• 联合创始人斯·韦斯林:“去年年底我们柏利基金会开展了规模宏大五年合作计划。”

    Co-founder Kresse Wesling said, "Late last year we launched an ambitious five-year partnership with the Burberry Foundation."


  • 加利福尼亚贝克尔斯·菲尔德斯诺排行榜垫底因为两个城市的贫困率主要评比中得分较低

    Bakersfield and Fresno in California came in at the very bottom of the list because their high poverty rate and low scores in the major categories.


  • 凯斯-西部保留地大学医学院的苏珊·德兰及其同事进行的研究显示高中生睡眠时间肥胖程度反比

    A study by Susan Redline and colleagues at Case Western Reserve University school of Medicine showed an inverse correlation between sleep duration and obesity in high-school-age students.


  • 最近的一研究里,合作者研究了空军学院学生健身习惯传播

    In a recent study, Carrell and collaborators examined the spread of fitness habits in students at the Air Force Academy.


  • 物理学家奥纳多·罗迪诺了一群众实验表明操纵人们简单问题答案如此容易,甚至需要用很明显的动作。

    A crowd experiment run by physicist Leonard Mlodinow showed how easy it is to manipulate a people's answers to simple questions without doing anything overt.


  • 研究分析了参与20岁明汉心脏研究的女性完成调查

    One study analyzed surveys completed by women enrolled in the 20-year Framingham Heart study.


  • 姆先生清楚地讲解了1963以来一些黑幕,都是约旦国王以色列人秘密交易历史记录,但没有被公开的记录,直到1994年犹太签订和平协议

    Mr Shlaim spells out in hitherto unpublished detail the history of secret dealings between the king and the Israelis, from 1963 until 1994, when he signed a peace treaty with the Jewish state.


  • 克林顿国务卿表示特别喜欢·加瓦有关开始计分建议以便能够密切追踪双方代表团的进展

    Clinton said she particularly liked Natalegawa's suggestion that the two sides begin a score card so they can closely track the progress of the delegations.


  • 贝尔·要求法官不得同意米尔斯请求贝卢斯科尼作为证人以及直布罗陀收集证据

    Bertole asked the judges not to agree to two requests by Mills's lawyer: to call Berlusconi as a witness and to gather evidence from Gibraltar.


  • 心理科学》(·,2010),荷兰心理学家大卫·德·克他的同事新的研究阐述了这些期望值

    Just how high these expectations are is demonstrated by Dutch psychologist David DE Cremer and colleagues in a new study published in Psychological Science (DE Cremer et al., 2010).


  • 麦克博士同事分别进行了研究

    Dr McCrea and his colleagues conducted three separate studies.


  • 斯坦福大学教授贾斯汀·格里默哈佛教授格·在研究中表示,“对大多数议员来说,党派嘲讽似乎成了重要内容。”

    Partisan taunting seems to play a central role in the behavior of many senators, ” declared the study, by Justin Grimmer of Stanford and Gary King of Harvard.


  • 美国海军授予公司合同,以提高宙斯盾系统性能宙斯盾武器系统提供支持

    TEWKSBURY, Mass. | The U. S. Navy has awarded Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) two contracts that extend the company's legacy of performance and support for the Aegis weapons system.


  • 目前,通过对明汉的数据分析新的研究表明孤独也是一种传染病

    Now a new study that USES Framingham to analyse loneliness has found that it spreads very much like a communicable disease.


  • 带着108荣誉于2003年退役为加拉塔队的守门员教练

    Retired in 2003 with 108 caps and is now goalkeeping coach at Galatasaray.


  • 神公司移动适应网络协议也是系统研发关键技术

    Raytheon's mobile AD hoc networking protocols are among the key technologies used in the system's development.


  • 对于我后一问题无比激动发现了安妮·纳德(Annie Leonard)东西故事系列的最新增稿:化妆品的故事。

    With the latter point in mind, I was thrilled to discover Annie Leonard's latest addition to her Story of Stuff series: the Story of Cosmetics.


  • 然而最近关注点放在下周马德里大师赛上也是法网最后一赛事

    Murray's immediate focus, though, is on clay and next week's Madrid Masters 1000, his last event before the French Open.


  • 现年八十二岁高龄的尼克先生年前患有早期阿尔茨海病,他当时注册参加了旨在帮助阿尔茨海默病其它记忆障碍患者康复的实验

    Two years ago, Mr. Reznick, who has early-stage Alzheimer's disease and is now 82, signed up for an experiment intended to help people with Alzheimer's and other memory disorders.


  • 凭借电影《如果还有明天》中的客串角色以及bbc短片路德》中的精湛的演技,今年艾尔巴共摘得艾美奖提名,同时,他2009年电影《痴迷》以及今年夏天《索尔》影片担纲主演

    He nabbed two Emmy nominations this year, for his guest role in "The Big C" and his lead in the BBC mini-series "Luther," and has starred in films such as 2009's "Obsessed" and this summer's "Thor."


  • 实验中研究者一张向所罗门·舍夫斯基展示个含有30字母数字复杂公式

    In one experiment, researchers showed Shereshevskii a complex formula of thirty letters and Numbers on a piece of paper.


  • 保持良好身材凯利(Ray Kelly)作为纽约市警长工作要求

    Keeping fit is a requirement of Ray Kelly's job as commissioner of the New York City Police Department.


  • 这个雇员文案编写人主营直递邮件的部门森-波霍尔工作,有一事务涉及到超过25万个信件,需要推销一本破产手册律师

    The employee, a copywriter, worked on a major direct-mail initiative for Grensing-Pophal that involved more than 250, 000 mailers to promote a bankruptcy book to lawyers.


  • 现在变成了同时拥有空对地种不同武器,那它对付巨时候会不会同时使出两武器?

    With the Thor back to having both anti-air and anti-ground attacks, will he be capable of discharging both weapons simultaneously at a Colossus?


  • 维吉尼亚可依靠中心主任。他另一个重要努力今年国会提议法案:社会选择

    Doris Ray is a director of the ENDependence Center of Northern Virginia. She says another important effort is a bill proposed this year in Congress: the Community Choice Act.


  • 参议员克里厄姆发表第三声明我们应该考虑征收国境”,针对那些来自环境标准低下的国家商品

    The third announcement from Senators Kerry and Graham is that "we should consider a border tax" on goods from countries with lax environmental standards.


  • 研究影响特别关注短期经济罗等。

    One study that is particularly concerned with short-term economic impacts is Herrero et al.


  • 研究影响特别关注短期经济罗等。

    One study that is particularly concerned with short-term economic impacts is Herrero et al.


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