• 为期两天海上军事演习韩国釜山领海附近举行的。

    The two-day naval drill is taking place in the waters near the South Korean city of Busan.


  • 辣椒素列品种天鹰朝天椒五彩椒、牛角椒、韩国釜山

    Types of pepper: sky eagle pepper, Facing sky pepper, Colorful pepper, Cattle horn pepper, Korean Fushan red pepper, etc.


  • 2005年底,韩国釜山国际电影节,巫俊峰加入亚洲电影研究会。

    In late 2005, he attended the Asian Film Academy at the Pusan International Film Festival in Korea.


  • 研究基本目的在于分析当今韩国釜山地铁一号线壁画设置实况。

    The basic objective of the present study is to analyze the configuration of the mural paintings inside Pusan Subway Line No.


  • 来自超过55个国家几千参与者齐聚韩国釜山,参加第10届亚太艾滋病国际大会

    Several thousand participants from more than 55 countries are in Busan, South Korea, for the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific.


  • 海洋航行者号“欧洲上海前往日本福冈神户韩国釜山济州岛

    The ship will come to Shanghai from Europe and offer a variety of trips to ports in Japan and South Korea, including Fukuoka and Kobe in Japan, and Busan and Jeju in South Korea.


  • 今年十月韩国釜山举行会议上,涉及父母IPCC成员国代表—将决定他们希望成为哪种父母。

    At a meeting in Busan, South Korea, this October, the parents in question-the representatives of the IPCC's member governments-will decide which sort they want to be.


  • APEC领导人们韩国釜山进行会面后,这个由21个成员国组成的APEC组织宣布了一项协议。

    The 21 members of the Asia-Pacific economic cooperation group released the statement Saturday. The APEC leaders met for 2 days in Pusan, South Karea.


  • 金龙善先生是韩国釜山云台海边长大从小便是摄影跟着摄影协会爸爸一起,学习拍摄自觉洗印照片。

    Kim grew up in Korea busan Haeundae over the sea he is photography fans follow the father of photography association learning and consciously develop photographs.


  • 韩国釜山国立大学KwangheeLee加州大学SantaBarbara分校的AlanHeeger从事研究用导电塑料制作太阳能电池

    Kwanghee Lee of Pusan National University, in South Korea, and Alan Heeger of the University of California, Santa Barbara, work on solar cells made of electrically conductive plastics.


  • 韩国东南部港口城市釜山周日最低气温降到了零下12.8摄氏度,是96年来的最低温。一名流浪汉被活活冻死。

    The temperature in the southeastern port of Busan sank to minus 12.8 degrees Sunday, the lowest level in 96 years, causing the death of a homeless man.


  • 釜山国际电影节导演金东浩,韩国这座海滨度假城市晚宴上,将奖项颁给这位77资深导演制片人

    Pusan International Film Festival director Kim Dong-ho presented the award to the 77-year-old veteran director and producer at banquet in the South Korean beach resort city late Friday.


  • 1592年的111日,釜山战役,人数处于劣势的韩国海军打败了人数占优的日本

    November 1, 1592, at the Battle of Busan, the outnumbered Korean navy defeats a larger Japanese army.


  • 7韩国最大港口城市釜山举行"国际式",成为日前韩国庆祝建军60周年的亮点。

    The International Fleet Review opened Tuesday in South Korea's biggest port city, Pusan. The event commemorates the 60th anniversary of the Republic of Korea's armed forces.


  • 如果项目得到双方政客点头条79英里(128公里)的火车隧道同时日本西南部城市唐津韩国南部港口釜山同时动工。

    Should the project get the nod from the politicos, work will begin on joining the southwestern Japanese city of Karatsu with the south Korean port of Busan with a 79-mile (128-km) train tunnel.


  • 影片讲述韩国爆发僵尸病毒之时,旅客在首尔釜山列车上死里逃生的故事。

    While a zombie-virus breaks out in South Korea, a couple of passengers struggle to survive on the train from Seoul to Busan.


  • 然而釜山似乎面临着大的威胁来自光阳另一韩国港口执意增加转运交通

    However, Busan appeared to face a greater threat from Kwangyang, another South Korean port bent on increasing its transhipment traffic.


  • 韩国南部城市,位于釜山以西位于农业区的运输中心人口29,000。

    A city of southern south Korea west of Pusan. It is a transportation center in an agricultural region. Population, 29,000.


  • 韩国釜山因为韩国失业率求职者一场招聘会的面试中排成了长龙。

    With high unemployment in South Korea, job seekers formed a long line for interviews at a job fair in Busan.


  • 1952年期间保存血液仓库维持韩国釜山首尔,其中有三个高级仓库维持在美军陆军第八区。

    During 1952, reserve blood depots were maintained in Korea at Pusan and Seoul, and three advanced depots were maintained in Eighth U. s.


  • 2009年加利福尼亚公司DRDS建筑项目赢得了KNN网络媒体中心釜山韩国建筑设计竞赛一等奖

    In fall 2009, the entry by Californian firm DRDS Architecture won the first prize in the architectural design competition for the new KNN Media Center in Busan, Korea.


  • 照理说,应该大把机会釜山或者其他韩国电影节确实没有

    Normally, I should have had plenty of chances to go to Pusan or other Korean film festivals, but it hasn't been that way.


  • 1592年今天,釜山战役中,人数处于劣势的韩国海军打败了人数占优的日本

    1592 - at the Battle of Busan, the outnumbered Korean navy defeats a larger Japanese army.


  • 伦敦金属交易所(LME)期库存连续出现下降亚洲三个仓库(分别位于韩国釜山、光阳以及新加坡)成为库存主要流出地

    There saw continuous drops in LME copper warehouse stocks, mainly outflowed from the three Asian warehouses located in Korea and Singapore.


  • 釜山韩国第2大城市

    "Busan" 2nd largest city in Korea!


  • 这部韩国当红影星李秉宪加盟影片釜山上映,该片部分场景就是那儿拍摄的。

    The film, also starring Korean heartthrob Lee Byung-hun, will screen at Pusan, where some of it was shot.


  • 这部韩国当红影星李秉宪加盟影片釜山上映,该片部分场景就是那儿拍摄的。

    The film, also starring Korean heartthrob Lee Byung-hun, will screen at Pusan, where some of it was shot.


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