《you are fabulous 》dancing song.
Jesse tells me you are a fabulous cook.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?
So although Vera Wang and Reem Acra, for example, are fabulous, you don't have to wear one of their gowns to get the look.
Have your friends help you to spread the word about how fabulous you are and that you are ready to find someone special.
You hear a lot about how to protect your skin from the sun's rays, but there are many other simple health moves that can keep your exterior in fabulous shape, decade after decade.
However the idea of having an extra-special day with your father is a fun thing to do and I hope that where ever you are, all fathers and their families are having a fabulous day of celebration.
One of the reasons why you want to escape somewhere with fabulous room service is because increased conflict and chaos at home are maddening. (Quite likely due to renovations and redecorating.)
Sweden is fabulous for lots of snow and long winters so if you are into that, it is a great place to be.
When you are hurting after a breakup, it's easy to tell yourself, "I'll never meet anyone this fabulous again" or "I'll never find anyone.
If I may say no, this chocolate cake you make is fantastic. You are a fabulous cook, arent you?
And its a fabulous event to just meet and talk to these people who make things and are there to just show them to you and talk about them and have a great conversation.
If you are the types who wants to keep it simple, yet look fabulous, then the messy bun style is for you.
I hope all of you are having a fabulous start to you day. Remember, other are also affected by the emotions you express.