• 但是,只使用雌激素风险更小,且出现得

    However, the risk was lower and became apparent later in those receiving estrogens alone.


  • 这项举措优势在于管理成本欺诈风险

    The advantages include lower administrative costs on the one hand and a perceived lesser risk of fraud on the other.


  • 冲突发生了,而且发生冲突时,需要合并规模风险更小

    Conflicts happen less frequently and, when they do occur, the changes needing to be merged are smaller and less risky.


  • 波音辩称加油机比起竞争对手而言风险更小成本低,而空军评估程序存在缺陷。

    Boeing argues that its tanker is less risky and costly than its rival's and that the air force's evaluation process was flawed.


  • 相反摄入乳糖含量的优格乳酪之类的乳制品死亡率低,而且骨折风险更小

    In contrast, eating more dairy products such as yoghurt and cheese - with a low lactose content – led to lower death rates and fewer fractures, particularly in women.


  • 刚刚在去年,一项芬兰研究发现每天饮用超过杯咖啡男性罹患抑郁症风险

    Only last year a study in Finland discovered that men who drank more than four cups a day were also far less likely to become depressed.


  • 根据疾病防控中心研究,经常锻炼进行锻炼的人结肠癌乳腺癌风险

    Research shows active people have a lower risk of developing colon and breast cancers than people who don't exercise, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


  • 基于SOA企业体系结构方法使得在对企业IT基础架构进行相关移植风险

    The phased approach to the SOA-based enterprise Architecture allows for easier mitigation of risk associated with changes to an enterprise it infrastructure.


  • Poietis表示他们技术生物物质施加的压力,也就是说破坏生物物质的风险

    Poietis suggests its technique puts less stress on the biological matter, meaning there is less risk of causing it damage.


  • 近年一种流行论调认为新兴国家风险因为他们年前那样了,现在他们不再依赖外资

    A popular argument in recent years has been that developing economies are less risky because, unlike a decade ago, they are no longer dependent on foreign capital.


  • 使用CERTIS系统无需旋转机械活动作业速度快,相关风险尤其适用水下环境

    Because the CERTIS system is set without string rotation or mechanical movement, operations are faster and involve less risk, especially in subsea environments.


  • 少起落意味着价格风险更小最终转化为消费者成本”,阿金融服务公司期货分析师StephenPlatt表示

    "Less volatility presents less price risk, which in turn should translate into lower costs to the consumer, " said Stephen Platt, futures strategist with Archer Financial Services.


  • 有些酒店汽车租赁公司接受信用卡因为支票容易便宜风险

    Some hotels and rental car services only accept credit cards because it's easier, cheaper, and less of a risk to them than check cards.


  • 根据巴拉巴斯说法,那些掌权者倾向于选择奖项资金交给那些已经得到认可的人手上,风险

    According to Barabasi, it's easier and less risky for those in positions of power to choose to hand awards and funding to those who've already been so recognized.


  • 就在一些人争论终止妊娠是否真的怀孕要承受更小身体风险时,流产本身身体健康影响引发了很大争议。

    While few dispute that terminations carry fewer physical risks to a woman than those of pregnancy, the impact of abortions on psychological health is highly contentious.


  • 廉政机制部称之为“优先分类法”:当世行名字一桩合同上意味着风险时,这暗示员工要对

    The integrity report talks of "triage" : cases implicating bank staff get its full attention, as do cases that put the bank's name at risk.


  • 这些风险很多公开源码所独有的,但实际上风险也可能更小因为每个人都可以检查源代码

    Many of these risks are not unique to open source, which may actually carry lower risks, because the source code is available for anyone to inspect.


  • 因为我们使用交付有限补丁,这样客户部署时需要测试较大的维护发行版相比,承担的风险更小

    Because we deliver a limited number of fixes in a smaller package, customers can deploy with less testing and less risk than they could with a bigger maintenance release.


  • 这样背景下他们启动一个程序希望该程序可以使其从事的审计业务合理风险更小

    Against that background, they have started a process that they hope will lead to more appropriate and less risky audit practices.


  • 流动性风险来说,三月的贷款隔夜贷款准备现金的可能性更小所以借款人需要获得块的风险补偿

    As for liquidity, a three-month loan can less readily be exchanged for cash than an overnight one and lenders require a reward for that risk.


  • 对于糖尿病来说,至少18项研究发现每天喝以上咖啡人患糖尿病的风险就变得

    As for diabetes, at least 18 studies have found that drinking three or more cups of coffee a day is linked with a lower risk of developing the disease.


  • 频繁交付少量功能有效风险更小的——换话说,通过多次产品发布生产

    It is more effective and less risky to deliver smaller amounts of functionality more often - in other words, to release a product into production multiple times.


  • 要把风险降到简单,只需把条件逻辑分解更小片段然后创建容易测试方法

    Minimizing the risk is a simple matter of breaking up the conditional logic into smaller pieces, thus creating new methods that can be easily tested.


  • 经济繁荣资产价格上涨时,借贷风险似乎此时银行恰好需要抑制借贷,却被允许持有资本

    When the economy is booming and asset prices are rising, loans seem less risky so Banks are allowed to hold less capital at exactly the moment when they should be showing restraint.


  • 设计十分严重时,重写代码出问题部分,要比试修复风险更小

    When design debt is extreme, it is often faster and less risky to rewrite the debt-ridden body of code than to attempt to improve it.


  • 大多数人认为只有女性需要担心乳腺癌其实男性有可能患病尽管风险女性更小些。

    people consider breast cancer to be a female concern, but men, though to a much lesser degree can also be at risk for the disease.


  • 大多数人认为只有女性需要担心乳腺癌其实男性有可能患病尽管风险女性更小些。

    people consider breast cancer to be a female concern, but men, though to a much lesser degree can also be at risk for the disease.


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