• 预览类似接口目前已经市场上不是坏事,托尼解释克里普斯Ovum首席分析师

    The preview looks similar to interfaces which are already on the market and this is not a bad thing, explained Tony Cripps, principal analyst at Ovum.


  • 美国福雷斯特研究公司总裁首席分析师表示预计2015年,将有数千万平板电脑用于美国工作场所

    Ted Schadler, a vice President and principal analyst with Forrester Research, said he expected that tens of millions of tablets would be in use in America's workplaces by 2015.


  • 弗里斯特研究机构的首席分析师NateElliott指出Google总是自己放得高高在上所以人们便保持不切实际标准。”

    Nate Elliott, principal analyst at Forrester Research, points out that Google has "always put itself on a pedestal - so people hold it to unrealistic standards."


  • “换句话说。”税务资料出版社首席分析师MarkIuscombe,“这些纳税人减少退税即他们的收入高于上限部分上百分之五。”

    Put another way, the rebates of those taxpayers will be reduced by the amount of income above the cap multiplied by 5%, said Mark Luscombe, principal analyst at tax information publisher CCH.


  • ITIC首席分析师劳拉.迪迪奥(LauraDidio)表示,无人驾驶技术核心机器人技术,机器人技术上取得进展,可能条实现盈利道路

    At the heart of the self-driving technology is robotics, and advances inrobotics could be a road to profit, observed Laura DiDio, principal analyst at ITIC.


  • 他们似乎认为牺牲一丁点处理器性能,换得图像性能较大提升是合理折中。”Insight 64公司的首席分析师·布鲁克伍德(Nathan Brook wood)表示

    "It seems they felt that giving up a little bit of processor performance for a lot of graphics performance was a reasonable tradeoff," says Nathan Brookwood, principal analyst at Insight 64.


  • 旅游网站确实注重于(在线体验)预订方面。”ForresterResearch副总裁首席分析师Henryh .Harteveldt说道,也是这份报告联合作者之一。

    "Travel Web sites have really focused on the booking aspect of (the online experience)," said Henry H. Harteveldt, VP and principal analyst for Forrester Research, who co-authored the report.


  • 参加分析师电话会议,大多都是首席财务长武卫在讲话

    He participated in a call with analysts that reporters were allowed to listen in on, but left most of the talking to Chief Financial Officer Maggie Wu.


  • Google首席执行官EricSchmidt分析师电话会议上公司在第四季度成本进行严格控制

    "We had tight control over costs" in the quarter, said Google chief executive Eric Schmidt in a conference call with analysts.


  • 预计放缓在线购物增长“与我们曾经看到显著不同,”NPD集团首席行业分析师马歇尔.科恩(MarshalCohen)说道,“消费者并不急于抢购”。

    The expected slowdown in online growth is "dramatically different than what we've seen, " says Marshal Cohen, chief industry analyst at NPD Group. "Consumers are not in a rush to shop."


  • 证券公司Ticonderoga Securities首席苹果(Apple)分析师布莱恩·怀特自己电脑存了这样段文字。

    Brian White, Ticonderoga Securities' chief Apple (AAPL) analyst, has a boilerplate sentence stored on his computer that goes like this.


  • 一些计算机部件价格内存显示器,与第一季度“不利于”当前季度,首席财政CathieLesjak告诉分析师

    The prices of some computer components, such as memory and monitors, will be "less favorable" in the current quarter than in the first period, Chief Financial Officer Cathie Lesjak told analysts.


  • 周四召开分析师季度讨论会上,机会听到微软首席财务克里斯·里德尔(Chris Liddell)的详细说明

    Microsoft Chief Financial Officer Chris Liddell will have a chance to give details during the company's quarterly earnings call with analysts Thursday.


  • 特许财务分析师协会总裁首席执行长杰夫里·狄尔·梅尔(JeffreyJ .Diermeier)说,那些没有办法的人所承受负担最重。

    'the burden is placed most heavily on those who don't have the means,' says Jeffrey J. Diermeier, President and chief executive of the CFA Institute.


  • 韦斯特·法尔表示:“首席执行官分析师之间关系副作用,这种关系可能削弱分析师建议客观性。”

    "This is a side-effect of the relationship between executives and analysts that can perhaps compromise the objectivity of their recommendations," says Mr Westphal.


  • 研究者发现公司未能实现业绩预期次数越多首席执行官分析师提供帮忙可能性也就越大,尤其是对于那些顶级的分析师

    The researchers found that the more a company missed its earnings forecast, the more chief executives were likely to offer favours to analysts, particularly the highly rated ones.


  • 克尔察柯柳金娜钻研了上千首席执行官们财务总监们在财报会议回答分析师提问的录本。

    Larcker and Zakolyukina pored through the transcripts of thousands of corporate earnings calls when CEOs and chief financial officers take questions from analysts.


  • 西南证券首席宏观分析师董先安:“对于很多出口商来说美元波动一个严重问题。”

    Dong Xian 'an, economist with China Southwest Securities, said: "For many exporters, the dollar's fluctuation is a serious concern."The ability to settle trade in the yuan would reduce such risk.


  • 此后召开电话会议中,刚刚上任雅虎首席执行官Carol Bartz警告分析师称公司继续面临严峻的考研。

    Eight days into her new job, Yahoo Chief Executive Carol Bartz warned analysts during a conference call that tough times would continue.


  • 摩根大通公司首席股票策略分析师托马斯·认为,5周股下跌符合牛市暂时回拉表现。

    The five-week drop in U.S. stocks is consistent with a temporary pullback within a bull market, said Thomas J. Lee, the chief U.S. equity strategist at JPMorgan Chase &Co.


  • 希腊流感已经感染了意大利。”JamesMcDonald芝加哥北方信托投资公司首席策略分析师管理者6430亿美元的资产,通过电话采访时发表这番话语。

    The Greek flu is hitting Italy, ” James McDonald, chief investment strategist at Northern Trust Corp. in Chicago, which manages $643 billion, said in a telephone interview.


  • 赵昌会博士首席国家风险分析师中国进出口银行

    Zhao Changhui, Chief Country Risk Analyst, Exim Bank of China.


  • 日前公布一份学术研究报告显示,数百股票分析师企业首席执行官们寻求帮助,涉及内容包罗万象,如何银行客户见面他们个人问题

    According to an academic study to be released today, hundreds of equity analysts asked executives for favours ranging from meetings with their Banks' clients to advice on personal matters.


  • 如果分析师确实受到首席执行官帮忙的影响,那么投资者尤其是散户投资者,怎么信赖分析师的研究报告呢?

    But if analysts are indeed swayed by chief executives' largesse, how could investors, especially retail investors, trust their calls?


  • 不过此举家公司首席执行长跟踪它们分析师感到意外。

    Still, the move surprised both the chief executives of the two mortgage companies and the analysts who cover them.


  • 研究者发现公司未能实现业绩预期次数越多首席执行官分析师提供帮忙可能性也就越大,尤其是对于那些顶级的分析师

    The researchers found that the more a company missed its earnings forecast , the more chief executives were likely to offer favours to analysts, particularly the highly rated ones.


  • 通用汽车(General MotorsCorp。)首席销售分析师保罗?巴罗(PaulBallew)曾于9月初表示,油价企是汽车销售不景气的原因之一,将高油价称为美国家庭一项赋税。”

    Paul Ballew, General Motors Corp. 's top sales analyst, explained sluggish industry sales earlier this month by citing in part high fuel prices, which he called 'effectively a tax on U. S. households.


  • 通用汽车(General MotorsCorp。)首席销售分析师保罗?巴罗(PaulBallew)曾于9月初表示,油价企是汽车销售不景气的原因之一,将高油价称为美国家庭一项赋税。”

    Paul Ballew, General Motors Corp. 's top sales analyst, explained sluggish industry sales earlier this month by citing in part high fuel prices, which he called 'effectively a tax on U. S. households.


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