• 一旦了解颜色色调如何影响网站,就要利用它们优点

    Once you've gotten an idea of how color and tone affects your website, use it to your advantage.


  • 一旦了解了颜色色调如何影响网站,就要利用它们优点

    Once you’ve gotten an idea of how color and tone affects your website, use it to your advantage.


  • 马文多德森稀土生产集中污渍实验室提供颜色色调多种

    Marvin Dodson, Rare Earth Labs produces concentrated stains that provide a wide variety of colors and tones.


  • 请注意图片内容不在考虑范围内,计算法只是分析图片的颜色色调

    Note, that the content of the photo is not taken into account, we only look at its color and tone elements.


  • 白天建筑玻璃窗周围发出不同颜色色调提供真正令人惊叹的景象

    During the day, the building's external glazing glows in varying surrounding colours and shades, offering truly stunning impressions.


  • 4图像处理相结合提供具有细节图像质量出色噪音颜色色调再现辉煌

    C 4 image processing combine to deliver outstanding image quality with fine detail, low noise and brilliant reproduction of colour and tones.


  • 经过硒调色图片颜色色调变化不同相纸上有不同的表现:褐色紫褐色,有着很细微、可辨别差别。

    The colour and degree of tonal changes achieved will vary according to the type of paper: ranging from cool chocolate-brown, through purplish brown, to little discernable change.


  • 其实它是用数码相机拍摄的,使用一些滤镜颜色调整赋予怀旧效果。

    The photo was actually taken on a digital camera, then degraded using a few filters and some quick color changes to give it a vintage look.


  • L-M-cone存在问题时,颜色的呈现则大多都基于两个色调,由此导致不能正确接收值得推荐的红-绿配色

    When there are problems with L- or M-cones the color appearance is mostly based on blue and yellow hues, the complimentary color pair red-green cannot be perceived correctly.


  • TAM岸线覆盖着层薄薄的诸如不同色调,它们的颜色取决于膜的厚度

    TAM's shoreline is coated with a film colored in different shades of red, orange, and yellow depending on how thick it is.


  • 这种颜色让人不禁联想到新生儿,而且能给人平静的力量,它代表着天空海洋,更神奇,它几乎任何色调形成完美的颜色搭配。

    Not only is it a color that we associate with newborn boys, it's also very calming, evokes the ocean and the sky, and pairs nicely with nearly any accent color.


  • 阳光做到只是将皮肤痤疮颜色的伪装而已。

    All the sun really does is provide a camouflage that blends your skin tone with acne marks.


  • 背景蓝色天空狮子身上色调光线颜色好极了

    The color is magnificent, with the cobalt blue sky in the background and the warm light on the lion.


  • 学习一个基本颜色原理熟悉颜色四个基本的维度色调,明暗,强度

    Learn some basic principles of colour theory. Familiarize yourself with the 4 basic dimensions of colour: hue, value, intensity and temperature.


  • 20世纪70年代潮的用色方式就是在色调上的变换——将一个颜色不同色度应用墙面、天花板木制品上。

    The most fashionable way to colour in the 1970s was tonally - several shades of the same colour applied to walls, ceiling and woodwork.


  • 韩国摄影师JeongMee Yoon的时间进行一项“粉色查”,拍摄了很多男孩女孩分别他们喜好颜色物品的合照。

    JeongMee Yoon, Korean photographer, has spent the last five years on the "Pink and Blue Project" : photographing boys and girls with their gender specific-coloured belongings.


  • 更高深度图像可以更多色调颜色进行编码因为更多的01可用组合

    Images with higher bit depths can encode more shades or colors since there are more combinations of 0's and 1's available.


  • 使用轻量覆盖层上层楼层提供了色调质地颜色,使之巧妙融入周围环境中。

    The use of lightweight zinc cladding gives the upper storey a muted tone, texture and colour that subtly merges with the surrounding environment.


  • 至于衣服颜色,斯坦格黑色红色以及宝蓝祖母绿这样的宝石色调比较时髦南瓜黄色显得老土。

    In terms of colour, black, red and jewel tones like sapphire blue and emerald GREen are in, while pumpkins and yellows are out, ms Stanger said.


  • 利用颜色创造氛围深色可以营造良好气氛,红色白色葡萄酒色调

    The atmosphere is created with colours. Dark color makes nice ambience, red and white are the shades of wine.


  • 令人放松颜色通常被认为诸如绿的冷色调

    The most relaxing colors are generally believed to be cool shades such as green and blue.


  • 材料颜色——混凝土阳极氧化铝——选择补充周围环境色调纹理。每种材料以原始的,处理的形式施用。

    The material paletteconcrete, steel and anodised aluminium – was chosen to complement the tones and textures of the surrounding environment. Each material is applied in a raw, untreated form.


  • 设计师选择互补颜色不同材料调配材质色调,呈现更好特性,与周围的自然景观完美地融合一起。

    Selected in a complementary palette, the varied materials play with textures and hues, and will take on greater character as they age in an evolving dialogue with the natural landscape.


  • 暖色一些颜色比如红色橙色黄色棕色定义色调而且大多数经常用来表达活力热情力量。

    Warm colors: colors such as red, orange, yellow and brown are defined as warm, and are most often used to energy, passion, and strength.


  • 暖色一些颜色比如红色橙色黄色棕色定义色调而且大多数经常用来表达活力热情力量。

    Warm colors: colors such as red, orange, yellow and brown are defined as warm, and are most often used to energy, passion, and strength.


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