• 方法采用少量FCPR信号子脉冲对目标响应进行采样,即可提取目标高分辨距离信息

    Target frequency domain response is sampled with only a few FCPR sub-pulses, from which target high resolution range information is reconstructed exactly.


  • 通过对不同泄漏条件系统频域响应进行对比分析,总结出不同泄漏条件对于响应最大峰值位置影响

    The frequency response diagram under different leakage conditions are analysis. The influence of different leakage conditions on the peak value in frequent response diagram is summarized.


  • 基于双信道响应,提出了一类双衰信道多天线正交分复用(MIMO-OFDM)系统的最优化频域设计方案

    The model of the MIMO-OFDM system in doubly-selective channels is derived and a lower bound of mean squared error(MSE) of the channel estimator using frequency domain pilot is presented.


  • 根据DF T滤波器响应分析OFDM系统ici产生原因,基础建立了ICI的频域上的数学模型得到CIR公式

    Based on the analysis of frequency response of DFT filter bank, the cause of ICI in OFDM systems in analyzed. A mathematic model is setup in frequency domain, and the CIR formula is obtained.


  • 大致说来频域内有一个,在这个内用很小可以引起很大响应

    Basically, this is a region in frequency where it takes very little force to cause large response.


  • 通过数值计算分析土层模量变化土层饱和度变化以及截面变化桩顶频域和时响应曲线影响

    Through numerical calculation, the influences of the variations of the modulus and degree of saturation of soil layer and cross-section of the pile on the response are analyzed.


  • 运用线性汽车动力学系统随机响应进行研究

    The method of frequency domain is used to research the random responses of linear system on vehicle dynamics.


  • 研究半空间饱和瑞利作用下动力响应

    The frequency domain response of single pile embedded in half-space saturated soil and subjected to Rayleigh waves was investigated.


  • 本文分析数字电视地面广播通信信道具有脉冲响应衰落特点,从上表达了其多径衰落信道模型

    The characteristics of the digital television terrestrial broadcasting (DTTB) channels with long impulse responses are analyzed, and the frequency domain multipath channel model is given.


  • 数据分析基础论述了旋转失速喘振状态下叶片振动响应特征

    Based on data analysis in both time and frequency domain, characteristics of blade vibration response at rotating stall and surge condition are introduced.


  • 首先,本文应用高阶边界元数值程序解开固定圆柱的运动响应受力大小并与计算结果进行对比,结果符合良好

    First of all, the response and force on a fixed cylinder in open sea can be solved using the numerical program in time domain, the result fits in with the frequency value well.


  • 同时还给出一个计算脉冲响应系数的简便方法

    A simple and convenient method is also given for computing impulse response coefficients in frequency domain.


  • 传统阵风响应主要频域进行分析气动载荷基于线性方法计算,不能考虑黏性跨声速流动影响

    Traditional gust responses are mainly analyzed based on linear aerodynamic load calculations in frequency-domain, which is unsuitable for and the viscous and transonic flows.


  • 相位信息需从频域分析得出。 本文应用摄动理论推导了锚泊线张力响应函数

    The first and second order frequency response functions obtained were compared with the corresponding theoretical ones.


  • 通过角度分析,考察控制系统稳定性过渡响应特性,从而设计LQG控制器

    On time-domain and frequency-domain aspects, steady and transient performances of the control system were considered to designing the LQG controller.


  • 综上述,参数VFD模型能够很好的反映推进剂粘弹特性,将它用于固体发动机动力学分析可以得到药柱在内的动态响应

    As mentioned above, three parameter VFD model can characterize the viscoelasticity of solid propellant. Applied it to SRM dynamic analysis, time and frequency domain response can be calculated.


  • 切比滤波器是一种性能优良的滤波器,由于定义响应特性,从而限制了它的适用性。

    Although the Chebyshev filter possesses attractive performances, its applications are limited due to the response properties being defined in the frequency domain.


  • 算法角度出发,从而将有限冲击响应信道识别简化一系列的无记忆系统识别问题。

    The algorithm analyzes the system in the frequency domain, then simplifies the finite-impulse-response channel estimate into several memoryless systems.


  • 电路频域三种分析法求解电路的完全响应,比较三种分析法物理意义和计算方法

    Using time-frequency-and complex frequency domain analysis to find the complete response of the circuit from the different point, has the different physics meaning and calculating method.


  • 本文从时频域两个方面论述提出汽车操纵运动动态响应误差概念

    In this PaPer, a concept of dynamic response deviation was proposed to analyse car handling property.


  • 采用响应特性分析方法典型变数据窗阻抗算法频域特性以及除非周期分量的能力进行了综合比较分析。

    The frequency performances and dc-offset rejection abilities of several typical variable-window algorithms are evaluated and compared based on the frequency-response analysis method.


  • 然后利用响应分析方法探讨了结构对不同率激励荷载的的敏感程度。

    Then, different sensitivity of latticed domes to various impulses in frequency domain is studied by applying harmonic lods.


  • 引入两个函数中得到了应力位移超孔隙水压力响应解答

    The analytical solutions of stresses, displacement and pore pressure amplitude are derived in frequency domain by introducing two scalar potential functions.


  • 方法得到桁架框架结构瞬态响应一种新的矩阵分析法。

    This is a novel matrix method of obtaining transient response of trusses and frames in frequency domain.


  • 由参数模型计算响应特性计算动态性能指标比较合理。

    It is more reasonable that the dynamic performance index both in frequency domain and in time domain should be calculated from model calculated frequency response and unit-step response.


  • 本文方法求解结构相互作用问题时与基础固定动力响应分析方法一致,只需要调整震动输入,就可得到问题的解答。

    The proposed method can solve the interaction problem in the same way as the conventional frequency domain analysis does for a fixed-base structure.


  • 大型水弹性响应频域计算方法了综述介绍。

    The frequency-domain-analysis methods for hydroelasticity of very large floating structures are discussed and reviewed.


  • 给出用于计算风致响应频域分析方法运用于双曲冷却塔壳体结构的计算中。

    Some frequency analysis methods of wind-induced dynamic response are provided in detail, we adjust them to hyperbolic cooling-tower thin-walled structure.


  • 基于脉冲响应描述瞬变求解方法

    Based on impulse response, the solving method of transient flow in frequency domain is described.


  • 基于脉冲响应描述瞬变求解方法

    Based on impulse response, the solving method of transient flow in frequency domain is described.


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