• 刷新率硬件刷新图像所需时间,而响应时间对于单独像素而言,快地转换颜色,如绿

    While refresh rate deals with the time it takes the hardware to refresh the image, response time refers to how quickly the individual pixels change color from white to black or red or green.


  • 段子是那些含有内容淫秽短信段子段子是那些提供法律灰色地带产品服务垃圾信息。

    Yellow refers to the smutty type, and grey or black to spam messages, many of which offer products or services of various shades of legality.


  • 恶棍坏蛋尤其西部片,他们一般戴着帽子,而跟他们对手的正面角色多戴白帽子。

    A black hat is the villain or bad guy, especially in a western movie in which such a character would wear a black hat in contrast to the hero's white hat.


  • 腿蜱虫大多存活浓密树林区域(占全部抽样的67%)群落交错区(22%)。 群落交错区林地开阔地带之间过渡区域。

    The blacklegged tick is found mainly in densely wooded areas (67% of total sampled) and ecotone (22%), which is unmaintained transitional edge habitat between woodlands and open areas.


  • 一句中羽毛很轻,重量方面第二,与相对就是模糊谬论

    In the first case it means light as a feather, weight wise and in the second case we're talking about light as opposed to dark. So that's the fallacy of equivocation.


  • 有无马赛克死点景象马赛克显现上呈现的常亮的小四方块,既模组坏死景象,主要原由于显现屏所选用的接插件质量过关。

    Three, there is no Mosaic, Mosaic dead scene appears on the screen is often bright or black box is often small, necrosis of the primary module scene, because the screen selected connector quality.


  • 启动启动是依靠系统内部电源而不借助外部电力进行启动

    Black start Black start refers to the starting of a power system with its own power sources, without the assistance from external power supplies.


  • 橄榄尚未完全成熟的橄榄,青橄榄里脂肪含量只有成熟橄榄一半左右。

    Green olives haven't ripened fully, so they contain roughly half the fat levels that they would have achieved had they ripened and blackened.


  • 果粒失水由快到慢顺序依次为:地球无核白鸡心意大利、美人、秋红、葡萄

    The sequence of the grape berries was Red Globe, Centennial Seedless, Italia, Manicure finger, Autumn Black, Autumn Red and Kyoho grape.


  • 也好,白帽也罢(seo的一种优化手法),能为网站带来浏览流量转换成交订单就可以

    Black hat or white hat (or a SEO optimization technique), can bring browse for the site, and the traffic conversion transaction orders can be.


  • 非常新鲜醋栗,农民口味名字的含义不是紫色的醋栗,而是调出紫色醋栗口感

    Very Refreshing! Cassis and lemon flavor. The title is not violent current but named for its violet color quality and its currant flavor.


  • 所谓就是网络制造低级趣味健康东西,“网络打手”更是其中典型

    Alleged "the net is black" point to to vulgar taste and insalubrious thing are made on the network namely, "network hatchet man" it is among them typical more.


  • 衣服参加丧礼时穿的衣服。

    Clothing of the darkest hue, especially such clothing worn for mourning.


  • 同和党人道,预算的预算打算误导做用。他们入,奥巴马当局没有执止的2011年预算落案外入止减少并且是增减启支的落案。

    Republicans say the White House's budgetary math is misleading, noting the administration's cuts come from a proposed 2011 budget that was never enacted and which would have boosted spending.


  • ,看看美国网民震惊评论。孩子花钱新的航母可以装载5条船,还装备那么些没用F-35,而今理由为这事辩护了吧。

    Oh youngster! Now we can justify he expense of a new carrier clbumm composed of much less than 5 ships and the bonusdoggle F-35wouls to go with them.


  • ,看看美国网民震惊评论。孩子花钱新的航母可以装载5条船,还装备那么些没用F-35,而今理由为这事辩护了吧。

    Oh youngster! Now we can justify he expense of a new carrier clbumm composed of much less than 5 ships and the bonusdoggle F-35wouls to go with them.


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