• 至于为什么皮质醇指数会造成男孩几率降低,原因目前尚未明。 堓。

    It isn't known why high levels of cortisol appear to cut the odds of having a boy.


  • 道琼斯工业平均指数一周时间内首次下降到11,000以下扭转今年指数上涨百分之七的势头。

    The Dow Jones industrial average fell below 11,000 for the first time in a little more than a week, reversing a streak that had pushed the index up nearly 7 percent for the year.


  • 公司股份表现糟糕过去12个月里下跌速度道琼斯可持续性媒体指数倍,大部分归咎于目前行情惨淡的印刷媒体对其进行曝光率

    The firm's shares have performed badly, falling twice as fast as the Dow Jones Stoxx media index over the past 12 months. That is mostly due to its high exposure to print media, which is struggling.


  • 大约有30%癌症死亡源自五种主要行为饮食危险因素体重指数水果和蔬菜摄入量缺乏运动使用烟草饮酒

    About 30% of cancer deaths are due to the five leading behavioral and dietary risks: high body mass index, low fruit and vegetable intake, lack of physical activity, tobacco use, alcohol use.


  • 相比之下,PIMCO指数负债国家中仅仅9%的比重,而在最低负债国家占到16%。

    In contrast, the PIMCO index has just 9% of its weighting in the high-debt countries and 16% in the least-indebted nations.


  • 现在上证综合指数比2005年6月水平从前不同是中国股市似乎已变得和全球市场的估值状况更合拍了一些。

    The Shangahi index remains triple its level at the June 2005 trough, but the market no longer looks as out of sync with global values as it once did.


  • 如今已有数个交易所交易基金追踪交易所专利股票(注2)指数

    Its index of patent-rich shares is tracked by several exchange-traded funds.


  • 避免摄入血糖生成指数食物(注意大部分不加糖谷物具有砂糖的血糖生成指数等级)。

    Avoid foods with a high glycemic index (note that most unsweetened cereals still have a glycemic index rating that is higher than granulated sugar).


  • 如图所示,指数曲线中,优先级任务收到绝大多数处理器低优先级任务收到的大大减少

    As shown, high-priority tasks receive the vast majority of the processor, while low-priority tasks receive considerably less in an exponential curve.


  • 研究发现,那些体重指数妻子丈夫结婚之初幸福,并且这种幸福感会一直持续下去。

    The findings discovered that men with a higher BMI than their wives were happier at the start of their marriage and stayed that way.


  • 根据普/商品指数五月份原材料价格上涨几乎20%,是有纪录以来单月最大涨幅之一。

    Raw material prices rose by nearly 20% in May, according to the S&P/Goldman Sachs Commodity Index, one of the biggest monthly increases on record.


  • 全球非传染病网络重点关注四项生理风险因素血压胆固醇血糖以及身体质量指数

    NCDnet also focuses on four biological risk factors: raised blood pressure, raised cholesterol, raised blood sugar, and a high body mass index.


  • 纤维碳水化合物血糖指数相对它们脂肪蛋白质结合可以有效地减缓吸收

    High fiber carbohydrates are relatively low glycemic but combining them with fat or protein can slow absorption even more.


  • 一家公司被用于计算指数时,他们购入这样的具有潜力的公司股票,当这家公司计算指数的组合中取消时,他们把这些股票售出就是准则。

    They will buy up-and-coming companies when they join the index and sell them again when they drop out; it is a formula for buying high and selling low.


  • bmi指数其它损伤有关指标有关联

    A higher BMI was also associated with other markers related to brain injury.


  • 汤姆逊金融公司迈克•汤姆逊这样说道1991年,收益债券标普500指数之间相关性非常不到20%。

    Mike Thompson of Thomson Financial says that, since 1991, the correlation between the performance of high-yield bonds and the S&P 500 index has been pretty lowless than 20%.


  • 尽管2009年道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数大幅反弹今天却也只有10520.10点,并不1999年的水平

    Despite its 2009 rebound, the Dow Jones Industrial Average today stands at just 10520.10, no higher than in 1999.


  • 但是盛商品指数由于石油其中所占巨大权重今年显示出下跌趋势。

    But the GSCI, which has a heavy weighting in oil, is showing a loss this year.


  • 还有一些认为自己不会黑,所以根本不会使用防晒指数的防晒霜。

    Then, there are those who won't use sunscreen with a high SPF because they think they won't get a tan.


  • 卡路里食品价格指数上涨10%结果体重指数年内只有0.22小幅滑落。

    A 10% increase in the calorie-heavy price index is associated with a small decline, of 0.22, in BMI within two years.


  • 种药适用于糖尿病患者超重(体重指数25以上)、并且血糖、患有糖尿病的人群。

    Is this the pill for you? These medications are for people who are diabetic or those who are overweight (having a BMI of 25 or more) and also have elevated blood sugar levels and diabetes.


  • 3月9日以来标准普尔500指数已经涨了39%,收益债券涨了31%。

    The S&P 500 already is up 39% since March 9 and high-yield bonds are up 31%.


  • 这些衍生品的合约规定一批列入好几个收益(垃圾)指数公司发生亏损时,伯克希尔-哈撒威需要履行其付款义务。

    These derivatives require Berkshire to pay when losses occur at companies that are included in several high-yield, or junk, indexes.


  • 此外由于引擎(发动机)外部运动较慢空气覆盖了燃气排出引擎后部时的噪音,“道比”(涵道比)飞机噪音指数下降了80%左右。

    They are also some 80% quieter because the mass of slower-moving air shrouds the noisy hot gases coming from the rear of the jet.


  • 亚洲股市开,美国股指期货上扬道琼斯工业平均指数期货上涨55

    Asian shares were higher and U.S. stock futures were pointing to gains on Wall Street, with Dow Jones Industrial Average futures up 55 points.


  • 亚洲股市开,美国股指期货上扬道琼斯工业平均指数期货上涨55

    Asian shares were higher and U.S. stock futures were pointing to gains on Wall Street, with Dow Jones Industrial Average futures up 55 points.


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