• 顺序字段决定了这个顺序,系统最小数值的规则开始。

    The Sequence field determines the order, starting with the lowest number and working up.


  • 为了匹配多个证书这些OU字段必须证书保持一致同一顺序显示

    In order to match multiple certificates, these OU fields must be consistent across certificates and appear in the same sequence.


  • 其他情况下可能要在输出中包含某些字段更改顺序、更改用于标识文本或者甚至完全跳过标识符文本。

    In other cases, I may want to only include certain fields in the output, change the order, change the identifier text used for a value, or even skip the identifier text completely.


  • 由于使用表单中的数据生成业务对象过程依赖字段顺序一定不能更改HTML中的输入元素顺序

    Because business object generation using the data in the form relies on the sequence of the fields, the order of the input elements in the HTML must not change.


  • 这些字段可以字符串布尔值、数字日期顺序列表关联映射

    Those field values may be strings, Boolean values, Numbers, dates, ordered lists, or associative maps.


  • 越来越具体顺序排列OU字段是因为SSLPEER需要从左指定OU节点。

    The ou fields should be arranged in order of increasing specificity because SSLPEER requires the ou nodes to be specified left to right.


  • 由译者改变字段顺序不可能因为句子属性文件已经分成几个词语

    It is impossible for the translator to change the order of the fields because the sentence has been split into more than one term in the properties file.


  • 定义顺序SQL查询中的数据字段相符

    Make sure the column definition order matches the data fields of the SQL query.


  • 清单3注释定义了一对命名给出顺序用于一个字段前导文本

    The Listing 3 annotation just defines a pair of named values, giving the order and lead text to be used for a field.


  • 临时创建字段sort用于ORDERby子句内,以便深度优先顺序获得返回结果

    The temporarily created field SORT is used within the ORDER BY clause, to get the result returned in the depth-first sequence.


  • 显示中的显示顺序就是每个文本正文字段回复连接到新电子邮件中的顺序

    The order shown in the display box is the order each rich text body field response is concatenated in the new email.


  • 包括使用索引数据库中检索字段次数以及执行查询步骤顺序

    It includes the indexes that are used, The Times at which fields are retrieved from the database tables, and the order of steps in which the query is executed.


  • 所生成页面输入字段顺序取决于业务对象定义定义对应字段顺序

    The order of the input fields on the generated page depends on the order in which the corresponding fields are defined in the business object definition.


  • 生成一个CSV文件需要输出文件显示顺序提供字段

    To produce a CSV file, you need to provide the fields in the order they should appear in the output file.


  • 调整显示数据顺序只是字段而已

    Adjusting the ordering of the data shown is simply a matter of dragging and dropping fields.


  • 字段类型选项默认字段顺序用户定义从而为文档添加定制数据元素

    The field types, options, default values, field orders, and so on are defined by the user to attach a custom form of data elements to the document.


  • 为了增加ClearQuest什么时候执行每种类型hook理解帮助评价 hook 代码,您可以查看信息中心来得到字段操作执行顺序

    To increase your understanding about when ClearQuest executes each kind of hook and to help you evaluate the hook code, see the Information center topic Execution order of field and action hooks.


  • 除了指定字段顺序staticconstraints允许里面放置一些验证规则

    In addition to specifying the field order, the static constraints block also lets you put some validation rules in place.


  • 如果实现userdefinedpushdownmethodsimplbean字段顺序类型发生了改变,用户必须更新反射更改更改同步

    If the order or type of the fields is changed in the bean after the UserDefinedPushDownMethodsImpl class has been implemented, you must update the class to reflect and synchronize with the changes.


  • 在下屏幕中,可以指定字段portlet中的显示顺序

    In the next screen, you can specify the order that your fields will appear in your portlet.


  • 假设一个复杂表单1015个字段选择框等用户第14个字段(按照表单顺序从上到下)输入文本时要激活某些Ajax代码

    Suppose you have a complex form with 10 or 15 fields, selection boxes, and the like, and you fire off some Ajax code when the user enters text in field 14 (way down the form).


  • 功能保留了实际输入字段自然顺序如果用户经常使用tab键在各个输入字段导航这个功能成为首选项。

    With this feature, the natural order of the actual input fields is preserved, making this a preferred option if your users frequently navigate input fields by tabbing.


  • 清单7顺序字段添加这个(这些约束影响中的顺序影响在视图中的顺序)。

    Add the fields to this block in the order shown in Listing 7. (These constraints don't affect the order of the columns in the table - just the view.)


  • 输入字段分组每个提供一个惟一的标识符这样就可以依赖于各组表单顺序方便地选择分组

    Group the input fields and give each group a unique identifier to provide an easy way to filter all the input fields and not be dependent on the ordering of groups in the form.


  • 跟踪单上会创建一个自定义优先级字段,此字段根据项目计划更新并且按照开发人员执行任务正当顺序传达给他们

    A custom priority field was created on the tracking tickets, updated based on the project plan, and dictated to each developer in the order they should perform their tasks.


  • 为了匹配多个证书这些OU字段必须证书保持一致同一顺序显示

    In order to match multiple certificates, the OU fields must be consistent across certificates and appear in the same sequence.


  • 清单14中的第二例子显示第一个字段按照数字顺序排序,对第二个字段按照字母顺序排序

    The second example in Listing 14 shows sorting the first field numerically and the second by collating sequence (alphabetically).


  • 如果喜欢字段按照字母顺序排序,也不用担心。

    Don't worry if you're not a fan of the alphabetical ordering of the fields.


  • HTTP报文压缩并不保留报头字段相关顺序

    HTTP header Compression does not preserve the relative ordering of header fields.


  • 每个提取实例,按正确的顺序用 ResourcePropertiesCMP字段)组成IndexedRecord

    For each extracted instance, compose an IndexedRecord with the ResourceProperties (CMP fields) in the right order.


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