• 根据等效列出压力平衡方程流量守恒方程。

    According to the equivalent ventilation circuit, the equations of pressure and air now are obtained.


  • 根据等效列出压力平衡方程流量守恒方程。

    According to the equivalent ventilation circuit, the equations of pressure and air flow are obtained.


  • 提出了确定影响矿井通稳定性主要风路方法

    An approach to determine main ari flow affecting the stability of tunnels ventilation based on Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network is put forward.


  • 提出改善电机温升分布改进结构降低绕组温升措施

    The measures on improving temperature rise distribution, mending structure of wind pathway and depressing temperature rise of the winding are put forword.


  • 提出基于神经网络确定影响内通稳定性主要风路方法

    A rough neural network - based approach to determining the main airways affecting the stability of airflow in mine ventilation is put forward.


  • 对角流流动时,一侧前后阻之比值,一定相等。

    When there is no wind to run in the wind direction of the opposite angle net, the ratio of each side, which is in front of and behind wind ditection a…


  • 对水轮发电机的典型系统结构进行了分析,出相应等效图。

    In this paper, the ventilation system of water - wheel generator is analyzed, the equivalent ventilation circuit is drawn.


  • 风路自动识别特征自动绘制仿真系统独有特殊功能

    Automatic identification of diagonal branches and automatic plotting of ventilation network characteristic graph are the particular functions of the simulation system.


  • 系统包括强制系统加热流体系统,通过散热器传给空气

    The system also contains either ductwork, for forced air systems, or piping to distribute a heated fluid and radiators to transfer this heat to the air.


  • 优点 于,在定子铁芯两端,定子绕组留有很多增加面积

    The structure has the advantages that: a plurality of air gaps are left at the two ends of the stator iron core and the end part of the stator winding, thus increasing the area of the wind path.


  • 他们沿河边闲逛,一谈笑

    They dawdled along by the river, laughing and talking.


  • 另一个历史学家尼尔·弗格森认为中国那时哪里为什么现在一帆值得注意调查研究

    Another historian, Niall Ferguson, reckons that what went so spectacularly wrong for China then is more remarkable and worthy of investigation than why things should now be going right.


  • 啊,荒凉严寒北方天空,难走的慢腾腾的乡下大夫

    Oh! these bleak winds and bitter northern skies, and impassableroads, and dilatory country surgeons!


  • 着基飞行翅膀上显现。

    And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the wind.


  • 追逐狂啸的将急不可耐

    I've chased the Shouting wind along, and flung.


  • 我们有点傻傻的我们是否时,我们一些投会因为我们拒绝他们巨额支票当面嘲笑我们生活商业”。

    When we, somewhat innocently, asked if we absolutely had to go that route, we had some VCs laugh in our face and derogatorily refer to us as a "lifestyle business" if we refused their massive checks.


  • 可是回首自己走过发现其实终点的。

    However, when I look back on their own path traversed, but found that there are in fact the wind endpoint.


  • 无法掌控美丽萧条人生,亦爱情阳光飘过飘过无法预知生命礼赞

    Cannot control the beauty and depression, as well as in life, such as love, all the way that the wind across the rain poured through the sunshine across cage cream, life is full of mystery.


  • 下班回家的时候,非常,我不得不抓住帽子

    The wind was blowing so hard that I had to hold on to my hat when I went home from work.


  • 眼泪不再澎湃个痛快只为狭窄再惊骇,没什么可以阻碍

    The tear no longer rushes, a pain pain happiness, only for you, the road again is also narrow, the wind is again panic-stricken, anything has not been possible to hinder.


  • 段成功婚姻不是一帆顺的。有的只是两人并肩而行,崎岖,再灰尘弥漫,再困难共同走过的

    In a successful marriage, there is no such thing as one's way. There is only one way for both, only the bumpy, dusty, difficult, but always mutual path.


  • 活泼携带牛仔沿着带领又一代美国人西66公

    A brisk wind carries a cowboy hat along the road that carried generations of Americans west, Route 66.


  • 现在有气力了,走起来也更轻快树林里象花园里的那么紧吹着而使人疲乏

    She was stronger, she could walk BEtter, and in the wood the wind would not BE so tiring as it was across the bark, flatten against her.


  • 寻梦的旅途中必将不会一帆尽管荆棘满雨同舟,依然勇往直前追寻光芒

    Journey of their dreams will not be smooth, though full of thorns road, through thick and thin, but I still move forward and pursue Menger light.


  • 虽然现在全息,我们夜里还是前进了大段,眼下正停在距离低矮东岸东南方英里远的地方。

    Although the breeze had now utterly ceased, we had made a great deal of way during the night and were now lying becalmed about half a mile to the south-east of the low eastern coast.


  • 是以江铃陆越野车、百客车、格特拉克变速箱、马恒达拖拉机为代表的汽车制造产业

    Second, Automobile Making Industry headed by Landwind Co. producing off-road vehicle, Bai Lujia Bus, Getrag Gear and Mahindra Tractor.


  • 是以江铃陆越野车、百客车、格特拉克变速箱、马恒达拖拉机为代表的汽车制造产业

    Second, Automobile Making Industry headed by Landwind Co. producing off-road vehicle, Bai Lujia Bus, Getrag Gear and Mahindra Tractor.


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