• 奥罗拉感到鸦片的烟霭将笼罩了起来。

    Aurora felt the opium haze enfold her.


  • 他们鸦片作为镇静剂不是作为麻醉剂。

    They use opium as a sedative, rather than as a narcotic.


  • 约翰鸦片了解,令大开眼界

    Learning about John's opium addiction was a real eye-opener for me.


  • 金山角公园里一片罂粟花田令人印象深刻鸦片文史馆这座建筑既是博物馆,也是研究机构教育机构

    A poppy field away in the Golden Triangle Park is the impressive Halls of Opium. The building is both a museum and a research and educational facility.


  • 到了19世纪瓶装鸦片鸦片是很容易得到的。

    By the 19th century, vials of laudanum and raw opium were freely available.


  • 阿富汗目前仍然世界最大鸦片种植地,2010年内,阿富汗鸦片产量占据全球总产量的74%。

    Afghanistan continued to be the world's leading grower of opium poppies accounting for 74 percent of global production in 2010.


  • 本文鸦片流毒角度中日传统文化差异作一初步比较分析

    The author tries to analyze and compare the differences between the traditional cultures of China and Japan from the angle of the pernicious influence of opium-smoking.


  • 专卖局制定重量长度的度量标准,监管食盐樟脑鸦片火柴烟草以及其他一些产品生产销售

    The Monopoly Bureau regulated weights and measures and oversaw the production and marketing of salt, camphor, opium, matches, liquor, tobacco, and other products.


  • 分析鸦片药用特殊性对人类健康损害不仅伤害中国人体质重要是精神摧残

    The special nature of medicinal opium damages human health, not only hurt Chinese people's physique, but also does more importantly in the spirit of the devastation.


  • 鸦片经济是近代云南社会经济商品化过程中的一个重要问题,它云南地方经济产生过巨大影响

    The opium economy, a typical phenomenon of the commercialization of Yunnan's social economy, had exerted great influences on the local economy of the province in her recent past.


  • 大约一千鸦片可能阿拉伯商人引入中国印度很快药物特性而引起广泛重视

    It was probably introduced to both China and India by Arab traders about a thousand years ago, and soon came to be widely valued for its medicinal properties.


  • 因为英国人金银中国大量进口丝绸瓷器时花光了,他们才不得不中国输出鸦片来使中国人染上烟瘾

    The British had to bring Opium to China because their gold and silver was being depleted importing silk, porcelain etc. which resulted to drug addiction of the Chinese.


  • 现在忙乱的广场下方,装满鸦片船只夜色卸下致命的货物;在附近丛林山地中军阀们浴血作战。

    Below the now frenetic promenade, boats laden with opium would unload their deadly cargo under cover of darkness, while in the nearby jungles and mountains, warlords fought bloody battles.


  • 曾经遍布肥沃山坡鸦片已经不见了取而代之种植茶叶梯田,从陡峭山坡一直延伸谷底

    The poppy fields that once covered the fertile mountainsides are long gone, replaced by terraced tea plantations that cascade down the steep slopes to the valleys below.


  • 这种用艾、茴香制成的绿色有着鸦片一样的作用:它是梵高海明威奥斯卡·王尔德诸多艺术家灵感来源。

    Made from wormwood, fennel and anise, the 'Green Fairy' has opium-like effects - the inspiration for many artists such as Van Gogh, Ernest Hemingway and Oscar Wilde.


  • 候选人B过去2次解雇记录,睡觉睡中午才起来大学时鸦片,而且每天傍晚夸特威士忌。

    Candidate B: He has been fired by his employers twice in the past and often gets up until noon every day. He was once addicted to opium in college and drinks a large quart of whiskey every dusk.


  • 起先西方这个地区目标集中于钻石、象牙,当然首先鸦片如今鸦片声名鹊起广泛地为人们所接受

    Originally a Western designation applied to the region because of its wealth in gems, lumber and, above all, opium, the name has stuck and is today widely accepted.


  • 鸦片收获问题已经在McChrystal's将军顾问们中间热烈讨论过了提出的解决方案没有令人满意

    The problem of Marja’s opium harvest is being discussed intensely by General McChrystal’s advisers, but none of the proposed solutions have proved satisfactory.


  • 鸦片已经成了朋友带走悲痛,”Aziza坐在只有一个房间的屋子角落里,她的孩子就在一旁

    "Opium has been a good friend to me; it has taken away my sorrows," Aziza said, seated in the corner of her one-room house, with her children looking on.


  • 为此,左宗棠基于鸦片西北社会危害深入分析采取了严厉禁烟举措遏制当时鸦片种植泛滥趋势

    Based on the dangers of opium to the Northwest China, Zuo Zongtang made thorough analysis, he took severe ban action, and it contained the trend of opium cultivation spread at that time.


  • 仍然高于全球每年5千需求量过度供给欧洲更低市场渗透力已经鸦片价格推向近年来最低水平

    This is still far above the annual global demand of 5,000 tonnes, and oversupply and lower market penetration in Europe have pushed opium prices to their lowest levels in ten years.


  • 处方规定服用鸦片制剂患者实则服用了鸦片制剂会出现呼吸短促这种真实药物带来的副作用症状。

    Patients taking fake opiates after having been prescribed the real thing may experience the shallow breathing that is a side-effect of the real drugs.


  • 团队表示,主要原因临床医师用于服用鸦片类药物患者进行药物替换的指导表格推荐剂量往往过大

    A chief reason, his team suggests, is that conversion tablesused by physicians to transition patients from one opioid to another — recommend too much methadone for most patients. For example, Dr.


  • 赫尔曼德省巴基斯坦接壤具有战略意义,非法鸦片贸易非常兴旺武装人员武器轻而易举地可以通过漏洞百出边界

    Helmand is strategic, lying along the Pakistan border, where the illicit opium trade flourishes and fighters and weapons move easily across the porous border.


  • 因为英国人金银中国大量进口丝绸瓷器时花光了,他们不得不向中国输出鸦片来使中国人染上烟瘾

    The British had to bring 0pium to China because their gold and silver was being depleted importing silk, porcelain etc. which resulted to drug addiction of the Chinese.


  • 1925年,世界控制鸦片会议中国带来礼物是一金丝屏风,上面写着孔子名言“四海之内,兄弟也”。

    In 1925, Chinese delegation brought a gold-wire screen with a quote from Confucius saying that "all the people of the world are brothers" to the world conference on opium control.


  • 1925年,世界控制鸦片会议中国带来礼物是一金丝屏风,上面写着孔子名言“四海之内,兄弟也”。

    In 1925, Chinese delegation brought a gold-wire screen with a quote from Confucius saying that "all the people of the world are brothers" to the world conference on opium control.


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