• 诸如罗伯特·这类比尔·克林顿出谋划策的显赫人物相比经济顾问组显得有些逊色。

    His economic team is minor-league compared with the heavy hitters such as Robert Rubin who advised Bill Clinton.


  • 比和四名警察一起去学校,这些警察国家政府工作并且保护她。

    Ruby went to school with four police officers who worked for the national government to protect her.


  • 纽约时报》的餐厅评论家弗兰克·尼将这家餐厅的风格描述极度关怀中夹杂彻底绝望”。一位店主说:“应该拥抱一下顾客。”

    New York Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni characterizes the new restaurant demeanor as "extreme solicitousness tinged with outright desperation." "You need to hug the customer," one owner told him.


  • 先生自己也是左撇子,他想到这个主意试图推广一些左撇子设计的产品

    Mr. Gruby being left-handed himself, thought of the idea to try to promote a few products for left-handers.


  • 其中名学生发明者卡米拉·比奇表示设备植物释放能量转化能级电流,手机充电

    One of the student inventors, Camila Rupcich, says the device changes the energy released from the plant into low-level power to charge phones.


  • 其中最早,如公元前4500埃利都以及之后1000年出现的乌,都以用泥建造令人惊叹庙宇中心

    The earliest, that of Eridu, about 4500 B.C.E., and Uruk, a thousand years later, center on impressive temple complexes built of mud brick.


  • 发誓,她给治疗自己医生起了外号绝顶好医生医生),她甚至每一听起来很有趣(她它们癌症公路旅行”)。

    She swears, she makes up names for the people who treat her (Dr. Fabulous and Dr. Guru), and she even makes second sound fun ("cancer road trips," she calls them).


  • 历史学家詹姆斯·特洛·亚当斯汉考克描述肤浅虚荣的。

    Historian James Truslow Adams portrayed Hancock as shallow and vain.


  • 瑞诺营地一个女人经营营地纳库游客提供露营服务

    Rhino camp site is a campsite run by women that provides camping services to visitors in Nakuru.


  • 局外人来说是以一些列科学测量基础严肃研究不是西本人观点很容易的。

    Though it would be easy for cynics to assume otherwise, this was a serious study based on a series of scientific measurements and not on the opinions of Mallucci.


  • 而当问到蜂巢是否是平板电脑量身打造,只是无心插柳时?表示种因素兼而有之。

    When asked if Honeycomb is specifically for tablets or just happens to work on tablets, Rubin said that it was a bit of both.


  • 研究表明我们必须非洲非洲更多研究,”乌干达医生皮特·奥普特-奥普特

    "It shows we need to do more research in Africa for Africans," says Peter Oluput-Oluput, a Ugandan doctor.


  • 比尼90年代末亚洲金融危机,说明了当国家过度投资但消费不足将会出现情况

    Roubini uses the Asian financial crisis of the late '90s as an example of what happens when countries over-invest and under-consume.


  • 比京勃赛尔几家著名花边,他们有几特别的房间,专门纺织精致,最优美的花边用的。

    In the famous lace shops of Brussels, there are certain rooms devoted to the spinning of the finest and most delicate patterns.


  • 麦迪森对人均GDP估算达龙•阿西莫·格西蒙·约翰逊詹姆斯·罗宾逊2005年提出的重要论文提供有用的经验核查

    His estimates of per head GDP provide a useful empirical crosscheck for a grand thesis proposed by Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson and James Robinson in 2005.


  • 菲兹·吉伯父亲乔治表示:“曼联踢球我们有些不满,但是的球踢得。”

    Dad George said: "we gave Wayne a bit of grief for playing for Manchester United, but he took it very well."


  • 准确地说卡梅伦同时应对平行丑闻。两个丑闻都以珀特·默多克周日小报世界新闻报》中心

    To be more precise, Mr Cameron has had to deal with two parallel scandals centred on Rupert Murdoch's Sunday tabloid, the News of the World.


  • 手机开发了一个精巧的操作系统用户可以用来上网、发电播放音乐,还能安装应用软件

    Rubin had created a slick operating system for mobile phones that allowed customers to surf the web, send email, play music, and install apps.


  • 帕黛以有序通常形式讲述高曾祖父一生作品实属当之无愧。

    Ruth Padel has achieved this feat by writing her great-great-grandfather’s life in a sequence of often quite short poems.


  • 卢库勒斯,梅特·斯,西庇阿时运前途冥思苦想胜过我的同胞。

    I have meditated more on the conditions and fortunes of Lucullus, Metellus, and Scipio than I have about many of our own men.


  • 我们正在办法服务降低延迟提供安全

    We are just figuring out how to reduce latency and provide robust security within the cloud.


  • 合约谈判可以形容球员俱乐部之间的比赛,但是输家却是粉丝们,他们就是那些一切埋单的人。

    Rooney's contract negotiations were described by some as a score draw between player and club, but the losers were the fans because they're the ones who'll be picking up the TAB.


  • 摩尔多瓦西面是以普国界条河与多瑙河汇合流入黑海

    The western border of Moldova is formed by the Prut river, which joins the Danube before flowing into the Black Sea.


  • 正在罗马受审罪名收购意大利坟墓中非法盗卖的古文物。

    Ms True was facing trial in Rome on charges of acquiring for the Getty classical items illegally looted from Italian graves.


  • 克劳德·勒什、·吕克·戈达尔、雅克·德米拍摄的新浪潮电影创作主题曲。

    He is the author of several themes for Nouvelle Vague movies made by Claude Lelouch, Jean-Luc Godard or Jacques Demy.


  • 官方调查中,这些家庭可支配收入43,614王晓调查中,这些家庭承认的收入却是139,000元。

    In the official survey, these people say their disposable income is 43,614 yuan. But in Mr Wang's survey, such families admit their income is really 139,000 yuan.


  • 官方调查中,这些家庭可支配收入43,614王晓调查中,这些家庭承认的收入却是139,000元。

    In the official survey, these people say their disposable income is 43,614 yuan. But in Mr Wang's survey, such families admit their income is really 139,000 yuan.


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