• 那些身体超重饮食的人属于易患高血压的人群。

    Those who are overweight or indulge in high-salt diets are candidates for hypertension.


  • 这些射线刺激神经中枢影响睡眠导致高血压

    These irradiations may stimulate the nerve center, affects sleep, and cause hypertension sickness.


  • 发明提供优异用于治疗预防高血压症药物。

    Disclosed is an excellent pharmaceutical product for treatment or prevention of hypertension and the like.


  • 报道说,美国大约有5000万患有高血压而且患病人数逐年上升趋势。

    Roughly 50 million people in the United States suffer from hypertension, and the number is increasing.


  • 这种做法动物身上治愈了致命肺动脉高血压症,人体临床试验展开中。

    This method has cured fatal pulmonary hypertension in animals and is entering human trials.


  • 估计,英国大约有1500万高血压叫作高血压”——不过有一半未被诊断出来。

    An estimated 15 million people in Britain suffer from high blood pressure, also known as hypertension - around half of them undiagnosed.


  • 但是许多刊登美国高血压杂志》上最新发现表示出怀疑,他们认为不足以贬损减少钠元素摄入有益之处。

    But many are skeptical of the recent findings, published in the American Journal of Hypertension, and say it is not enough to devalue the major benefits of cutting back on sodium.


  • 这项研究中,女性心脏病发作年龄往往男性大,同时也容易出现糖尿病高血压并发

    Women, who in the study tended to be older than men when they suffered heart attack, were also more likely to have concurrent complications such as diabetes or hypertension


  • 这个角度来看衰老本身可能是可以治疗的,治疗高血压维生素缺乏那样

    In that light, aging itself might be seen as something treatable, the way you would treat high blood pressure or a vitamin deficiency.


  • 冠心病发病危险因素中,主要的是高血压醇血吸烟

    In coronary disease morbidity hazard factor, what are most main are hypertension, alcoholemia, smoking.


  • 四个主要死因包括严重大出血大多数产后出血)、感染(大多数是败血)、妊娠高血压(通常是子痫难产

    The four major killers are: severe bleeding (mostly bleeding postpartum), infections (also mostly soon after delivery), hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (eclampsia) and obstructed labour.


  • 尽管它们来源于自然界”,但它们不能摆脱潜在副作用高血压消化麻烦生育问题抑郁

    Despite their "natural" origins, they are not free of potential side effects, such as high blood pressure, digestion trouble, fertility problems and depression.


  • 例如有些基因高血压糖尿病发病率有关一个基因则能降低老年痴呆的发病风险

    For example, some profiles were associated with lower rates of hypertension and diabetes, while another was linked to a reduced risk of dementia.


  • 焦虑历史妇女可能心脏问题高血压代谢胃肠皮肤以及呼吸系统疾病关节炎

    Women with anxiety disorders are more likely to have a history of cardiac problems, hypertension, metabolic, gastrointestinal, dermatological, respiratory disorders and arthritis.


  • 虽然过量饮用白酒高血压肝脏问题不孕有关系白藜芦醇却以各种方式与对付肥胖糖尿病甚至衰老迹象联系

    While too much alcohol is linked to high blood pressure, liver problems and infertility, resveratrol has been variously linked to fighting cancer, obesity, diabetes, and even the signs of old age.


  • 可是血红蛋白水平一些并发有着一定的联系,高血压慢性高山病等,西蒙森

    But high hemoglobin levels have been linked to complications such as hypertension and chronic mountain sickness, Simonson said.


  • 同样的,如果怀孕调养或者患有高血压心脏病骨质疏松,请照上述建议做。

    The same goes if you're pregnant, nursing, or have high blood pressure, heart disease, or osteoporosis.


  • 实际上焦虑历史的男性大的风险心脏疾病高血压胃肠功能紊乱呼吸系统疾病哮喘背部疼痛

    In fact, men who have anxiety disorders are also at greater risk for cardiac disorders, hypertension, gastrointestinal disorders, respiratory illness, asthma, and back pain.


  • 一点怀孕的青少年十分重要因为那个年龄发生诸如贫血高血压等的并发的可能性更高。

    This is especially important because teens are more at risk for certain complications, such as anemia, high blood pressure, and delivering a baby earlier than usual (called premature delivery).


  • 体重指数35 - 39.9(即肥胖),并且严重体重相关健康问题2型糖尿病高血压严重睡眠呼吸暂停综合

    Your BMI is 35 to 39.9 (obesity), and you have a serious weight-related health problem, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or severe sleep apnea.


  • 作为饮食一部分它们对于糖尿病肥胖胃酸过多、过度紧张、动脉硬化高血压贫血便秘患者具有极好的作用。

    As part of the diet, they are excellent for sufferers of diabetes, obesity, hyperacidity, hypertension, atheroscierosis, high blood pressure, anaemia and constipation.


  • 剖腹产不会使孩子患上自闭但是怀孕患有糖尿病、高血压或者过度肥胖则有可能使孩子患上自闭

    And giving birth by Cesarean section isn't associated with autism in offspring, but having diabetes or high blood pressure or being obese while pregnant seems to be.


  • 之前较小规模研究已经失眠心脏病联系起来,包括高血压心脏病发作的关联。

    Previous smaller studies have linked insomnia to heart disease, including high blood pressure and heart attacks.


  • 减轻体重有助于增强药物治疗高血压效果可能降低其它危险因素糖尿病胆固醇

    Losing weight can help to enhance the effects of high blood pressure medication and may also reduce other risk factors, such as diabetes and high bad cholesterol.


  • 心脏病高血压醉酒其他适宜游览的游客,谢绝上游览。

    Please do not visit Glass Bridge if you have heart diseases, high blood pressure, acrophobia or when you are drunk or in any other unfit conditions.


  • 多余重量带来伴随健康并发增长风险例如高血压糖尿病哮喘关节炎

    The excess weight carries with it an increased risk of health complications, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, and arthritis.


  • 目的提高原发性高血压临床疗效减少延缓并发的发生。

    Objective: improve the clinical therapy effect of primary hypertension, decrease or delay the complication.


  • 大多数CKD患者实际心血管病发证,这些并发由于高血压肾功能紊乱引发的。

    A majority of CKD patients actually die from cardiovascular complications that arise from the high blood pressure associated with kidney malfunction.


  • 大多数CKD患者实际心血管病发证,这些并发由于高血压肾功能紊乱引发的。

    A majority of CKD patients actually die from cardiovascular complications that arise from the high blood pressure associated with kidney malfunction.


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