• Snowflakes flutter in the air.


  • 万里飞雪,将苍穹作洪炉,溶万物白银

    The snowstorm extends for thousands of miles, making everything seem like bright white silver.


  • 捏紧皮外套风帽两边以挡住袭来的飞雪

    He held both sides of the parka hood closed against the snow.


  • 漫天飞雪,天气冷,感受不到任何温暖快乐

    Snow flake is flying in the sky. It's so cold that I could hardly feel warm and happiness.


  • 飞雪迎春到

    Fluttering snow sees in spring.


  • 北部亚利桑那州天气专家预测司机赶路途中会有强风飞雪

    In northern Arizona, weather experts predicted strong wind gusts and blowing snow as drivers got on the road.


  • 许多冬日总是看见鼻子冻得发紫飞雪寒风里。

    How many winter days have I seen him, standing blue-nosed in the snow and east wind?


  • 周五中国琵琶演奏家吴玉霞国家大剧院举行飞雪迎春独奏会。

    Next Friday, Chinese musician Wu Yuxia will give a Pipa concert. "for this concert, I prepared both a solo and band performance."


  • 一位伊利诺斯州男士离开漫天飞雪芝加哥街道前往佛罗里达州度假

    An Illinois man left the snowy streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida.


  • 公共安全部门发出通报旅客遇到了时速高达35英里强风飞雪

    Travelers encountered blowing and drifting snow, driven by wind gusts up to 35 MPH., the Department of Public Safety said in an advisory.


  • 向往漫天飞雪一样柳絮随风一个我从来都没去过地方

    I also aspire to the same catkin, as filled the snow drifting in the wind's no one I have never been to a place.


  • 地下道上写了躐快乐”,在植物上喷上飞雪使植物覆盖了。

    I use spray snow on underground road wrote "happiness", on the plant to spray snow, make the plants were covered with snow.


  • 无数品尝过月亮唇上的甜蜜天空是我天使的舞池我见过夏日飞雪验…

    I've kissed the moon a million times Danced with angels in the sky


  • 太阳只是一朵朦胧发光穿越疾风飞雪的漩涡,光亮衬托深黑的外形轮廓。

    The sun is just a dimly glowing patch of cloud across which flurries of snowflakes swirl and eddy, dark patterns against the glow.


  • 我见空中天使七月飞雪星辰坠落不曾生活中遇见过一般的

    I have seen angels in the sky, I have seen snowfall in July. I have seen stars falling apart, but I've never seen anyone like you in my life.


  • 湖面上天鹅翩翩起舞,起则青天飞雪,落则似素锦铺,震撼人心,蔚为大观!

    Swan lake, dancing, such as the blue sky from the snow, off the ground like Su-Kam, stirring,!


  • 我俩却难以参与-已冻结翅膀不易飞翔,又刮不停飞雪压死我们脆弱的小身体。

    No longer do we join in the hubbub of the community ? flying strains our frozen wings, and we are afraid that the blizzarding snow will crush our fragile selves.


  • 柳如君忽然猜到这位是了,江湖中任飘萍一个人尽皆朋友飞雪常小雨!

    Such as gentleman suddenly is suspect this is who, river's lake allows a friend whom person all without exception knows who float the Ping: Quickly to fly snow the light rain is often!


  • 梅根(MeighenIsland)位于加拿大北部海岸,图中左侧几乎被漫天飞雪淹没。

    A veil of blowing snow nearly obscures Meighen Island (left) off the northern coast of Canada.


  • 早晨起来,窗外片雪白明净的漫天飞雪似乎听到雪落声音细细的静静的

    The morning, the window is a white, separated by bright and clean windows to see sky snow seems to be able to hear the voice of Xuela, thin, quietly.


  • 在很多眼里漫天飞雪不仅浪漫而且充满温情在这里,则意味着一场来自冰雪世界的生存大考验。

    Many people think that snowing weather is not only romantic, but also warm. However, the hail is dangerous and threaten lives here.


  • 时至九月飞雪严寒,我们到达公司比较车停了离入口处很远的地方(2000个员工都是开车上班)。

    It was September, bit cold and snowy.We would arrive early at the company and he would park far away from the entrance (2000 employees drive their car to work).


  • 时至九月飞雪严寒我们到达公司比较车停入口处很远的地方(2000个员工都是开车上班)。

    It was September, bit cold and snowy. We would arrive early at the company and he would park far away from the entrance (2000 employees drive their car to work).


  • 春天果园,红杏流火,桃花梨树飞雪,蜂蝶追逐喧嚷,酝酿生活甘甜芬芳……春天的足迹无处不在

    Spring in the orchard, Meteors Apricot, peach diffuse Xia, snow pear, Fengdie chase clamor, and prepare the sweetness of life and the fragrance of spring... footprints everywhere.


  • 就在这间寝室里,就茅屋再下平方英尺地方,看见窗外没有尽头的凄苦雨飞雪,看见无数的灿烂夕阳,看见一个又一个月。

    Here, under her few square yards of thatch, she watched winds, and snows, and rains, gorgeous sunsets, and successive moons at their full.


  • 浓雾豪雨冰雹乃至飞雪这些赤道处不常见的气候异常对于咖啡玫瑰绿豆豌豆出口欧洲肯尼亚山农民们来说,无异于天赐。

    Fog, rain, hail, even snow, all unusual for the equator but a blessing for Mount Kenya's farmers, who export coffee, roses, green beans and peas to Europe.


  • 北风呼呼刮着寒风刺骨,那里北方)漫天飞雪,冰天雪地,漫天卷地阿,树上地上,窗上,屋顶上,都变成了白茫茫走进了白色洋。 。

    The howl of the north wind blowing, the bitter, there (north), snow, ice and snow and sky volumes, the tree on the ground, the roof, into a piece of white, like entered the Bai Seyang.


  • 北风呼呼刮着寒风刺骨,那里北方)漫天飞雪,冰天雪地,漫天卷地阿,树上地上,窗上,屋顶上,都变成了白茫茫走进了白色洋。 。

    The howl of the north wind blowing, the bitter, there (north), snow, ice and snow and sky volumes, the tree on the ground, the roof, into a piece of white, like entered the Bai Seyang.


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