• 他们不太可能获得许可润率(作为区域垄断他们价格设定的,并且他们的利润率是被监管者保证的)。

    They are also unlikely to win permission to raise rates. (As regional monopolies, their prices are set and their profit margins are guaranteed by regulators.)


  • 套利者可以今天购买高利货币,并以相同价格未来锁定售出价格然后远期合同到期持有的货币中赚得额外的利息

    Arbitrageurs could buy the high-interest currency today, lock in a future sale at the same price and pocket the extra interest from holding the currency until the forward contract is settled.


  • 可能延续现行不般配政策:一方面遏止资产价格上扬,另一方面总是价格跌落以后削减利率。

    He is likely to continue the current asymmetric policy of never raising interest rates to curb rising asset prices, but always cutting rates after prices fall.


  • 于是通过限制某些类型信贷不是单单高利率,资产价格泡沫能够抑制。

    And asset bubbles can be deflated through limits on some sorts of borrowing rather than just interest-rate hikes.


  • 经济增长期,美联储固执拒绝承认资产价格变化轨迹,即便,速度也相当缓慢

    In periods of growth, it raised interest rates slowly, if at all, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the course of asset prices.


  • 市场只有少数是交易员,他们容易就串通起来压低公平市场价格;他们通过较高价格卖出大豆大幅度提

    With only a few traders at each mandi, they can easily collude to ensure that they pay less than the fair market price; they can then boost their profits by selling on the beans at a higher price.


  • 一个价格高利直线下降的土地价值混杂在一起,使美国乡村遭受打击

    A combination of low prices, high interest rates and plummeting land values devastated rural America.


  • 自从汽油价格2005年首次超过3美元/加仑以来底特律市试图再度夺回中档汽车市场依靠昂贵高利SUV越野车其他油老虎

    Since petrol prices first rose above $3 a gallon in 2005 Detroit has been trying to reconquer the modest car market instead of relying on sales of expensive, high-margin SUVs and other gas-guzzlers.


  • 保持人民币目前价格水平同时也意味着央行不能够轻易地提这一其它国家常用的手段,对抗通货膨胀

    Maintaining the current level of the renminbi also means the central bank cannot easily push up interest rates - a move countries normally use to battle inflation.


  • 各国央行这些资产价格膨胀信号态度决定是否开始

    Central bankers' attitudes to these signs of asset-price inflation will drive their decisions on whether to start raising interest rates.


  • 房屋价格肯定下降房贷破产也上升房主也会为2006年的“诱惑性贷款转为高利房贷而苦恼。

    House prices will surely fall further and defaults increase, as homeowners struggle to cope with higher mortgage rates from "teaser" loans taken out in 2006.


  • 央行通过承诺限制了银行用以进行汇率对赌贷款,稳定了卢布价格:卢布美元在上个月上涨了0.5%。

    The central bank steadied the ruble, which gained 0.5 percent against the dollar last month, by pledging to raise interest rates and curtailing loans that Banks were using to bet against the currency.


  • 这些领域高额佣金高利高了人才价格私人股本行业也可能出现相同情况。

    The high fees and margins of these areas have bid up the price to be paid for that talent and the same may be coming true for private equity.


  • 随着其他商品价格纷纷高总体通货膨胀欧洲央行暗示有意

    With other commodity prices also driving up headline inflation, the European Central Bank signalled that it was on the brink of raising interest rates.


  • 我们应该做我们始终坚持优质产品而不是通过降低价格材料偷工减料润的劣质产品。

    So instead of lowering prices or cutting corners on materials we went back to the drawing board and decided that we should only create products that were a representation of what we believe.


  • 顾客喜欢价格而不是价格商人喜欢高利而不是低利润

    Customers prefer lower prices to higher prices, and businessmen prefer higher profits to lower profits.


  • 利率降低企业借贷成本有助于股票价格

    Lower rates will also lower the cost of corporate borrowing, helping to raise profits and share prices.


  • 就是为什么远期合同货币交易总是现时价格点数上打折扣的原因了。

    That is why high-interest currencies trade at a discount to their current or "spot" rate in forward markets.


  • 高利可以降低股票价格

    High interest rates may depress share prices.


  • 引入临界价格概念建立开放系统博弈价格模型,得出了使企业保持相对润水平对新投资者没有吸引力价格

    In addition, the paper introduces the concept of critical price, puts forward the pricing model of game in open market, and calculated the price that could maintain high profit for.


  • 高额借贷并不是中国物价上涨主要原因,其根源实为食品价格一再攀高中国决策者们在中国不断加速通胀面前难以下定决心

    China's accelerating inflation may fail to convince policy makers to raise interest rates this year because food costs, not surging credit, are fueling price gains.


  • 然而这种价格过程中,减缓消费者的影响,一般推迟表面

    However, this price back in the process of raising interest rates to slow the impact on consumers, there are generally delayed one to two years to surface.


  • 计算成本参与产品定价确保价格能具有高利和竞争性

    Cost calculation, participate the product selling price, ensure that the price are set at optimum level to maximize profit while remaining competitive.


  • 央行采取了各种措施控制价格上涨,包括313日以来的2010

    The central bank took various measures in a bid to control the rising prices, including raising interest rates 13 times since March 2010.


  • 投资者素质同时有利于股市高利增长根源在于一个健全的基本依据价格合理的。

    Quality investors, meanwhile, favor stocks whose high earnings growth is rooted in a sound fundamental basis and whose price is justified.


  • 投资者素质同时有利于股市高利增长根源在于一个健全的基本依据价格合理的。

    Quality investors, meanwhile, favor stocks whose high earnings growth is rooted in a sound fundamental basis and whose price is justified.


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