• 鸭舌帽拉到眼皮上,了。

    And pulling his cap down over his eyes, he quitted the room.


  • 困惑采取白色鸭舌帽出现IYAPISU

    Puzzled, and take a left and right from the white caps appeared IYAPISU.


  • 头戴鸭舌帽身着冬装夹克的特走向柜台我们点了咖啡

    Dressed in a Cubs cap and winter jacket, Turow walked up to the counter and ordered us coffee.


  • 小门打开,走出一个瘦高个子园丁手里拿著一顶鸭舌帽

    A side door was opened, and the gardener, a tall, dry fellow, made his appearance, cap in hand.


  • Cathy喘息着转过身来,看到穿着风衣戴着一顶鸭舌帽年轻人

    Gasping, Cathy spun around to see a young man in a trench coat and a stocking cap.


  • 文章通过考察麦田红色鸭舌帽象征意义来揭示霍尔顿精神世界的转变

    This paper focuses on the image of the rye and the red hunting hat, which will reveal the hero's change—from a catcher to a hermit in the capitalistic society.


  • 公司自主生产各类帽子鸭舌帽礼帽太阳帽牛仔接受定做

    Our company independently produce various kinds of hats: caps, hat, sun hat, cowboy hat and so on, accept the incoming sample custom make.


  • 穿上红色灯笼裤戴上白色鸭舌帽首歌儿走出森林来到公路上

    He put on red baggy, wear white cap, sing song out of the forest, and came to the highway.


  • 换上一身休闲服,戴上鸭舌帽双手口袋里留下一簇刘海

    If change a suit sportswear again, wear a peaked cap, both hands is inclined insert in the pocket, leave tuft bang, wow, true cruel!


  • 参观结束礼品商店买了几聂鲁达的作品,还给丈夫了一顶聂鲁达式的鸭舌帽

    In the gift shop after our tour, I stocked up on books by Neruda and a Neruda-style cap for my husband.


  • 上星期棒球了,接着又鸭舌帽给弄丢了,更倒霉的是他没有入选中国国家队!

    Last week he lost his baseball cap, then he lost his flat cap and now to cap it all he was not capped for China!


  • 白色鸭舌帽那盘长发给遮住了,能感觉一定漂亮惊人的漂亮

    White cap set her up long hair and half of his face is obscured, but felt she must be very beautiful, breathtaking beauty!


  • 一个鸭舌帽穿羊毛衫走来走去农夫猛烈地摇着房子庭院里水井的摇把,展示已经干了

    A shuffling farmer in a flat cap and worn woollen sweater pumps furiously at the well in the courtyard of his house to show that it has run dry.


  • 我们巨大的旅行箱背着运动鸭舌帽深色墨镜袖口向上翻卷着站车站等待一班公交

    We dragged the big suit-case, carried the sports bag, put on the peaked cap and dark sun-glasses, put up the cuffs, stood at the station waiting for the first bus.


  • 学校开学当日,大批媒体守候在校园中,准备采访贾作胜为了保持低调,贾作胜鸭舌帽

    On opening day, he wore a hat to draw less attention to himself as an inflow of media waited on campus to interview him.


  • 可以说是因为封信,促使总是要求课堂同学摘下鸭舌帽听课,至少学习殿堂里

    It is also, I should say, on the basis of this letter, which is why I ask people from time to time to remove their caps in the class room, from the House of Study.


  • 一个男人鸭舌帽马吕斯前面,相隔二十来步虽然望见,却看出灰白胡须

    A man, in fact, wearing a gray cap, and whose gray beard could be distinguished, although they only saw his back, was walking along about twenty paces in advance of Marius.


  • 独自出门时,并且总是天黑以后,便经常穿一身工人的短上衣长裤鸭舌帽遮起来。

    When he went out alone, which was generally at night, he was always dressed in a workingman's trousers and blouse, and wore a cap which concealed his face.


  • 残废军人院路附近那些街上劈面遇见衣着工人模样的男子一顶鸭舌帽,露出几绺雪白的头发

    He met, in the narrow streets in the vicinity of the Boulevard des Invalides, a man dressed like a workingman and wearing a cap with a long visor, which allowed a glimpse of locks of very white hair.


  • 一个鸭舌帽穿羊毛衫走来走去(shuffling)农夫猛烈地摇着房子庭院里水井的摇把,展示已经了。

    A shuffling farmer in a flat cap and worn woollen sweater pumps furiously at the well in the courtyard of his house to show that it has run dry.


  • 身材高大运动员式的人物,头戴一顶粗花呢鸭舌帽寒冷毛毛雨一间旧的旁边,脸孔聚精会神

    A tall, athletic figure stands in the chilly drizzle beside a used clothing store, his face intent under a visored tweed CAP.


  • 戴着棒球,突出帽檐像是特大号嘴,像是“大鼻子情圣”西拉诺的鸭舌帽一样,帽顶上写着他们正在监视着”。

    He wore a baseball cap with a brim that poked out like an oversize duck's bill like the Cyrano of duck bills the crown of which read "They spy on you".


  • 似乎技术的确不错。可以看到比伯领先赛琳娜12一名男性友人并驾齐驱,两人均反鸭舌帽t恤牛仔裤的简单打扮。

    Indeed, Bieber could be seen a dozen yards ahead of Selena as he kept pace with a male friend, who matched the pop idol in a snap back cap, white T-shirt, and jeans.


  • 其实背包内同样顶滑稽绿色登山鸭舌帽出发徒步攀登上千之前,在前往山脚时就会一般都会伴着一首乡村歌。

    In fact in his little knapsack he also had a funny green alpine cap that he wore when he got to the foot of a mountain, usually with a yodel, before starting to tromp up a few thousand feet.


  • 记者:眼前的郭敬明是个51寸(约1.55米)、亦男亦女的“小精灵”,坐在办公室一张白色皮沙发,他那头染成栗子色的头发黑色古驰鸭舌帽,白色的牛仔裤上系根爱马仕皮带

    Reporter: In person, Guo is a 5'1" 5)androgynous sprite, sitting on a white fur couch in his office, his dyed chestnut locks tucked into a black Gucci cap, his white jeans cinched with a Hermes belt."


  • 记者:眼前的郭敬明是个51寸(约1.55米)、亦男亦女的“小精灵”,坐在办公室一张白色皮沙发上,他那头染成栗子色的头发黑色古驰鸭舌帽,白色的牛仔裤上系根爱马仕皮带

    Reporter: In person, Guo is a 5'1" androgynous sprite, sitting on a white fur couch in his office, his dyed chestnut locks tucked into a black Gucci cap, his white jeans cinched with a Hermes belt."


  • 记者:眼前的郭敬明是个51寸(约1.55米)、亦男亦女的“小精灵”,坐在办公室一张白色皮沙发上,他那头染成栗子色的头发黑色古驰鸭舌帽,白色的牛仔裤上系根爱马仕皮带

    Reporter: In person, Guo is a 5'1" androgynous sprite, sitting on a white fur couch in his office, his dyed chestnut locks tucked into a black Gucci cap, his white jeans cinched with a Hermes belt."


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