• 只要体重它的高度保持均衡越高有价值

    As long as the weight stays in proportion with the height, the taller the dog the more prized.


  • 自动驾驶仪高度保持模式令飞机每分钟自动下降200尺。

    Autopilot in altitude hold mode produces a 200 FPM descent.


  • 进行空速保持高度保持航向保持转弯控制等控制律详细分析。

    The control principle of airspeed keeping, altitude keeping, course keeping and swerve control is analyzed, too.


  • 如果可以断定故障系统,将工作正常高度系统与高度保持装置耦合。

    If the defective system can be determined, couple the functioning altimeter system to the altitude-keeping device.


  • 椅子后面放置了两部调整好的摄像机,其高度保持着与志愿者眼睛高度一致。

    Behind the chair there were two video cameras adjusted so that they were at the level of the volunteer's eyes.


  • 大约一个物体赤道沿轨道垂直向上运行的高度,这样它可以一直保持地球同一地点的正上方

    That's about how high an object would have to be orbiting straight up from the equator to constantly remain directly above the exact same spot on the rotating planet Earth.


  • 它们种子的顶端向上生长,距离地面高度刚好可以接触它们的体型大小也刚好生长所需的尺寸;它们的空心的,仅仅是通过体内的含水量保持自身的坚挺。

    Their seed heads raised just high enough above the ground to catch the wind, the plants are no bigger than they need be, their stems are hollow, and all the rigidity comes from their water content.


  • 迁徙动物对于宏大的使命保持高度专注,这一使命它们不会诱惑分散注意力,不会挑战吓倒,这些挑战可能会让其他动物转变方向。

    Migrating animals maintain an intense attentiveness to the greater mission, which keeps them undistracted by temptations and undeterred by challenges that would turn other animals aside.


  • 身体感到,可体温保持升高后的高度差不多稳定不变

    The body feels hot and the temperature remains more or less constant at the new elevated level.


  • 这点很难做到因此了一篇文章帮助保持高度意志力

    It may be hard to do this, therefore I have written an article that will help you maintain high motivation.


  • 亲密关系中,伴侣控制侵犯迹象,你常常保持高度警惕。

    In relationships, you are often on high alert for signs of control or impingement by your partner.


  • 实现服务时,必须使能够承受服务抵赖攻击从而保持高度可用

    The service must be implemented such that it can withstand denial of service attacks and hence remain highly available.


  • 忽隐忽现昆虫光环开始慢慢地漂移一直保持英尺高度

    The flickering insect halo began to drift slowly away, keeping a constant six feet above the earth.


  • 酒店攻击事件使喀布尔全国各地主要设施保持高度警戒

    Key installations in Kabul and around the country remain on high alert as a result of the assault on the hotel.


  • 人类动物卫生服务机构必须保持高度警惕,分享信息迅速报告任何可能H5N1型禽流感导致禽类人类中的疾病迹象

    Human and animal health services must be on high alert, sharing information and quickly reporting any signs of disease in birds or humans that could be due to H5N1 avian influenza.


  • 特别是RUP灵魂,即体系架构为中心迭代开发过程MDA概念保持高度一致MDA方面取得成功提供好的基础

    In particular, the backbone of RUP, an architecture-centric and iterative development process, is highly consistent with MDA concepts and offers an excellent basis for succeeding with MDA.


  • 莫斯科安全部门保持高度警惕,身着便衣美国安全人员同莫斯科警方混杂在一起。

    THE security services in Moscow are on high alert and plain-clothed American security men mingle with Moscow police.


  • 闭幕式举行同时广州市中心安全部队保持高度的警戒,通往闭幕式现场海星沙道路封闭,周边水域也有警力巡逻

    Security forces were meanwhile on high alert in the centre of Guangzhou, blocking off roads and patrolling the waters off Haixinsha island, the venue of the closing ceremony.


  • M大爷我们发现DNA水中会有结构上变化这个变化即使高度稀释也会保持并且这个变化会导致DNA发射电磁信号,而我们可以检测这个信号。

    L.M. : What we have found is that DNA produces structural changes in water, which persist at very high dilutions, and which lead to resonant electromagnetic signals that we can measure.


  • 1997年添慧和摩根·士丹利合并思考勒成为摩根·士丹利安全部主任,仍旧公司以及整个世贸大厦建筑物安全保持高度的警觉。

    After a company merger in 1997, Rescorla became director of security at Morgan Stanley, where he maintained vigilant attention to the firm'sand the building's — safety.


  • 拍摄人物照片相机保持人眼高度,以便显现充满魅力眼神迷人微笑

    When taking a picture of someone, hold the camera at the person's eye level to unleash the power of those magnetic gazes and mesmerizing smiles.


  • 美国高度重视对华关系希望中方保持高层交往

    The US gives top priority to relations with China and hopes to maintain high-level exchanges with China.


  • 你们脊髓灰质炎卷土重来成功地保持高度警戒有助于出现人类流感大流行时我们提供保护

    The high level of vigilance you successfully maintain against the re-introduction of polio, will also help to protect us against the advent of a human flu pandemic.


  • van der Klein说:“我们未来的种种可能性保持高度警觉,认为隐形眼镜只是其中的一部分。”

    We need to keep an open eye for future possibilities, and I think a contact lens is just part of it.


  • 支撑一侧腿屈膝90度。将屈腿伸直,将对侧腿抬起,抬止高度保持单腿做抬时的平衡

    Now straighten the leg, driving up with the opposite knee to hip height, so that you are balancing on one foot on the step.


  • 风向规律海洋不同地区保持高度差异如果它被改变或者增强就会将海水地区另一个地区。

    Wind patterns maintain height differences between different regions of the ocean, and if altered or intensified, they would push water from one part of the ocean to another.


  • 另一方面穴居仍然保持高度警惕三更半夜居住的地方游来游去。

    The cave fish, on the other hand, remain on high alert, patrolling their habitats even after hours.


  • 三个小时的演出之间,安排一次中场休息,这部简单突出作品仍然舞台保持高度戏剧冲突性。

    With just one intermission, it lasted nearly three hours. Yet it held the stage with mostly sure dramatic pacing in this simple, striking production.


  • 三个小时的演出之间,安排一次中场休息,这部简单突出作品仍然舞台保持高度戏剧冲突性。

    With just one intermission, it lasted nearly three hours. Yet it held the stage with mostly sure dramatic pacing in this simple, striking production.


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