• 彩云满天,闪着东方金色饰片

    The clouds with orient gold spangle their blue;


  • 礼拜早上我们那儿裁缝告诉礼服上手缝珠子饰片太多因而没法改动傻眼了。

    On Monday morning, my world crumbled when the local sewing shop informed me the dress simply could not be altered because of numerous hand-sewn pearls and sequins on the bodice.


  • 检查鞋子,面,开口洞,线鞋带蝴蝶结,美锭是否协调配称。

    Check the pair for alignment of parts, toe tips, vamps, overlays, openings, perforations, nail heads, design stitching LACES, bows, buttons, buckles, and so on.


  • 艾米丽·布朗宁吉娜·马龙杰米·钟联合主演批住在残忍精神病院里的可怜妹子,她们要在疯狂的女医生(卡拉·古奇诺)指引杀出一狂野的奇幻复仇之旅。

    Vanessa Hudgens, Emily Browning, Jena Malone and Jamie Chung co-star as ferocious loony-bin inhabitants who unleash wild revenge fantasies under the guidance of a mad doctor (Carla Gugino).


  • 一面金属箔面的隔墙替代床头板原先位置。

    A partition surfaced in foil wall covering stands in lieu of a headboard.


  • 伏特加杜松鸡尾酒伏特加和杜松子酒制成的鸡尾酒,加入柠檬使之些,并且有时加入苏打柠檬。

    A cocktail made with vodka or GIN, sweetened lime juice, and sometimes effervescent water and garnished with a slice of lime.


  • 加冰杯子里混合三种原料轻轻搅合注入适量菠萝橘子汁,以莱姆吸管

    Combine first three ingredients over ice in glass. Stir gently. Top off with pineapple juice and orange juice. Garnish with line slice and straw.


  • 混合所有原料冰块的摇壶,过的鸡尾酒杯,莱姆葡萄

    Combine ingredients given in a shaker half-filled with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lime slice and a grape.


  • 混合波士杏仁柠檬冰块飓风杯,滤入飓风杯注入适量啤酒以柠檬

    Combine BOLS Amaretto and lemon juice in a shaker half-filled with ice. Strin into a Hurricane glass. Tpo with beer. Garnish with a lemon slice.


  • 所有原料冰块的摇壶,玻璃杯奇异

    Shake all ingredients in a mixer filled with ice. Strain into the glass. Garnish with a slice of kiwi fruit.


  • 混合所有原料冰块的海波北,置入吸管

    Combine all ingredients over ice in a highball glass. Stir. Garnish with an orange slice, serve with a straw.


  • 混合伏特加波士南瓜力娇酒,加冰块摇合原料滤入盛冰块的海波杯柠檬

    Combine vodka, BOLS Pumpkin Smash, lemon juice and pineapple juice in a shaker half-filled with ice. Strain into a highball with ice. garnish with a lemon slice.


  • 混合原料壶。入冰过的玻璃杯苹果

    Mix all ingredients with ice in a shaker. Strain into the glass. Garnish with a slice of apple.


  • 所有原料入混合充分搅合玻璃杯柑桔

    Pour all the ingredients in a mixing glass, stir well then strain in a chilled glass. Garnish with a mandarine slice on the rim.


  • 知道只有一码远; 知道在我下面桔黄色紫色的闪皮外衣和浓雾般银色羽毛扩展在飘拂

    Brocklehurst's nose, that he was within a yard of me, and that a spread of shot orange and purple silk pelisses and a cloud of silvery plumage extended and waved below me.


  • 放螺旋状的柠檬4丁香杯口肉桂

    Stud the lemon slice with 4 cloves before dropping in. Or garnish with a cinnamon stick.


  • 原料壶,充分合滤入冰的玻璃杯,蜜瓜

    Pour all the ingredients in a shaker, shake well then strain in a chilled glass. Garnish with a melon slice on the rim.


  • 悲哀关系亚丝拉琪(阿丽莎·萨瑟兰新的宣传里被卡特加特海峡团体包围住欢呼微笑流着泪。

    Relationship Woes: Aslaug (Alyssa Sutherland) is seen tearing up in the promo video as the Kattegat community surrounds her with cheers and smiles.


  • 结果直接成像系统具有曝光剂量小、图像质量佳等点,其甲级达到91.3%。

    Resu lts The direct digital imaging system had the advantages of low exposure dose and good image quality. The first film rate was 91.3%.


  • 明迪•拉赫瑞(明迪•卡灵)能干的妇产科医生,但私生活却是一忙乱努力寻找“真命天子”、适合自己服装以及正确生活态度

    Dr Mindy Lahiri (Mindy Kaling) is a talented obstetrician with a hectic personal life, who struggles to find the right guy, the right outfit and the right attitude.


  • 所有原料倒入壶,充分过的杯子杯口苹果

    Pour all the ingredients in a shaker, shake well then strain in a chilled glass garnished with an apple segment on the rim.


  • 混合原料芒果,加入大量冰块

    Combine ingredients. May also garnish with mango slice. Pack glass with lots of ice.


  • 空空的只剩轻柔白色羽毛鸟笼旁边镶嵌玫瑰色宝石,缀着蓝宝

    The jewels, set alongside bird cages, empty but for a fluffy white feather, were mainly in white diamonds with inserts of stones in soft shades like pale rose-colored, pear-shaped sapphires.


  • 空空的只剩轻柔白色羽毛鸟笼旁边镶嵌玫瑰色宝石,缀着蓝宝

    The jewels, set alongside bird cages, empty but for a fluffy white feather, were mainly in white diamonds with inserts of stones in soft shades like pale rose-colored, pear-shaped sapphires.


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