• 等腰三角形移动修改三角形类型

    Isosceles triangle: move the yellow dot on one vertex to modify the triangle type.


  • 中心凹脱离,可见后玻璃体与内界膜附着

    Stage 1A: Foeal dehiscence, yellow spot, posterior hyaloids attached to ILM.


  • 有的画家太阳画成有的画家则把黄点化为太阳。

    Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun.


  • 回家后把照片拷到电脑上发现我的衬衣,低头再看的黑衬衣上了一块鼻涕

    Seeing them on my monitor, I noticed a yellow spot on my black shirt, so I looked down. A big, dried booger was stuck there.


  • 白色北美洲天鹅(哨声天鹅或小天鹅天鹅属) 有柔和、充满乐感的象喇叭似的嗓音底部带有一

    A white North American swan (Olor columbianus) having a soft, musical trumpeting voice and a black beak with a yellow spot at the base.


  • 研究过程中,200名4岁儿童观看了电脑屏幕上闪烁着,之后,他们被问到哪种颜色的数量最多

    During the study, 200 four-year-olds viewed flashing groups of blue and yellow dots on a computer screen and were asked which colour was shown the most.


  • 其实这些衣物全都不错,做工精细,磨损极少美的艺术眼光却不能忍受尤其是这个冬天穿紫色校服布满没有饰边。

    Everything was good, well made, and little worn, but Amy's artistic eyes were much afflicted, especially this winter, when her school dress was a dull purple with yellow dots and no trimming.


  • 如果脸色这么表情,那五官会很好看

    If she were not so sallow and had a nicer expression, her features are rather good.


  • 济人解释道,这本为了警示后人而写,要做到这一必须保证它的客观真实

    The book was to be written with an eye to posterity, and only objectivity and truth could ensure that, Mr. Wang said.


  • 医生表示:“总而言之看起来实际年龄老一不一定就是健康亮起了红灯。”

    "The bottom line is that looking slightly older than one's actual age is not necessarily an ominous health sign," Hwang said.


  • 经过波伦久负盛名的阿波罗旅店 这里周日相当有名。我们看到石头腰深的考塔拉巴湖水中游

    Passing Boreen Point, home to the historic Apollonian Hotel, famed for its Sunday spit roast, we see stingrays and stonefish in waist-deep Lake Cootharaba.


  • 又指着河谷南边,那里隐约看到柳树和山杨,就好像片灰褐色中绽出

    He pointed south across the Yellowstone River valley to a tiny dot of willow and aspen that seemed to explode in brilliant yellows against the backdrop of prairie tans and grays.


  • 尿应该有一轻微的如果好好摄入了水合物干净必要和的)。

    Your pee should be a light yellow if you’re well hydrated (not clear, definitely not dark yellow).


  • 为了做到这一,“逐一短暂麻醉了一千两百只蚂蚁,并用金属丝大小的刷子它们分别上航模——拉力绿竞赛代托纳”。

    To do that, she said, “I briefly anesthetized 1, 200 ants, one by one, and painted them using a single wire-size brush, with model airplane paintRally Green, Racing Red, Daytona Yellow.”


  • 玉米淀粉,米粉木薯粉,瓜儿豆作为浓缩原料混合起来制作不含酪蛋白酸奶是相当据可循的。 这不,可深深体会到了

    There’s a good reason dairy-free yogurt has a combination of cornstarch, rice starch, tapioca dextrose, guar gum, or xanthan gum added to it as a thickener, and now I’ve experienced it first-hand.


  • 时候心里一那些过山车上的人没有两样,那种状态在当时真实的。

    Mr. Huang: My heart was not quite. My mind and the people taking roller coaster were the same. That was a real state.


  • 容易发霉的衣服上柠檬天然溶解里面衣服变的碱性成分。

    Spray shirts prone to sweat stains with lemon juice before washing. The natural acid dissolves alkaline sweat reside that could cause yellow discoloration.


  • 只要敌人造成伤害,便会减去敌人4储存元素。持续5回合2元素额外增加回合

    Reduces your enemy's Mana Reserves by 4 whenever you do damage. Lasts for 5 turns, plus an additional turn for every 2 of your Yellow Mana.


  • 嘉善相面四个什么呢?我也不知道

    What does it mean for the four points given to Huang? Who knows?


  • 葡萄酒评为国家级乡村旅游示范

    Huang Zhuang wine was named a national demonstration sites in rural tourism.


  • 如果轨迹旁边相机按钮自动变显示相机里面。

    If you click the camera button just next to the track then it will turn yellow, indicating that you are inside the camera.


  • 避免任何气味任何不愉快明显迹象

    Avoid any whose odour, is in any way unpleasant, or that have soft spots and obvious sign of discolouration.


  • 还有星星闪动、一粉、一呀,惊喜我们目光

    It also stars as a little bit of flashing red, a little yellow, a little bit of powder, a little bit of purple it is also pleasantly surprised with our eyes.


  • 不同温度下鱼仔鱼摄食强度抵达不可逆PNR)时间的变化进行初步研究

    Feeding intensity and point-of-no-return (PNR) of Pelteobogrus fulvidraco larvae at different temperatures were studied under laboratory conditions.


  • 宜弘茂告诉卢比觉得什么反对派领导人一直说,他们变得更加理智,多理性

    DR Hung-mao Tien told IDR: I feel that judging from what opposition leaders have been saying, they are becoming more sensible, a little more rational.


  • 对该形势下引起渤海夏季异常高温因子进行了定量分析,给出了副高中心及其附近各因子引起的增温率变化。

    The SST variation caused by different factors in the position of sub tropical high centre and the positions near it was given as well.


  • 这些的东西没有什么营养草原,红蚁个头会大一

    The little yellow ones were too small to provide much in the way of nourishment, but there were red ants in the grass, and those were bigger.


  • 青年男性一般情况皮肤黏膜轻度全身皮肤脱出血,无肝蜘蛛痣

    Young male, general case is good, skin mucous membrane spends Huang Ran gently, systemic skin takes off bits, without haemorrhage dot, without mole of liver palm, spider .


  • 师父:那三刻前赶回来。我都会待会计可以

    Master Huang: Okay, I'll be back by quarter'til five, then. And I'll be at the accounting office from one until four. You can reach me there.


  • 师父:那三刻前赶回来。我都会待会计可以

    Master Huang: Okay, I'll be back by quarter'til five, then. And I'll be at the accounting office from one until four. You can reach me there.


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