• 黄泉村的这些厕所很可能因此成为景点’。

    Those restrooms in Yellow Springs - more than likely - will become attractions in themselves.


  • 尽管预见到会有很多命丧黄泉,但是北约士兵仍然整装待发。

    Despite many predictions of its imminent death, NATO soldiers on.


  • 他们工作到筋疲力尽,生活几乎没有保障,年纪轻轻就命丧黄泉

    They worked gruelingly9, lived with few protections and died young.


  • 地震无情地将一个个鲜活生命葬送于黄泉毁灭多少家庭

    Seismic callosity ground each fresh life put an end to at Acheron, how many family to destroy?


  • 仅仅是要小心壁其他忍者因为他们击倒你走上黄泉

    Just watch out for ledges and other ninjas because they will knock you off and send you to your doom!


  • 我们曾经都是年轻人现在年华已去。心中充满遗憾孤单地迈向黄泉路。

    We were young man together, but I'm an old man. Filled with regret, waiting to die alone.


  • 我们曾经都是年轻人现在韶华已去。心中充斥遗憾孤独地迈向黄泉路。

    We were young man together, but I'm an old man. Filled with regret, waiting to die alone.


  • 我们曾经都是年轻人,现在我韶华已去。心中充斥遗憾孤独地迈向黄泉路。

    We were young man together, but Im an old man. Filled with regret, waiting to die alone.


  • 相传人死,过鬼门关便黄泉路上盛开着只见不见彼岸

    Legend has it that after death, the gates of hell will be on the netherworld road, road is in full bloom and flowers, do not see the equinox flower leaf.


  • 那么放手一搏还是等到年华老去,心中充满遗憾,孤独地迈向黄泉路?

    So, do you want to try, or wait to grow old, filled with regret, towards a funeral alone?


  • 那么愿意放手一搏还是要等到年华去,心中充满遗憾孤单地迈向黄泉路?

    So do you want to take a leap of faith… or become an old man, filled with regret… waiting to die alone?


  • 1991年,76爱德华-乔其尼维兹救护车担架往下坡走时了个命丧黄泉

    In 1991, Edward Juchniewicz, a 76-year-old man, was killed when the ambulance stretcher he was strapped to rolled down a grade and overturned.


  • 只要我们解决汽车道路安全问题,不减少酒后驾驶造成的事故许多人命丧黄泉

    Nnless we deal with automobile and highway safety and reduce accidents in which alcoholic drinking plays a role, many will continue to die.


  • 关于故事多着呢; 比如说,孩子们死了,在黄泉路上陪着他们一段,免得他们害怕

    There were odd stories about him, as that when children died he went part of the way with them, so that they should not be frightened.


  • 约拉·威廉姆斯丈夫因为美国企业信任而命丧黄泉,对她来说,长达十年的审判现在结束了。

    For Mayola Williams, the widow of a man whose trust in corporate America proved to be his undoing, her decade-long trial is now at an end.


  • 位于俄亥俄州西南部黄泉公厕内搞起了画展,上厕所的可以在此欣赏墙上的各种原创绘画作品。

    Anyone who uses the public restrooms in Yellow Spring, a southwest Ohio village, will be treated to a display of original paintings on the walls.


  • 门洞边沿黄泉不断地滴着顺着流下,汇入晦暗中,宛如亡灵鸣泣的低空旷回荡在这里

    Openings edge of Death's constant dripping of water, along the shed door profiles, import dull the springs, it sound like a dead-ming sob's crooning, empty reverberating here.


  • 但是,有一点明确的:只要我们解决汽车道路安全问题,不减少酒后驾驶造成的事故许多人命丧黄泉

    One thing is clear, however: unless we deal with automobile and highway safety and reduce accidents in which alcoholic drinking plays a role, many will continue to die.


  • 报道过度服用药物使最终命丧黄泉熟悉说,失败婚姻无力出演最后一部电影导致了她的死亡

    She was thirty-six years old. Reports said taking too many drugs killed her. But people who knew her said failed marriages, and the failure of her latest movie also led to her death.


  • 爆炸发生本刊的记者正呆自己房间只受了轻伤,司机命丧黄泉至少还有另外15被这次袭击夺了生命。

    Our own correspondent, in his room when the blast went off, was slightly cut. But his driver was killed, along with at least 15 other people.


  • 黄泉村另有一些地方厕所里摆放了一些东西供方便者欣赏一些餐馆洗手间便池上方墙壁上就贴有报纸的体育版

    There are other places have given restroom users something to look at. For example, sports pages are placed on the wall over urinals in some restaurant restrooms.


  • 静静等待着苍蝇落左手背上,然后缓缓抬起右手,猛地拍过去,在旁观者赞叹声中,苍蝇已经“蝇”头落地,命丧黄泉

    He waits for the offending insect to settle on his left hand, raises his right and then swats it to gasps of admiration from onlookers.


  • 诉不尽万语千言程度是那样地高深广远恰似灵魂曾飞到了九天与黄泉,去探索人生奥妙,和神灵的恩典

    Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.


  • 希望我们永不分离假如什么话将来使受苦,就想想黄泉之下也感到同样折磨,并且看在面上饶恕吧!

    I only wish us never to be parted: and should a word of mine distress you hereafter, think I feel the same distress underground, and for my own sake, forgive me!


  • 2008年来,被挟持为人质的1600名船员中,大部分安全返回30名船员由于被忽视暴力行动而命丧黄泉

    Although most of the 1, 600 or so seamen captured since 2008 have safely returned from their ordeal, about 30 are thought to have perished from neglect or violence.


  • 2008年来,被挟持为人质的1600多名船员大部分安全返回约有30名船员由于被忽视暴力行动而命丧黄泉

    Although most of the 1,600 or so seamen captured since 2008 have safely returned from their ordeal, about 30 are thought to have perished from neglect or violence.


  • 据法新社报道俄罗斯远东地区布拉戈维申斯克男子为进行耐力测试朋友家花园里自己活埋”,谁料弄假成真,命丧黄泉

    Russian man died after burying himself alive in a friend's garden in the Far Eastern city of Blagoveshchensk in an endurance test that went wrong, AFP reported.


  • 据法新社报道俄罗斯远东地区布拉戈维申斯克男子为进行耐力测试朋友家花园里自己活埋”,谁料弄假成真,命丧黄泉

    Russian man died after burying himself alive in a friend's garden in the Far Eastern city of Blagoveshchensk in an endurance test that went wrong, AFP reported.


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