• 对于磁盘阵列条带化一种可以提高磁盘驱动器速度技术

    On an array of disks, striping is a technique for improving disk drive speed.


  • 内容分类-驱动器速度更快有效组织信息访问找到自动内容分类能力

    Content categorization - Drive faster, more efficient information organization, access and find ability with automated content categorization.


  • 这个驱动器是 AB 电动技术的代表产品,它是一个定向控制可以分别控制速度扭矩

    The drive features AB's Force Technology, a field-oriented control that permits independent control of speed and torque.


  • 驱动器缓存容量所使用的硬盘算法接口速度密度组合一起,就构成磁盘传输时间

    When combined, the cache capacity on the drive, the disk algorithms used, the interface speed, and the areal density, produce a disk transfer time.


  • 额外的驱动器意味着速度增加因为数据遍布整个空间因此确保空间大小目标存储空间匹配非常重要。

    Additional drives means speed increases as data is spread across the space, therefore, it is important to make sure the total size matches the target storage space.


  • 现在大多数常用企业硬盘驱动器(HDD)受到磁头移动速度盘片旋转速度查找延时限制

    Now, the most commonly used enterprise hard disk drives (HDDs) are limited by the rate of head movement, the speed of the spinning platter, and seek latency.


  • 而这个识别自我温度的内在驱动器网络光速般的速度加速

    That innate drive to be recognized for our tastes has been accelerated to the speed of light by the network.


  • HDD容量指数级增加时这些驱动器速度没有实现显著增长

    And while the capacity of HDDs has grown exponentially, the speed of these devices has not significantly increased.


  • 虽然大多数兼容2.0的驱动器可向后兼容1.1,但是一般最好避免使用1.1,除非别无选择(因为速度比较慢)。

    While most 2.0-compatible drives are backwardly compatible with 1.1, it is generally advisable to avoid using 1.1 unless there is no other option (due to its slow speed).


  • 成功提高了文件读写速度特别是经常性改动驱动器下,比如用来暂存交换文件驱动器或者数据文件有频繁修改驱动器

    This enables faster file reads and writes, especially on drives with frequent changes, such as the drive you use for temporary or swap files or drives with frequent modifications to data files.


  • RAID - Z不是唯一用于ZFS磁盘阵列类型镜像速度通常更快且消耗的内存更少需要等量的硬盘驱动器才能使用

    RAID-Z is not the only type of disk array available to ZFS. Mirrors are usually faster and less memory-consuming, but require equal Numbers of hard drives to use it.


  • 驱动器缓存算法一起可以提高数据进出驱动器速度以及RAID5实现进行奇偶检验

    Together, drive cache and algorithms work to improve the transfer of data in and out of the drive and to make parity calculations for RAID 5 implementations.


  • 在理论上应该增加读取写入速度硬盘驱动器所有情况下

    This theoretically should increase the read and write speeds of the hard drive in all scenarios.


  • 花费时间彻底消灭硬盘驱动器规模速度

    The time it takes to completely wipe your hard drive varies depending on its size and speed.


  • CD - ROM驱动器不是适合shapefile文件访问模式因此整个操作速度急剧降慢。

    The access pattern to read the shapefile is not very favored by CD-ROM drives and, therefore, the whole operation slows down dramatically.


  • 诸如ibmsoliddb之类内存中缓存解决方案数据库相对硬盘驱动器转移相对较快的RAM大大提升响应速度

    In-memory caching solutions such as IBM solidDB move the database off of relatively slow hard drives into relatively fast ram, dramatically improving response time.


  • 本机传输速率超过SCSI总线速度50%的驱动器必须专用SCSI总线上,避免降低性能

    Drives whose native transfer rate exceeds 50 percent of the SCSI bus speed must be on a dedicated SCSI bus to avoid loss in performance.


  • 控制技术变频驱动器提供连续控制,配套电机速度工作具体要求正在执行

    Control Techniques variable frequency drives provide continuous control, matching motor speed to the specific demands of the work being performed.


  • 采用伺服驱动器速度控制位置控制相结合的方法实现天车定位运动精确控制。

    The combination of speed control and location control of servo driver realized the accurate control of crane's location and steeve's movement.


  • 驱动器通过RS485总线外界通信,可按照预定参数完成速度位置伺服

    This driver can communicate externally with RS485 bus and accomplish speed servo and position servo with the scheduled parameters.


  • 解决以上不利因素,研究设计了一电机细分驱动器控制进电机,用以改善步进电机运行性能量化显示切割速度

    To settle the above problems, the research introduce a suite of subdividing driver to control step motor, the aim is to improve step motor running capability and quantify cutting velocity.


  • 机器两个触摸屏,分别用于托架经轴头架,由PLC提供整体控制。整经速度PLC驱动器传送

    The machine has two touch-screens, for the warping carrier and beaming head-stock, with overall control from a PLC that sends the warping speed to the drive.


  • 驱动器文件夹手动添加排除列表保护文件提高光盘读取速度

    Drives and folders can be manually added to an exclude list to protect files and improve disc reading speed.


  • 改变驱动信号频率幅值能够控制驱动器运动方向速度

    By varying the frequency and amplitude of driving signals, it is possible to control the moving direction and velocity of the actuator.


  • 公司交流反向驱动器提供最高精确度通过LMMI控制维持速度张力伸长量。

    Litzler Vector ac inverter drives provide the highest level of accuracy available and are controlled by LMMI to maintain speed, tension and stretch.


  • 根据处理器速度磁盘控制器硬盘驱动器操作系统版本对于台机器无疑不同的。

    That will undoubtedly differ for each machine, based on processor speed, disk controller, hard drive, and operating system version.


  • 事实上液压节气减慢了驱动器速度防止损坏

    There is in fact so much speed in the actuator that hydraulic restrictors are used to slow it down and prevent damage.


  • 设计过程中,首先根据负载、惯量、速度机械参数选择控制电机配套功率驱动器

    There are three steps to construct the hardware platform. First, select the motor and driver according to the parameter of mechanism.


  • 我们变频驱动器(电子控制器)通过调整电机功率速度调节电动传递

    Our variable frequency drives (electronic controllers) adjust the speed of electric motors by modulating the power being delivered.


  • 款伺服驱动器可以调节金属丝金属条,也可以精确控制方向速度或距离任意组合

    The servo system can accommodate small diameter wire or narrow strip material and can precisely control any combination of direction, speed, or distance required of the application.


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