导线连接成盒装电池。

    Once printed, the reels can be cut up into individual cells and wired together to make battery packs.


  • 自由电子通过导线移动第二电极,从而产生电流

    This forces the freed electrons to travel to the second electrode through a wire, creating an electric current.


  • 然而这其中有难以克服技术难题:用于产生泡的超线目前尚未开发出来

    There was, however, one small hitch: the superconducting wires required create a magnetic field have never been developed.


  • 他相信系统最终可以不用任何导线,从而完全实现心脏无线调控

    Eventually, Mr Diston believes, the system may be able to do away with leads altogether, for totally wireless heart control.


  • 目前这种内窥镜摄像头必须安装在可弯曲导线末端固体上,可能柔软黏糊足够机器人取代

    At the moment, the camera has to be fitted to the end of a stiff, yet flexible cable. A soft, squishy robot, sufficiently small, could be an alternative.


  • 公司讨论医院医生外科手术的医疗设备上连接导线路。

    The company has also been discussing linking medical devices in hospitals and doctors' surgeries.


  • 丹佛当地人林恩·布吕制作高科技衣服导线传感器身。

    Lynne Bruning, a Denver native, creates high-technology clothing that incorporates conductive thread and sensors.


  • 款耳塞导线回放控制像个农贸市场般齐全耳塞头:三椎体的,黄色泡沫圆柱体以及五种尺寸黑色硅胶

    They include playback controls on the cord and a whole farmer’s market of tips: triple-cone, yellow foam cylinders, and five sizes of black silicone.


  • 款耳塞导线回放控制像个农贸市场般齐全耳塞头:三椎体的,黄色泡沫圆柱体以及五种尺寸黑色硅胶

    They include playback controls on the cord and a whole farmer’s market of tips: triple-cone, yellow foam cylinders, and five sizes of black silicone.


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