• 身着亮色拼缝物,小丑肯化身气球笑颜

    Dressed in a patchwork of bright colours, Ken Ken the Clown fashions a flower out of yellow and pink balloons, and smiles widely.


  • 雌蜂在黄粉甲蛹上平均产卵30粒,最高可达91粒。

    The average of laying eggs is 30, and the biggest is 91.


  • 本研究玉米蛋白质原料通过固态发酵法酿造鲜味调味液。

    Using yellow powder as corn protein material by solid and low salt content fermentation, flavor seasoning was obtained.


  • 研究共分三部分,即管氏肿腿蜂重要人工扩繁中间寄主寄生行为研究

    In this paper, embryonic development, parasitizing behavior of the parasitical insect and population rejuvenation after successive rearing with the pupa of Tenebrio molitor were studied.


  • 研究发现,果面黑点的形成多种原因,最主要的是黄粉梨木等害虫为害造成的。

    Study showed that insect entered in the bags is the main reason, especially Pear psylla and Pear phylloxera.


  • 由于人们通常认为花鱼新鲜一些小贩批发市场进了花鱼,通常都洗一下再出售增加销量

    Since customers assume if the Croakers are yellow they should be fresh, some vendors dye the fish with a yellow powder after they buy them from wholesalers to boost sales.


  • 玉米木薯瓜儿豆作为浓缩原料混合起来制作不含酪蛋白酸奶是相当据可循的。 这不,可深深体会到了一点。

    There’s a good reason dairy-free yogurt has a combination of cornstarch, rice starch, tapioca dextrose, guar gum, or xanthan gum added to it as a thickener, and now I’ve experienced it first-hand.


  • 一季的颜色包括日光闪光热情以及流行。去全部穿个遍或者规则手册扔掉然后获得撞色快乐

    The new-season palette includes sunny yellows, shimmering silvers, zesty oranges and pops of pink. Wear in blocks or throw the rule book away and get clash happy.


  • 他们头发颜色紫的的。确定不是彩虹吗?

    Look at the color of their hair, red, yellow, white, pink, purple, blue. Are you sure this isn't a rainbow?


  • 羊羔肉、手抓羊肉、羊肉泡馍、羊肉羊肉羊肉串辣子烧鸡牛肉羊杂碎等,无不味道鲜美,各具一格

    Steamed lamb, mutton, Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup, mutton powder soup, stew lamb, mutton, spicy fried chicken, Roasted Chicken, roast beef, sheep offal, all taste delicious, with one.


  • 两个泡泡似的亮点冲上天空爆炸,一个红一个绿,一个蓝又一个,一个绿又一个

    I put a root again, there are two bubbles like window, washed up in the sky after the explosion, a red and a green, a blue and a yellow, a green and pink.


  • 等候室里眼睛里满满的都是绿的,的,丽人,一个个身着衣,素抹,争相斗艳,好不热闹

    Waiting room, eyes were full of red, green, yellow, pink of beauty, dressed in a Technicolor Dreamcoat, Su-clean heavy makeup, try Yan, really busy.


  • 尽管现在他们看起来球团但愿我他们妈妈最终都会认为他们很漂亮

    Well, I hope his mother thinks he is pretty and eventually I might think so too but at the moment, both of them just look like pink balls with a bit of yellow fluff.


  • 还有星星闪动一点点一点点、一点点、一点点呀,惊喜我们目光

    It also stars as a little bit of flashing red, a little yellow, a little bit of powder, a little bit of purple it is also pleasantly surprised with our eyes.


  • 金牛:牛儿偏爱羊绒毛衣丝制衬衣。 要是穿上淡紫、或明等一些柔和颜色会让整个人显得精彩奕奕。

    Your sensuous sign loves the touch of cashmere sweaters and silk shirts, and you look GREat in pastel colors of light violet, pink, and yellow.


  • 这儿还有一个花坛花坛里的花儿欣然怒放五颜六色,有、有蓝的、有的、有的、有的……引人注目了!

    There is a bed, the flowers in the flower bed was in full bloom, colorful, there are purple, blue, red, yellow, pink... Too dramatic!


  • 荷花型外层花瓣蓝色,内部有混合色花瓣,蔷薇型。花朵直上,株形直立挺拔分枝少。叶片深绿色

    Pale Pinkish blue outer petals, light yellow and pale violet bicolor in - side, erect flowers, round leaves in dark green, stout upright stems, sparsely branched.


  • 精选优质毛,能使的作用效果提升,使眉妆更加自然饱满。

    Made from yellow weasel hair, the brush uplifts browpowder effects with a more natural appearance.


  • 其中著名通心蚬壳蝴蝶结螺丝青豆番茄酱,有绿种颜色

    The most famous is the pasta, clam shell powder, pink bow, pink screw fish paste, green beans and tomato sauce, soup powder, white, red, yellow and green colors unite.


  • 已经过时、苹果绿、海蓝深灰色甚至大红等色系运用较多。

    Blue, light yellow and the pale powder was already obsolete, pure yellow, apple green, dark blue and perse, even scarlet isochromatic is the utilization are many.


  • 确定螺旋藻、蛋白糖、安赛蜜、最佳添加

    The optimum quantity of the spirulina, Aspaartame, ASK and xanthan gum were determined.


  • 深层洁净油脂污垢妆残留,同时祛除皮肤暗,减少色素沉淀。

    Powerfully remove oil, dirt and remained makeup, fade dull and yellowish tone, inhibit melanin deposit.


  • 五颜六色鲜花组成了一幅绚丽多彩的的艳到处发着春天的气息。

    Colorful flowers make a colorful painting, bright red, white jiao, the beauty of yellow, pink tender, around the spring in the air.


  • 果糖山梨醇椰子大麦麦芽硬脂(植物来源),甜菜胶,苹果酸,天然香料硬脂酸镁(植物)二氧化硅

    Fructose, Sorbitol, Coconut Oil, Barley Malt, Stearic Acid (vegetable source), Beet Powder, Xanthan Gum, Malic Acid, Natural Flavors, Magnesium Stearate (vegetable source) and Silica.


  • 果糖山梨醇椰子大麦麦芽硬脂(植物来源),甜菜胶,苹果酸,天然香料硬脂酸镁(植物)二氧化硅

    Fructose, Sorbitol, Coconut Oil, Barley Malt, Stearic Acid (vegetable source), Beet Powder, Xanthan Gum, Malic Acid, Natural Flavors, Magnesium Stearate (vegetable source) and Silica.


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