• 另有21%的人认为抛开紧张工作健康美国食谱乡间品味有益健康意大利食品实在一件十分惬意的事情。

    Another 21 percent said it was much more relaxing to be in the countryside eating wholesome Italian food after leaving stressful jobs and unhealthy diets in the United States.


  • 现在,我们知道桔子荞麦面牡蛎菠菜杏仁皮肤非常好的食品那么通过饮食改变使得肌肤容光焕发不是一件刻意的事情。

    Now, while oranges, buckwheat, oysters, spinach and almonds are great foods for your skin, achieving great-looking skin through dietary changes doesn't have to be so specific.


  • 完美的方案可能垃圾食品同时减肥保持健康。这不是一件美事吗?

    The perfect scenario would be if it was possible to lose weight and be healthy while eating loads of junk food. Wouldn't that be sweet.


  • 对于考古学家来说,精确找出这些人类早期阶段食品加工究竟是怎么样,可不是一件轻松活;不过有些文物可以我们提供好的启示

    'It's not that easy for archaeologists to pin down how food processing worked in these early stages, but some of these artefacts can give us a good insight into it.'


  • 一件有趣事情,知道网球鞋是哪里生产的,你却知道你的那些加工食品来源。”

    "It's interesting," she says, "you know the source of your tennis shoes, but you don't know the source of your processed foods."


  • 当然非常明显科学已经演变1992年起用额外的研究议题包括营养含量食品食品消费模式

    And, of course, another thing is very obvious: the science has evolved since 1992, with additional research on issues including the nutritional content of foods and food consumption patterns.


  • 然而随着天气变化无常,水资源流失亚洲密集人口国家成长起来可以确定廉价食品时代显然已经远去了

    However, with climate change, loss of water resources and the growing ascendancy of Asia's populous nations one thing is clear. The era of cheap food is definitely over.


  • 然而随着天气变化无常,水资源流失亚洲密集人口国家成长起来可以确定廉价食品时代显然已经远去了

    However, with climate change, loss of water resources and the growing ascendancy of Asia's populous nations one thing is clear.The era of cheap food is definitely over.


  • 年前开始知道食物不良症状一件开始我家范围出现,我花了很长的时间适应特殊食品花费

    Two years ago when I started to understand the extent of the food intolerances that run in our family, I had a hard time getting used to the idea of spending more for special food.


  • ,“人们关心食品健康的事情”。

    "People thinking about their food is a healthy thing," he says.


  • 这么多年以来我们近乎忠实地摄入水果蔬菜时奇怪的事情已经发生在这些食品上。

    While we've been dutifully eating our fruits and vegetables all these years, a strange thing has been happening to our produce.


  • 还是十几岁少年那时起,我已经开始对周围世界产生怀疑——我们汽车文化大众食品系统及至亲密关系等等一件

    Ever since I was a teenager, I've questioned the world around meeverything from our car-based culture and corporate food system to my intimate relationships.


  • 另外更高石油价格就意味着更高的运输费用- - -玉米价格更高的另外原因。上涨的食品价格可能成为今年人们计划感恩节大餐要考虑的事情

    Also, higher oil prices mean higher transportation costsanother reason for costlier corn.Rising food prices might be one thing on the minds of Thanksgiving Day meal planners this year.


  • 关于垃圾食品身处新大陆时你发现十分有趣的垃圾食品供你选择迄今为止最好的选择印度,至于是什么那得让你自己去发现咯。

    Another thing about junk food: when you're in new lands you will find some very interesting choices in vegan junk food! The best, by far, is in India.


  • 尽管食品价格趋势上涨找到从上涨价格中稳定受益股票却不是容易事。

    It's also one of the most frustrating trends, because of the difficulties in finding good stocks positioned to take advantage of rising food prices.


  • 解读食品标签一件棘手的事情

    Deciphering food labels is tricky business.


  • 怀特营养研究有趣一件就是常常有点和流行食品观念相悖

    White says the interesting thing about nutrition research, is that it often goes against the grain5 of trendy food ideology.


  • 自然食品存在优势便是天然生产简便性对于那些自然的来说,适应转基因东西不是他们开心事。

    The presence of natural food is its natural advantages, and ease of production, for the most people seeking a natural, genetically modified to adapt to what is not a happy thing for them.


  • 自然食品存在优势便是天然生产简便性对于那些求自然的来说,适应转基因东西不是一件他们开心的事。

    While natural food advantages is its natural, and production of simplicity, for the most natural man adapt genetically modified things and make them happy.


  • 食品加工器切洋葱轻松的工作。

    Chopping Onions is a cinch with a food processor.


  • 食品好笑事。

    This is one of the funniest episodes in my life.


  • 谷物食品内部上过蜡包装用来三明治过大的工作服做成小狗的。而且,总是牙膏的头下,最后点牙膏挤出来。

    Waxed inner liners from cereal packets are used to wrap sandwiches, an outgrown jumper became a dog bed, and she always cuts the tops off toothpaste tubes to get out every last squeeze.


  • 重复你们食品咖啡芝士蛋糕个杂沙律。

    All right. I'll repeat your order. One black and one white coffee, a piece of cheese cake and a green salad, with French dressing.


  • 经济不景气现在,较为昂贵的有机食品已然成了奢侈品

    In these economic times, the more expensive organic food has become a luxury.


  • 经济不景气现在,较为昂贵的有机食品已然成了奢侈品

    In these economic times, the more expensive organic food has become a luxury.


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